The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 78

"We should concentrate our forces together and fight the devils to the death!" Li Tiezhu, the commander of the third company, was always so passionate and brave, daring to confront the devils head-on.

The commander of the fourth company, Wu Jiang, insisted on relying on the buildings of Jiangqiao to resist steadily, and it counted as long as he could hold on.

Yang Ling agreed with Wu Jiang's opinion, but added one thing: "We can rely on the buildings in the town to fight in the streets, but we can't defend from street to house. We should divide our troops into several assault teams and rely on the complex terrain of the town to fight against the devils." Guerrilla warfare."

"Guerrilla warfare?"

"Yes, each assault team relies on buildings to swim and fight. When encountering small groups of devils, they work together to eliminate them. When encountering large groups of devils, they disperse and slow them down, throw grenades, and harass them with cold guns..."

Although the supplementary regiment captured some of the devil's equipment, its firepower was generally at a disadvantage. If it followed Li Tiezhu's example and fought head-to-head with the devil, it would have to hit the devil head-to-head.

However, if they spread out and rely on the town to fight guerrilla warfare, the firepower advantage of the devil soldiers in this street will be limited, and the soldiers of the supplementary regiment are better able to protect themselves. However, it is not so easy for the devils to catch up. As long as the various assault teams coordinate well, they may be able to inflict great damage on the devils.

Yang Ling had already established some prestige in the supplementary regiment after leading the advance team to eliminate the devils last night. His suggestion was immediately supported by most of the people, and now only the regiment deputy Liu Ming nodded.

Liu Ming was also considering the feasibility of guerrilla warfare. They were used to fighting in large groups and confronting the enemy head-on. Now that Yang Ling suddenly proposed such a strategy, he was thinking about it.

But in the end, he gritted his teeth and decided to trust Yang Ling once. He was going to take a gamble and put the treasure on Yang Ling.

After the general defense formation was determined, the surviving members of the supplementary regiment took active actions. They were divided into several guerrilla groups and scattered among the dilapidated buildings in the town.

The town is a typical Anhui-style building, with a high-walled courtyard, which was bombed by Japanese soldiers' planes and mortar shells. There are many ruins and walls, and it has become more complicated. This provides Yang Ling and the others with guerrilla street fighting to survive. soil.

Yang Ling, Old Wangtou and five other soldiers were a guerrilla group, nesting in a side room of a landlord's compound. A big hole was blown into the house, and the light came in through the big hole to make the house not so dark.

The window on the left side of the house had been smashed into a hole by Yang Ling with the butt of his gun. He leaned against the wall under the window and pressed bullets into the barrel of the gun.

Now almost everyone in the supplementary regiment has a [-] rifle with a large cover. It's not that they like the [-] rifle so much, but compared to the various broken guns they used to have, the [-] rifle is easy to use and accurate. The most important thing It is full of bullets.

The advance team of devils they wiped out last night, almost every devil was carrying more than 100 bullets, several melon grenades, and a lot of machine gun grenades were seized. It is rare for them to be rich now.

Old Wang's head and arm were injured and he couldn't shoot. Yang Ling wanted him to move to the rear with the other wounded, but he refused to leave, so he had to be the ammunition delivery man with a lot of bullets and grenades on him.

Not long after Yang Ling and the others hid in the house, the noise of the engine of the devil's chariot came from outside the town, and a small soldier ran into the room where Yang Ling and the others were hiding: "Company commander, the devil is here, several hundred indivual!"

The old Wangtou was startled when he heard this, and hurried out of the house, climbed up the roof along the bamboo ladder, looked around, my dear, there is a large group of devil soldiers in the east of the town, and there are several devil cars chariot.

"Company commander, I'm afraid we're in trouble." Seeing such devils and chariots, Old Wang was fearless, and he couldn't help but tremble in his calves at this moment.

Last night, dozens of people from an advance team of devils beat him to the point where he was almost powerless to fight back. Now that there are so many devil soldiers, a haze suddenly enveloped his heart.

"The soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, afraid of shit, follow the company commander, the devils come and beat one, and two hit one pair!" Some people have full confidence in Yang Ling.

Yang Ling also climbed up the bamboo ladder, and had a rough estimate of the devil's strength in his mind. Five tanks, about two squadrons of devils, two [-]-type infantry guns pulled by mules and horses, grenadier mortars Not a lot, it seems that the devil is bound to win Jiang Qiao.

Body 1 Chapter [-] Shelling

Captain Guizi is called Ueno Cunfu, and he belongs to the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Division. Their regiment charged fiercely in the battle of Yunzaobang, and they were the first to cross Yunzaobang to capture the middle ** The position of the regiment, but they also suffered heavy losses. Most of the officers at all levels of the entire regiment were killed and disabled. ?? ??

When the Ninth and Third Divisions of the Japanese Army stormed Dachang Town, the [-]st Regiment did not participate in it, but waited for the recruits to make up for the battle damage. Come up to fight.

Although most of the two squadrons led by Mr. Ueno were newly recruited, their old roots were still there, and they were known for their toughness and ferocity in combat. So when they learned that the Seventh Advance Squadron had encountered setbacks in Jiangqiao, they immediately He rushed over aggressively.

