The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 79

The walls of some houses collapsed and buried soldiers who were hiding. When the rest of the people hurriedly dug them out of the ruins, the buried people were already covered in blood and were directly crushed to death.

One guerrilla group was unlucky. The high-explosive bomb directly penetrated the roof and landed on the room where they were hiding. With a bang, all eight people were killed in one go.

But generally speaking, in the first round of shelling by the devil soldiers, compared to the previous direct loss of half of the soldiers, this time.The casualties of the defenders were not large.

The artillery stopped, but the gunpowder smoke had not cleared away, the whole town was shrouded in dust and gunpowder smoke, and nothing could be seen, and the ears of the defenders were buzzing, and nothing could be heard.

About two teams of more than 100 devil soldiers had already rushed towards the town amidst the shouts of the officers, and were submerged in gunpowder smoke.

Body 1 Chapter [-] Street Fighting

Street fighting has always been the most brutal and bloody. Fighting in a small, fragmented space means that the chances of close-range firefights and hand-to-hand combat between the two sides have increased significantly, and it has become more dangerous.

During street fighting, the vision of both sides is limited, and no one knows whether an enemy has already arrived before turning a street corner or breaking into a yard, which increases the risk of uncertainty.

Jiangqiao Town is not a city, but the huge residential community provides feasibility for street fighting. In addition, it has been bombarded by devils' aircraft and artillery, and the town has become more complicated. For the defenders, street fighting is their best option. choose.

Yang Ling and the others were not purely street fighting, because they were not fighting street by street, but relying on the huge residential buildings to deal with the devils, guerrilla warfare, mainly to kill the vital forces of the devil soldiers and achieve the goal of defending the river bridge.

The landlord's compound where Yang Ling and the others are hiding is one of the few large courtyards in the town with three entrances and three places. It is close to the front street of the town. The reason they chose this place is because the walls are high and thick. It is also difficult to get in.

The front and back doors of the compound had been blocked with debris. Yang Ling and his guerrilla group of seven were guarding the houses next to the street to facilitate the first wave of attacks.

Lieutenant Yoshino, the leader of the Devil Squadron, led more than 100 devil soldiers and entered the town behind two tanks. Because of the bombing, the streets were piled up with collapsed walls and rubble, making them a mess.

The two chariots of the devils advanced more than ten meters and then lay down. Because there were ruins everywhere and the road was gone, the chariots had to stop in place to cover the devil infantry.

Under the gesture of the officer, more than 100 Japanese soldiers, armed with rifles, climbed up the ruins in battle formation and searched for the inside of the town.

The town was quiet, except for the broken and mottled walls, and the pieces of wood that had been blown to pieces, there were ruins and rubble everywhere.

There are still some corpses of ghost soldiers lying in the ruins. They are the ghost soldiers who were killed when they attacked the town last night. Except for these dead people, this place is surprisingly strange.

The boots of the ghost soldiers stepped on the rubble and made a clanging sound. They looked around vigilantly, but apart from the ruins, they didn't find a single Chinese defender.

The two ghost soldiers squatted on the ground, and one of the sergeants pointed to the half-covered house in front of a ghost soldier, motioning him to go in and search.

The devil soldier nodded in understanding, and under the cover of the rest of the devil soldiers, he sneaked against the wall and under the window of the house, touched a grenade and threw it in along the window.

With a bang, shattered rubble and smoke gushed out of the window, and the devil soldiers under the window rushed in with their guns in their hands, regardless of the gravel hitting the helmet.

But nothing was found, except for the empty house, and the other ghost soldiers who were covering were also very puzzled. Where are the Chinese defenders?

The devil soldier came out of the house with a rifle in his hand, and shook his head at the cover devil soldier, signaling safety.

But as soon as he took a step, he suddenly saw several black holes on the wall of a house across the street, and there seemed to be figures shaking.

The devil soldier opened his mouth wide, wanting to warn the other devil soldiers on the street, but with a bang, the bullet flew into the devil soldier's long mouth, pulling a lot of flesh and blood and flying out from the back of his neck. A bright red color appeared on the wall.

The ghost soldier swayed, and then fell straight into the rubble, splashing a large amount of dust.

bang bang bang-

A series of gunshots rang out, and the attacks came from all directions. There were bullets from the roof of the house in front, as well as bullets from the windows on both sides, and holes in the walls. It was dense like bullet rain, and the devils in the ruins seemed to be frightened. Some of the rabbits lay down on the spot, and some hurriedly looked for cover to hide.

The devils reacted quickly, and more than a dozen devils were overturned by this round of attacks, and several more were wailing among the rubble while clutching their wounds.

