The Gene Gamer

Chapter 71: Illusion Space

A layer upon layer that is also covered by another layer... what a terrifying concept this was. 

He could feel each of these colorful worlds could advance in space and laws to form a separate world itself. This concept was an interesting one as that meant that if this space could advance greatly, it could produce life within them. 

Due to the distortion of laws and rules, each world would also have differences within them and the variety of the power system would also vary.

If there was life, there could also be intelligence and this led to the thought of each realm having their own race and developing their own path. 

He already had a draft in his mind that somehow speculated the future of this space. There were many and possibly millions of places that were divided by the wall of darkness, this also meant a possible space that contained millions of worlds in itself. 

Each world could produce their own civilization and power system and develop from this path to dominate other worlds. 

For example, one world might have cultivation as a power system with ancient qi immortals and such residing within them but another could be a magical world where they cultivated the elements to grow in bond with the laws and runes. 

There were infinite possibilities for the development of power system, who knows he might just experience the rise of a technological civilization that acted as one being controlled by one main mind.

Considering that a person could reach a certain level in power, it meant that they could break their shackles of the world and discover the millions of worlds out there and realize how pitiful they were. But this could also lead to the war between worlds to devour one another to grow in both resources and the discovery of another power system to integrate into their own system. 

In the end, it might be similar to the concept of a universe containing millions and billions of worlds out there with several fractions of power holding the worlds and acting as the leaders. 

The way to there was a long journey and even breaking their own shackles was very hard that only the selected chosen could do so, but this didn't consider the world above them in other words a higher dimension, universe. 

He had only just noticed the existence of this realm where it was above the one he was residing in, creating a very strong barrier that repelled everything, even rules back not letting anything enter nor exit it. 

It could be said to be the immortal realm whereas the universe like dimension he was in was the mortal realm. The battle of many strong worlds that could last billions, trillions of years even having the possibility of never being able to overpower the other to discover a higher realm where they could never hope to reach unless one sole power dominates and rules the entire universe.

However, all the rules and laws they had comprehended would go to him since he could almost ensure he was the original master of this place. The runes and laws being contained here were taken from the original world into this place, imprisoned. 

Although he had kept them here, he couldn't comprehend them or comprehending them would take a long time so he could use the comprehension of these people to boost his and grow to become stronger. 

This was the future he could speculate from the direction he was growing but it required his power to reach a very high level where he could rival the ancient gods and that also may not be sufficient...

Although he didn't know when he would reach it he would strive to reach that goal. This may just be another goal he had set for himself. He would very much like to see such a space, it attracted his interest.

Entering the immortal place, he saw nothing but an endless amount of land.. Even stretching his perception and taking control of this place, it was massive and he couldn't even describe it in words. 

Just that it was very wide and could be said to be endless. 

For now it was only a piece of land without any life in it, but he believed there will be vegetation and lifeforms existing here soon and it was because of the many rules and laws it had obtained. 

Far from him, he could see that a sapling had just taken shape and was growing rapidly, tens of kilometers within a second. As it grew, the vegetation of the place it was in also took shape as it would one day turn into a place filled with vitality. 

This giant tree will be the first lifeform to have ever existed so he of course had to give it a gift. A gift from the lord.

What he thought of was giving the tree a name. It was giving it spirituality and also a sense of existence. It would also make its path more smoother and more clear. 

After thinking for some time, he gave it the name "Heilsa". 

Upon receiving the name, the tree that had grown the size of a giant tree reaching 17 kilometers started regressing and shrinking until it reached the size of a sapling again. 

Twitching, the complicated runes and law patters appeared on the body of the sapling flashing with a golden radiance. This gift he bestowed was the power of vitality and also the gift of yin and yang, the extremes. 

Without yin, then yang wouldn't exist and without yang, the yin wouldn't exist. The reason for giving the tree this was blessing it so it wouldn't die easily and even if it dies, it will revive back to life. This was his gift. 

Within the space, he was practically the god.

After getting its own name, the sapling once again started growing but this time, its base and quality was much more with the space its influence reached much more. 


All these rules he could utilize, these weren't his own comprehension and it only existed in this place. He also couldn't bring them outside since this space distorted the laws and reality, it created a solid barrier where nothing could get out of it.

It would also be delusional to think that his comprehension speed would become faster since he's experiencing the control of these rules within another, completely independent space they would differ greatly from the original one. 

Trying to comprehend the rules from outside with the one from inside would mean suicide. 


By now, he had already fully understood this space that had intruded him and that there was no need to be cautious of it. The space itself was submissive to him and would do anything he ordered and he also understood about its origin.

The reason it was created and also the reason it was being so submissive to him was because it was created from his radiation when he was undergoing evolution. 

Ghosts were considered to be one of the top races within this genetician world and it was attributed to the dimension law. It was the darling of space and the master of the void, with an innate talent each of them had the potential to reach third-tier and even reaching fourth-tier would just be a little harder.

In the process of understanding space, his innate gene worked to separate a certain space that secluded the laws and rules within there. Then fueled with more comprehension and radiation, it was fully refined by him.

Due to its origin being him, the unknown space was sure to be submissive to him.

The space itself could be said to be another world itself, just that it was contained within his current world, the genetician world. This also led to the hypothesis of there being other worlds other than the one he was residing in being more possible.

Since he had this space and the law he had comprehended, he was sure to be able to get away from this place and end up in another world meaning he could mess things up and reap all benefits angering quite a few powerholding organizations and escape. 

But there were still a lot of other possibilities so he shouldn't delve on this matter further. 

Thinking of a name, he named the space 'Illusion Space' since this place distorted laws and illusions were also distorted and deceiving. As for the two sections within it, he named the universe like one 'Mortal Universe' and the stronger one 'Immortal Realm', simple and direct.

Exiting the illusion space, he saw the environment that had been destroyed due to the evolution. No life could be found and even the slightest of energy had been taken away from this world, gone forever.

Immediately after exiting, multiple dangerous alarms went off in his mind as he felt his instinct constantly and urgently reminding him to get away from this world. 

Somehow puzzled he could only take the decision to leave this place. Although he wanted to stay in this place more and research more about the strange and weirdness of it seems like the world itself won't make him.

Before he might have been unable to get out of this space but now, getting out wasn't that much hard as head gone through evolution and had studied the dimension rune further into the comprehension of 50%. 

Tearing the space around him, a space hole was formed. Taking a step into the void and deep dark hole, he smoothly entered it. As soon as he had gone out, the space hole closed leaving the tattered and destroyed surroundings that had no possibility for life in the future. 

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