Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 89: 10 Houses of Prime Paladins

Akash called in all the officers of his force. All the earls and lords were present in the coliseum. He sat down on his throne and started his speech.

"Hello everyone, I have been thinking of forming elite units from our enforcers. Its numbers would be limited, and they would have to be the best amongst the best. If you have any suggestions, then speak without hesitation."

Haji Tea bowed and spoke first.

"My Liege, isn't it too soon to make an elite units? Our numbers are hardly big enough as it is, so I think it's too early to think of segregating us into separate groups."

Akash looked at the others.

"Anybody else has anything to add?"

Sacra raised his hand and bowed.

"My Liege, I believe your decision is right. In wars, having units of elite soldiers is paramount for specialized tactics. Although, Haji does have a point that we would need a significantly larger number of capable combatants. As it stands now, our numbers are not high even for a regular army, much less dividing them into elite and specialized teams."

Sacra stated his military point of view. After seeing that no one else had any further questions, Akash continued.

"This elite army will focus not only on wars but other necessary fields as well. You could also call it a small organization as well, with pros and cons. The benefits involve its members gaining special equipment and materials to hasten their growth while the handicap would be that they would have to solely focus on their field of work, essentially having to leave behind their family and home planet. The reason being that these units will likely have to migrate from place to place, even from one planet to another."

Everyone from the Tea Family gasped. They had many loved ones left behind on Abran since not everyone was eligible for the force. Akash continued.

"Everyone will have to think long and hard before choosing to join because you won't be allowed to leave afterwards. Granted, some unexpected changes might occur but as a whole, this will be a decision you won't be able to take back later."

Silence covered the coliseum. After a short while, Daan Godlyn spoke.

"My Liege, I have nothing else binding me anymore. Now, my home is where My Liege is. I will happily follow your orders and am willing to join this elite force."

"The same goes for me, My Liege."

Sacra Emilat joined in.

"I will join as well, Your Majesty."

Sohrab Khan and Haji Tea declared their will as well. After which, Riassuba smiled and bowed, adding himself to the lot.

"I will be making 10 separate and specialized units or Houses as I'd like them to be called. Each one will be under a lord who possesses a Divine Weapon, bestowed upon them by me. These ten houses will be known as the Prime Paladins and the lords who will run them will be called the House Masters.

The 1st House will be ruled by Lord Haji Tea, while the 2nd one will be given to Lord Daan Godlyn. The 3rd House's Master will be Lord Sacra Emilat and the 4th's will be Lord Sohrab Khan. Finally, the 5th House will be under the guidance of Lord Riassuba Rosehip.

The first house will be known as the House of Knowledge, where all our secret and ancient texts will be kept along with all our martial art techniques and other skills. They will guard and uphold this wisdom for our future generations. This house will be named as Eden's Athenium.

The second house will be the House of Warriors, in which they will devote all their time training their bodies and skills. Their main goal will be to become our army's vanguards. Their name shall be The Dominion.

The third house will focus on developing their minds and acumen for military strategy and tactics. They will train and study in order lead our armies to victory with their minds. The Blood Seers is what this house will be called."

Then, Akash looked at Sohrab Khan, he didn't know what would be best for Sohrab. As the holder of a divine weapon Jeeth Subedar, Akash had to give a house to him as he planned. The King asked the Minotaur.

"Lord Sohrab, what field do you think you could handle well?"

Confused, Sohrab didn't answer immediately when suddenly he heard the voice of his weapon. His brows furrowed as he looked at Akash gravely.

"My King, I can make runes."

Akash's eyes widened along with everyone else's before he squinted his eyes and asked Sohrab.

"Do you know what a rune is?"

"No, My King."

Sohrab scratched his head and replying, causing Akash to facepalm himself before sighing. Sohrab spoke right after.

"My weapon Jeeth told me to say that…"

Akash was shocked. How could he forget that his weapon had the soul and memories of a Cosmic Emperor Dragon. Guessing that Jeeth must've been a Rune Master, he nodded his head towards Sohrab, showing his approval.

"The fourth will be the House of Runes, they will produce and gather mass amounts of different runes for many uses like making imprints, talismans and so on. The name of this house will be Dragon's Brush.

The following fifth house will be the House of Espionage, they will be the special ops of our Ancestor Law Enforcement, focused on investigation, spying, scouting and even assassination. They shall continue to be called Death Gate.

The sixth will be the House of Beasts. Our beasts are our biggest strength. As such, there should be a department focused on looking after them along with studying and training them. Henceforth, they will named Primal Ward.

The seventh one will be called the House of Forging. I do not know for how long the System will be able to sell us equipment. Thus, it's only natural for us to have a house focused on this. We'll even be able to sell the items for profit. They shall be known as Hammer's Spark.

The eighth House will be the House of Technology. With endless civilizations across the cosmos, many have their own unique technologies that give them an edge. Because of this, I want to form this house to compete with them, it shall be known as High-Tech Hub.

The ninth will be known for its pills, the House of Alchemy. I believe it doesn't need any further explanation. Pills are one of the biggest necessities for a tamer. Its name will be Philosopher's Seek.

The last tenth house shall be the most important one and the one with the most work, the House of Management. They will overlook and manage all the planets and areas we will conquer in the future. They will also do our diplomatic work as well. They shall be called Reign Mirador.

The first five houses have already been given to the current five Lords while the remaining five will be given once I find suitable candidates. You can choose the house you want to be a part of but remember the words I said earlier. With all that done, you are all dismissed."

All of this information was sent to every member of Ancestor Law Enforcement via the System including those who stayed in Abran. After all of that, Akash stood up from the throne and he floated towards his lords, serious expressions shown on their faces.

"I chose the houses for each of you according to your nature, however, if any of you want to change now, you are free to do so."

Daan Godlyn said.

"My Lord, being a warrior is what I have always wanted to be. I am happy with my position."

"I was a military general before too, I am happier than anyone else here."

Sacra replied.

"Thine joy pales against mine."

Riassuba Rosehip commented.

"I gladly accept your decision, My Liege. After receiving the 7 Ways of the Death Spear, my imaginations and fascination towards techniques has only risen."

Haji Tea said his piece while Sohrab Khan's mood was clearly plastered on his face. His wide grin gave his answer.

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