The Jiangqiao in the binoculars was shrouded in a faint mist, and it was quiet. You could see the ruins after the fierce battle, but there were no fortifications of the defenders, and there was no figure of the defenders. His brows were frowned, could it have been captured by the eighth advance team?But what about the people of the seventh advance team?


Just when Captain Ueno was puzzled, a devil soldier hurried over.

"The body of the seventh advance team was found next to the bamboo forest 500 meters away on the left."


Captain Ueno Cunfu climbed out of the chariot, surrounded by a group of devil soldiers, and went straight to the bamboo forest several hundred meters away.

On the grass outside the bamboo forest, the corpses of more than 60 devil soldiers were placed in a row on the grass, and some of them were separated and their heads had been chopped off.

It wasn't that Yang Ling and the others abused the corpse, but that they were accidentally chopped off by Liu Yidao and others during the final hand-to-hand fight between the two sides.

Of course, the devil soldiers' heads were accidentally chopped off, so Yang Ling and the others deliberately stripped them off. Firstly, they picked up the devil soldier's spoils, and secondly, they vented their anger. Vent anger.

"Baga! Road! Baga!!" Lieutenant Ueno Villager saw so many soldiers of the imperial army were beaten to death here and stripped naked, his face was livid with anger, and his facial muscles trembled with anger with.

Captain Ueno was cursing angrily, and the other devil officers and soldiers were also furious, their teeth gnashing. In their opinion, this was an insult to the soldiers, and they couldn't bear it!

Captain Ueno Villager quickly turned his anger on Jiang Qiao. He wanted to avenge the imperial soldiers of the Seventh Advance Detachment!The heads of those Chinese soldiers should be used as sacrifices to their spirits in heaven!

Captain Ueno Cunfu quickly gathered a group of lieutenants and second lieutenants under his command, spread out the map, and began to assign combat tasks.

"Mr. Takahashi, your first team will go to the west of the town to establish a defensive line, the second team will go to the north, and the third team will go to the south to surround the town! Make sure not to let a fly fly out of the town!"

"Hayi!" Squadron leader Takahashi and the three devil second lieutenants bowed heavily.

After receiving the order, the three captains of the second lieutenants immediately summoned more than 50 devils from their headquarters, and carried machine gun grenades to other directions in the town, trying to surround Jiangqiao.

"Yoshino-kun, you personally bring people into the town to test the strength of the Chinese army." Captain Ueno Muro waited until Takahashi Squadron left, and turned his gaze to a lieutenant officer.

"Boom!" Just as Lieutenant Yoshino was about to answer the order, suddenly there were several violent explosions from the left side, and they subconsciously lay down on the ground. When they looked up, a puff of gunpowder smoke rose from the bamboo forest.

"Sir, the Chinese people laid mines on the corpses of the imperial army. Mr. Kaohsiung and Mr. Xiaolin were unfortunately killed..." A disgraced devil soldier quickly rushed over.

"Ah! Baga! Chinaman! Baga!" Hearing the sergeant's report, Captain Ueno was like a dynamite keg that had been fired at the moment, and he couldn't be more angry.

When Yoshino Takahashi saw the angry captain, he didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately shouted, commanding more than 100 devils from his two teams to rush straight to Jiangqiao.

"Hahaha, this is enough for the little devil to drink a pot." In the house of the landlord's compound, the old Wangtou heard the explosion outside the town, and laughed happily: "Company commander, guess the little devil was killed by the explosion." How many?"

Yang Ling rolled his eyes at the excited Old Wang: "It's not like you don't know the power of our grenades. It can kill a few devil soldiers at most. How many more do you want to kill?"

The grenades that Yang Ling and the others received were all wooden-handled grenades. The manufacturing process was poor, and the quality was uneven. The explosion range was only two or three meters, and the lethality was limited. Don't act so recklessly.

In fact, the grenades of Devil Soldiers are very lethal, but what is very painful is that their grenades are impact fuzes. After the insurance is pulled out, they have to be bumped to explode, so they lose the ability to touch mines.

"Okay, stop laughing, check the ammunition, the devil soldiers should be coming in soon." Yang Ling grimaced, and ordered.

There were seven people in Yang Ling's guerrilla group. After hearing Yang Ling's order, they all stopped laughing and calmed down. After all, they were about to fight the devils, so they couldn't be careless.

The [-]-type infantry artillery of the devil soldiers launched an attack at a rapid rate, and the [-]mm high-explosive shells smashed towards the broken Jiangqiao.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound, a large cloud of smoke and dust rose up in Jiangqiao Town, and the air wave swept the gunpowder smoke and moved towards the surroundings. Amidst the violent tremors, the crumbling blue tiles on the roofs crashed down , Just like a rain, the defenders hiding in the house cursed again and again.

Old Wangtou and the others hid under a door panel in the corner, listening to the banging sound of the upper side of the wooden plank. Although they couldn't hurt them, they still ate a nose of ashes.

The Guizibing Type [-] infantry cannon is a magical weapon on the eastern battlefield. It can shoot both curved and flat shots. It is also light in weight. The most troublesome weapon for Chinese defenders.

High-explosive bombs roared wantonly in the town, walls collapsed one after another, smoke filled the air, and gunpowder smoke filled the air. The entire river bridge trembled under the bombardment of the devil's infantry artillery.

"Come and help! Little Six is ​​buried!"

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