The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 77

In the darkness, two groups of people roared and collided with each other, the sound of violent collision, the sound of bayonets piercing into the flesh, and the screams of pain and despair were mixed together. The small battlefield was extremely noisy, and the gunpowder smoke gradually filled There was a bloody smell.

A devil soldier with a plaster flag hanging on his rifle held a bayonet to meet Liu Yidao who was holding a red-tasseled machete. On the gun, he is the standard bearer in the team.

But among the devil soldiers, those who hang plaster flags on their guns are all flag bearers, at least at the rank of corporal commander, and generally do not rush to the forefront. Even if they are scattered, they can quickly gather together.

The standard-bearer of the devil soldier is a veteran, and he is very good at stabbing. The sharp bayonet directly pierced Liu Yidao's lower abdomen. Liu Yidao snorted coldly.

The big knife held in both hands swung upwards, the heavy back of the knife directly swung away the devil's bayonet, the raised machete swung away the devil's bayonet and then slashed down, the blade cut off the devil's arm directly, the whole movement Flowing clouds and flowing water in one go.

Liu Yidao's movements made Yang Ling, who was kicking the devil away not far away, very surprised. He secretly praised the 29th Army's sword skills as expected.

Body 1 Chapter [-] A Small Victory

In a dilapidated folk house in Shuangmiao, the lantern hanging on the wall is swaying with the sound of the rumbling guns in the distance. Under the dim light, Wang Zanbin, the commander of the [-]th Division with a haggard face, is possessing the spread map I was frowning. ? ? ?

The continuous fall of the positions of Yunzaobang and Dachang Town put the defenders in a very passive situation. Now all the ministries have suffered heavy losses and have become exhausted troops.

Although the third war zone had already issued an order to stop the attack step by step, and each department retreated to the Wufu defense fortification in turn to continue to resist, but facing the ferocious Japanese army, the difficulty of blocking was beyond imagination, and it was very likely to turn into a big rout.

Their [-]th Division and the Guangxi army were responsible for blocking the Japanese army on the Jiangqiao-Shuangmiao line on the north bank of the Suzhou River, and covering the main force to withdraw to the Wufu defense fortification. line of defense.

"Master, you haven't closed your eyes for two days and two nights. You should go and rest for a while. It's not good to be tired." The chief of staff dragged his exhausted body back to the division headquarters from the front line. When he saw that it was late at night, Wang Zanbin hadn't Fall asleep, speak to persuade.

Wang Zanbin raised his bloodshot eyes and saw the dusty chief of staff walking in. He sighed: "The brothers on the front line are still fighting bloody battles. How can I, as the teacher, sleep soundly..."

The Japanese army attacked day and night, and the casualties of the defenders increased sharply. Groups of seriously wounded were sent down. The front was short of troops, and even the cook went up with a gun. The defense line was crumbling. How could he sleep as a division commander? Got it.

"How is the situation on the front line?" Wang Zanbin asked impatiently before the chief of staff sat down to take a sip of water.

The chief of staff shook his head solemnly: "The casualties of each regiment are very high. Many regiments have less than three or four hundred soldiers capable of fighting, and even more lack of food and ammunition. Many brothers have not eaten for a day, and there are only five bullets left in their hands. six……"

After Wang Zanbin heard the chief of staff's words, there was a long silence. He walked to the window and looked at the cold light that flashed from time to time, feeling complicated and heavy in his heart.

So many brothers fought bloody battles on the front line, defending this land and the dignity of the nation with their lives, but they had to endure hunger and starvation until they died. This is his dereliction of duty as a teacher.

"You will go to the military headquarters in person and ask if the food and ammunition have come down. At the same time, the non-combatants behind us will collect all the rations and send them to the front line. We can't let the brothers fight hungry." There was a long silence. Then Wang Zanbin turned his head and ordered.

"Yes." The chief of staff replied helplessly, planning to go to the military headquarters in person to ask for food and ammunition.

He didn't have much hope for food and ammunition support from the military department, because 70 troops gathered on this battlefield, even if their military department received some supplies, there were still [-]th Division, [-]nd Division and other friendly troops waiting However, those assigned to their [-]th Division are still a drop in the bucket, and the problem of lack of ammunition and food cannot be fundamentally resolved.

After taking a few steps, the chief of staff turned around again: "Master, just now Liu Ming's supplementary regiment sent someone to ask for reinforcements, do you see?"

Wang Zanbin sighed helplessly: "Where is there any reinforcements now? The guard company of the division headquarters was pulled up yesterday. I have no soldiers to send now. Send someone to tell Liu Ming and let them grit their teeth and persevere. No matter what. If the Japanese army breaks through Jiangqiao, he will not have to come back."

The chief of staff nodded, without speaking, turned around and sank into the darkness.


The sky was blue and dim, and the bamboo forest outside the town gradually became clear in sight. The gunshots had stopped, and Jiangqiao Town had regained its tranquility.

Amidst the uneasiness of Liu Ming, deputy deputy of the supplementary regiment, Yang Ling and the soldiers who took the initiative returned to the town with triumphant smiles and a large number of captured weapons and equipment.

Liu Ming didn't have much hope for Yang Ling and the others to take the initiative to attack. He even thought they were going to die, because the mere [-] people were too weak, and a single infantry squad of devils could wipe them all out. Yes, agree with Yang Ling to take the initiative.