With a crash, the bullet casing jumped out of the gun happily, splashing and falling on the rubble under his feet. Yang Ling pulled the bolt with a calm expression, and another bullet stood on the starting line.

Yang Ling glanced at the devil soldier who had injured his thigh. He was crawling to the back of a dilapidated carriage in pain, trying to hide his body.


Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and faint gunpowder smoke floated up. The bullet spun high and sank into the devil's chest, splashing a cloud of blood, and the devil soldier who was struggling to move struggled twice and became silent.

"Over there! Over there!" A devil squad leader saw the window protruding from the gun and roared angrily. More than 20 devils raised their [-] rifles against the window.

"Go!" Yang Ling rolled backwards, shouted, and went straight to the gate.

The window edge behind him was crackled by bullets, and sawdust was flying everywhere. The old Wang, who was about to throw a grenade, trembled in fright, and ran out of the house grabbing the grenade.

boom!As soon as they ran out of the house, two consecutive grenades rolled in through the window with smoke, and the whole house was splashed with rocks and rubble.

More than 100 devil soldiers reacted within a few seconds of the gunshot, immediately lying down to find cover and then immediately began to fight back. The reaction speed of the devil soldiers made several guerrilla groups suffer.

They were thinking of firing a few more shots before retreating, but the devils' fierce counterattack had already arrived. Two defenders lying on the roof were hit by the devils, and rolled down the eaves, carrying a lot of rubble. Let's go down.

One of them didn't die immediately, the two devils rushed up and stabbed to death on the spot with bayonets.

"Fuck you, retreat quickly!" Liu Yidao led the soldiers of the guerrilla team and was about to fight again. Liu Yidao cursed and got into the hole in the back first, and entered another courtyard.

Seeing the evacuation of the guerrilla group, the devil soldiers immediately stuck to it like brown sugar. The devil soldier's marksmanship was accurate, and several Chinese soldiers who were unable to dodge were shot and fell to the ground. The rest wanted to go back to save them, but the devil had already caught up. Had to run away in pain.

After Yang Ling and the others evacuated the house, they did not leave the small courtyard, but immediately lay down on the steps of the gate facing the yard, aiming their guns at the gate

With a bang, a hole was blasted out of the gate by the devil with a grenade. Before the gunpowder smoke cleared, a devil soldier with a rifle in his hand rushed in through the hole.

clap clap!

This devil soldier was unlucky, he immediately became a living target, at least five bullets hit his body, he rushed forward a few steps in inertia, and then fell down in the yard.

Seeing that the one in front was beaten to death, the devil who was following him immediately retracted his head and shouted to the rear: "The Chinese army is inside!"

Second Lieutenant Guizi immediately shouted: "The first squad outflanks on the left! The second squad outflanks on the right! Surround them!"

Hearing the chirping yells of the devil soldiers outside, one didn't need to guess to know that their frontal attack was frustrated and they wanted to outflank.

"The two of you cover, and the rest go to the attic!" Yang Ling ordered, and he had already climbed up the attic first.

The attic is condescending, and you can see that the whole town is full of gunpowder, and the rest of the guerrilla groups have already caught fire with the devils.

Yang Ling turned to the left. Outside the high wall, more than a dozen devil soldiers were jumping and advancing quickly among the ruins, trying to get around behind them.

He raised his gun, aimed at a devil soldier with a flag hanging on the gun, pulled the trigger, and with a snap, the devil fell to the ground.

The rest of the devil soldiers had limited vision and didn't know where the attack was coming from. They immediately sought cover and watched the devil who was hit wailing on the ground, not daring to show their heads.

Body 1 Chapter [-] The Smoke of Gunpowder

ps: Thank you for the imprint of the book friend symbol of creation for rewarding 1 gold, Ear Dayou Blessed for rewarding 1 gold, Sima Xiaojie for rewarding 1 gold, Tang Family Nineteen for rewarding 1 gold, and Lugu Lake Yingxiang Fengqing Garden for rewarding 1 gold , ZQ rewarded 1 gold, and at the same time thanked other book friends for their recommendation tickets and support, Xiaobai hereby thank you, and wish everyone a happy new year.

"Give me the machine gun—"

A panting soldier ran up the stairs to the attic with a cold crooked light machine gun in his arms, and handed the machine gun to Yang Ling's hand.

Yang Ling, the ghost soldier's crooked light machine gun, had used it many times, so he took it over and put it on the window on the west side of the attic.

Looking at the ghost soldiers who were scared by the gunshots and hid outside the wall, Yang Ling sneered. If he was also below, he would definitely have nothing to do with these devil soldiers who hid well, but now that he is condescending, then They are destined to be unlucky.

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