Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 88: God Race Assassins

Riassuba laughed and clapped his hands.

"Haha, excellent! Thy Majesty's answer is certainly correct. Who else could have such red eyes and red hair besides us."

Riassuba laughed again while everyone else was curious about what the God Race even was, but the two veterans Baghi Tea and Zaheer Seth looked at each other with their eyes wide open.

"God Race... Your Majesty, do you mean that ruling..."

Baghi Tea asked Akash in a surprised voice, but the latter answered before the question was even completed.

"Yes, Earl Baghi, the ruling and most powerful race of our cosmos, the vicious God Race."

The words of Akash Tagar now changed everyone's reaction while Riassuba adjusted his hair with his fingers before commenting.

"Ahh, I can see you have some sort of grudge with the God Race. However, before ye commit any acts you might regret, I'd advise ye to remember one thing, O King! This cosmos is but one of many, there are more in existence."

Akash raised one eyebrow at his response, understanding his implication. Indeed, each different cosmos was bound to have different people, customs, or cultures even among the same races. Even a dominant race could be bullied in a different cosmos by a more powerful race. Like Omni Dragon had roohkhors and Wicked Raven has those elves.

Akash sighed, pressed his forehead and apologized.

"I'm sorry, you are right. The ones I hate are different people, I shouldn't apply that same hatred on you as well simply because you share a race. I hope we can start our conversation anew, without any prejudice. What does Duke Riassuba wish to discuss with me?"

Riassuba looked at the Earls of Ancestor Law Enforcement with a side-eye and asked.

"Are they trustworthy?"

"Yes, I trust them more than even myself."

Akash replied.

"Bravo! Then I'll say my piece without any pretense."

Riassuba said.

"I'm all ears, Duke."

"I wish to serve Thy Highness."

Riassuba expressed.

"Any particular reason for that?"

Akash questioned and Riassuba explained.

"We brothers have a sole aim, to be the most notorious assassins throughout all of the cosmos. Alas, an assassin cannot become a king or leader, we can only supervene, not lead. We have taken many contracts from empires as well, the most recent one was to send a certain ogre beyond the veil.

Akash was astounded.

"Who gave you that contract?"

Riassuba smiled again before singing a poem.

"The flower that blooms in the sun and shade and glitter in dew,

The flower must fade.

The birds that build their nest and sing when lovely spring is new,

Must soon take wing

The sun that rises in its strength to wake and warm the world,

Must set at length.

The sea that overflows the shores, with billows frothed and curled,

Must ebb once more.

All come and go, all wax and wane,

O King, save only thyself,

Who dost remain the same to eternity.

All things which fail us now, we trust to thee."

Riassuba Rosehip completed the poem and looked at Akash.

"Thy Majesty, thy must worry only about thyself, not others. Although the one before ye has completed many a contract, I have yet to pledge loyalty to anyone yet am willing to dost so for thee. Alas, I must request two conditions first."

Akash Tagar asked.

"What are they?"

"Firstly, I desire an independent unit that answers only to yours truly, focused on spying, scouting and assassination. I believe thou already have one, as such you may simply hand it over to me. Then, I would only answer to Thy Majesty."

Riassuba elaborated.

"Hmm, what's the second then?"

Riassuba smiled.

"You have the blessing of an unnatural power called... the SYSTEM."

Akash's eyes widened, immediately signaling everyone to get ready to kill the duo in an instance.

"How did you come to know of it?"

Akash inquired with a graver tone.

"We know more than just its existence. We even comprehend how it works as well, even if it may be in a very limited capacity."

Neon Rosehip said and Akash became worried as he pondered.

"If this reaches the ears of any representative, then we will have to leave this planet permanently."

"We are assassins, thy people could not keep their mouth shut. They always talk about and praise the System, we simply listened in from the shadows."

Riassuba spoke as he continued.

"We two have been keeping an eye on ye, Akash Tagar. Since the time ye landed on V-Valley, we have even witnessed thy power of revival. We are but mere shadows, always there but never seen, as it should be."

Akash was silent, he squinted his eyes and looked at Shehneel in anger. They were his designated assassins, yet they couldn't keep their mouths shut nor could they detect these two God Race brothers.

Akash opened the profile of Riassuba.


[Name: Riassuba Rosehip

Realm: 3rd Moon, Star General

Aptitude: Medium-Legendary Grade

Learnt Laws: Martial Law, Wind Law, Darkness Law.

Inborn Laws: Spatial Law (Awakened), Time Law (Awakened)]

Akash's eyes widened when seeing these stats before he quickly checked the younger brother.

[Name: Neon Rosehip

Realm: 2nd Moon, Star General

Aptitude: Lower-Legendary Grade

Learnt Laws: Martial Law, Wind Law, Ice Law, Darkness Law.

Inborn Laws: Spatial Law (Awakened)]

Akash looked at the duo and acquiesced.

"I accept your conditions."

"I thank thee, Thy Majesty. Prithee accept a humble of gift mine, the dukedom of ogres."

Riassuba spoke, expressing his delight.

"What about the contractor who paid you to kill the ogre?"

Akash reminded Riassuba.

"Oh, I've already forgotten such an insignificant fly, Thy Majesty. I say we keep it that way, it wouldn't do us well to bother with them."

Riassuba said with a sweet smile.


Akash laughed and looked at his people, noticing something. Haji Tea, Sacra Emilat and Sohrab Khan had unlocked their 5th law and could now be promoted to Lords now. Wasting no time, he called them.

"Hold my hand all of you."

Akash said to them including the Rosehip brothers. Riassuba looked at Akash and twitched his eyebrows.

"My King, I didn't know thine love lies with gentlemen."


Akash yelled at him and Riassuba laughed before touching the hand of Akash Tagar.


The group of six arrived at the headquarters a few hours later before returning to Carnage Prison again. In the outside world, it merely took a few minutes but in the Training Ground, many hours had passed.

The four people were now wearing white-gold cloaks of Lords. Haji, Sacra, Sohrab and Riassuba. Neon was also eligible for the position, but he insisted on working under his brother. With that, Akash now had 5 Lords, 12 Earls and around 75 to 80 Soldiers.

He then called Shehneel Shodo.

"This is Riassuba Rosehip, he will be the Lord you guys will follow and from now on, he will be the new leader of Death Gate.

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