After Yang Ling and the others attacked, although the people in the town knew that they might never return, they still stretched their necks, hoping for a miracle. Outside the town, the fight was fierce. They thought that Yang Ling and the others were finished, and the old Wangtou cried even louder.

But what I didn't expect was that Yang Ling and the others came back alive. Although they were covered in blood and looked embarrassed with black faces, they came back alive. Each of them still had countless seized weapons, ammunition and food hanging on their bodies.

The people in the town, who were originally in a low mood, were shocked at first, with disbelief on their faces, and then burst into huge cheers.

Old Wang's eyes were a little red and swollen. Seeing that Yang Ling and the others really came back alive, he wept with joy, and the tears fell down uncontrollably. He hurriedly stretched out his sleeves to wipe them. He was so happy.

Yang Ling and the others originally took great risks to go out. Now that they have returned with a full load, everyone has a long-lost smile on their faces. Looking at the cheering people rushing over, they feel like generals who have won a battle Same.

"Commander Yang, where are the devils outside the town?" Liu Ming, the deputy of the regiment, squeezed away the cheering soldiers, strode up to Yang Ling, and asked impatiently.

Yang Ling smiled: "We have reimbursed all of them, there is not one left."

Hearing Yang Ling say this with his own ears, Liu Ming, the regimental deputy who had been under tremendous pressure, suddenly burst out laughing like crazy. Yang Ling knew he was happy.

Faced with Yang Ling's ambush, the Devils were all wiped out. This was a huge victory for the Jiangqiao defenders, boosting their morale and morale. Yang Ling also stood out and became the person most admired by the defenders.

The soldier's temperament is straightforward and there are no twists and turns. Yang Ling was able to lead them to victory, and naturally won their trust and support easily. Everyone is willing to follow an officer who leads them to victory. The garrison soldiers established a prestige second only to the regiment deputy Liu Ming in their hearts.

The advance detachment of devils outside the town was wiped out by Yang Ling's men. Although five soldiers were sacrificed, the threat of the defenders was temporarily relieved, allowing them to gain time to breathe.

The annihilation of the devil's advance unit not only improved and boosted the low morale, but also let the soldiers who had been defeated see the hope of victory, let them know that the devil is not invincible, and eliminated their inner fear of the devil.

At the same time, they seized a large amount of weapons, ammunition and food, which was tantamount to helping the defenders who were short of food and ammunition, allowing them to improve their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

The hungry defenders began to share the food they picked up from the ghost soldiers, and everyone smiled after a long absence. Those who followed Yang Ling out all puffed up their chests, enjoying the admiring gazes of the rest .

"What are devils! I killed three of them by myself, and I chopped off the head of one who was too hard, and the other..."

While chewing the biscuits, Liu Yidao boasted about his achievements while spitting, swinging his bloody sword from time to time, very proud.

"Then what happened after that?" someone stretched his neck and asked.

"Later, a screaming devil..."

Yang Ling didn't stop these soldiers from bragging. It was a good way of publicity, which could infect other soldiers and build their confidence in the despair of consecutive defeats.

Body 1 Chapter [-] Defense Arrangement

The sky turned pale, and the night gradually receded, revealing the ruined river bridge. The fire in the town had already been extinguished, and the unburned wood was still lingering in black smoke. ?? ??

After a night of fierce fighting, most of the supplementary regiment lost more than half of them. Many people did not survive until dawn and turned into cold and stiff corpses.

This is a cruel and sad age. Many people died in strange foreign lands when they served as soldiers, lying forever in this cold and humid Jiangnan. Can only hastily dig a hole to bury.

Li Tiezhu and more than ten people are digging a hole under a big locust tree, and rows of corpses are neatly placed beside them. These sacrificed people are lucky, at least they can still be buried in the ground, but more The people can only die in the wilderness. They shed the last drop of blood for this country, but they can only end their lives in such a hurry, without leaving their names.

Seeing these piled up corpses, Yang Ling inexplicably thought of a sentence, pity the bones by the Wuding River, especially the people in Chungui Mengli, these sacrificed soldiers are so similar to them, they died here fighting for the country, and left them What is at home is eternal expectation and miss.

Liu Ming, the deputy of the regiment, sat on the steps and watched Li Tiezhu dig a hole and carried the corpses into the hole. There was a raised grave among the broken ruins, and he sighed weakly.

People cannot be resurrected after death, and this is a cruel battlefield. The fate of each person is unknown. Maybe they can live until they leave the battlefield, or they may be killed by stray bullets flying from nowhere in the next moment.

At dawn, people from the division headquarters came, but they did not bring any food or ammunition. There was only a sentence from Wang Zanbin, the commander of the [-]th Division: "Defend Jiangqiao to the death! Those who retreat without authorization will follow the military law!"

Supplementary Tuantuan Deputy Liu Ming is now very decadent and desperate. He thought that he would be able to make a fortune after being promoted to the Tuantuan Deputy, but now he is confined in the small cage of Jiangqiao, and his future is uncertain. His inner depression can be imagined Know.

Although he was extremely depressed in his heart, Liu Ming was still unwilling to let his bright future be wiped out in the fire. He still had to struggle and try to find a way out for himself.

He convened a meeting of company and platoon leaders. There were only five people attending the meeting, three company commanders and two platoon leaders. The others had already died in the fierce battle last night.

There was only one topic at the meeting, and that was how to defend Jiangqiao, which was also related to the fate of all of them, so everyone was eager to speak.

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