Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 90: Back to Abran

After a lot of thinking, almost everyone from the Tea family decided to join Haji Tea's house. Only 4 chose to remain as ordinary enforcers as they had their whole families in Abran and didn't want to leave them.

Akash tapped the shoulder of Riassuba Rosehip and spoke.

"You can train your men here from now on. Make them the best black ops squad throughout the cosmos and let everyone know and fear the name of Death and its house master, Riassuba."

"And his King, Akash Tagar."

Riassuba added with a smile.

Afterwards, Akash turned his head towards the others and ordered them to continue their work. The member distribution ended quickly. Those who had already selected their lords before remained with them. Sacra Emilat had Zunair Kisko, Daan got the two Seth brothers and Riassuba was chosen by every assassin present, getting 4 earls as a result. 3 of them came from the old Death Gate and the last one was his own brother, Neon. The remaining earls sided with Haji Tea, leaving Sohrab Khan alone.

Akash Tagar told Riassuba Rosehip to meet him at the grotto in a bit and after a moment of rest, he went to the grotto, seeing that the god race assassin was already there. Akash took something out from his inventory and kept it hidden in his fist before speaking.

"Today you will evolve and reach new heights, thanks to the item I'm about to bestow upon you. No shadow will be able to surpass your darkness with this."

Riassuba bowed.

"Thy Majesty, this blade of thine doesn't know how to thank thee."

"No need, just sit in the lotus position and open your mouth."

Akash instructed him before opening his fist, a blackish aura emanated from a ball. Riassuba's eyes widened, he could see the ball releasing the terrifying amount of cosmic power, but he couldn't sense it, not in the least.

"This is the dwelling gem of a beast who surpassed the realm of a Star God, he was extremely proficient in darkness…"

~2 months later~

Akash stretched his arms and yawned, opting to check the requirements of the 2nd stage of the Tyrannical Body of the God's. Before working on the next step, the king once again checked his body. The more Akash envisioned these imprints the more fascinated he became by them. Remembering how highly sought-after rune masters were and alchemists were even more so due to how difficult it was to progress in these paths. However, the benefits were certainly worth it. Soon after though, Akash shook his head and came back to his senses before sighing and looking at his inventory

He gazed at the screen, specifically the new skill he recently gained. With each awakening of a new law, the System would automatically send a new skill to his inventory. Akash had awoken the Fire Law during his training, so the one he got was of the corresponding law. He read the name of his 2nd godly skill in his mind.

"Elfin Inferno Volley…"

Thinking on it, a smile formed on his lips before remembering he was in the middle of his wide-open coliseum. He looked at his surroundings and huffed, embarrassed.

"Thank goodness, nobody saw my smug face."

"The next materials I need are a feather of a phoenix, a pearl of hell and a blue-fanged serpent's tear."

Akash committed them to memory before asking the System.

"System, can they be found on this planet as well?"


[A feather of a phoenix and a blue-fanged serpent's tear can be found in Carnage Prison. As for the pearl of hell, it's a unique item found only on the Brown Flame Planet.]

Akash hummed after hearing the answer and called for Golden Panther, Red Mamba and One-Eyed Wolf to inquire about the feather and tear. Then, day after day, month after month, time flew by.

~22 years, 1 month, 4 days later~

Akash Tagar and everyone else was at the coliseum, they were ready to leave at any moment. Akash declared to everyone.

"It's time, comrades. Throughout these 2 decades, we have been training tirelessly and now it's time we show the world the results!"

Everyone nodded, the entire palace was surrounded by thousands of beasts. He looked at his side and saw Red Mamba and Golden Panther, there was a familiar face as well with them, One-Eyed Wolf.

After Riassuba gave Akash a new dukedom as a gift. he had sent a message to the wolf. He needed a beast with a strong bloodline and good leading skills to become the duke of that new land. Akash then appointed the wolf as his 3rd Duke who happily accepted and stayed there.

Throughout these 21 years, many things changed. For starters, he hadn't fought a single war throughout and now the V-Valley Kingdom had a 60,000 strong beast army. No other dukedom dared to provoke them and they were acknowledged as an independent kingdom. Everyone thought that this was just one of the many new ruling domains that emerged recently. There were many dukedoms between the V-Valley Kingdom and the other kingdoms. So, Akash and the rest were able to train peacefully without any interruptions.

"You three, take care of my kingdom. I will come back in a few months."

Akash said to the three dukes.

"We will, Your Majesty."

They replied in unison and then, he quickly vanished with his enforcers. After arriving, all the enforcers quietly stood there, waiting for Akash's orders. After many years of training and getting used to their new life, everyone had become composed, disciplined and ready for action at a moment's notice. Akash slowly stepped forward and the others followed his lead, needing no words. As they came out, the first thing that entered their sight was a gigantic mansion in the 12th Zone, right next to Akash's 11th Zone.

This zone was bought by the Tea Family and 1/4th of it was occupied by that huge family mansion while the remaining 3/4ths were filled with various skyscrapers of different companies.

The news of their arrival spread like wildfire and soon, all the Tea family enforcers came to greet their king. When they met them, they felt like they were seeing completely different people. While Akash and the others may have been training for over 20 years on Carnage Prison, for the Tea family members on Earth, it was just a mere 5 and a half months.

Baghi Tea, who recently broke through, was now a peak 1st Moon Star Prince. Zaheer Seth had also broken through into the 1st Moon of the Star Prince realm while his sons, Bilawal and Hasnain, had reached the 3rd Moon of the Star General realm. Shehneel Shodo, who was already a 1st Moon Star Prince, had successfully jumped to the 2nd Moon as well.

Everyone had made significant progress during those years. Their cultivation speed was based on their aptitude. Razi Tea, Meer Tea, Momi Tea and the other earls had also broken through one stage. The soldiers had also improved significantly with some even reaching new stages or realms. The Lords grew the most, of course, given their legendary aptitudes.

Godlyn had reached the realm of 2nd Moon Star Knight while Sacra Emilat's cultivated through 2 stages and was now a 1st Moon Star Knight. Sohrab Khan didn't fall behind and was now a 3rd Moon Star Knight. Riassuba Rosehip had even broken through the Star General rank to the peak of the 1st Moon of the Star Prince realm. Finally, Haji Tea had also achieved the 2nd Moon of the Star General realm.

Everyone who saw them was shocked, their facial features had changed a bit as well.

"I think we came on time."

Haji Tea said.

"Miza, has the 3rd Tier Tournament started yet?"

Baghi Tea asked a Tea member who had come to meet them.

"Elder no... Earl Baghi, it will be starting within a week."

He replied.

"Haha, very good."

Baghi laughed.

"My Liege, we should move now. It will take two days to get there."

Zaheer Seth suggested.

"Zaheer, you and the others will stay here. Only the five lords and Death Gate will accompany us. The rest of the earls and soldiers must remain here to protect this city."

Akash gave out his order. After which, everyone started preparing while Akash walked around the city so that the people living there could see their king, receiving some gifts in the process from the locals. While he was visiting the whole city, he was pleased that the Tea family were able to rebuild the whole city in just 5 months. However, one thing did disappoint Akash Tagar. Even though the Tea family migrated here with everything they had, other people didn't join them. The only one who came after Baghi's message was the Seth family.

Amid all this, Akash met the guard who had brought him to the former mayor, Haji Tea. The guard couldn't even recognize him, flinching when Akash waved at him.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Guard."

Akash greeted him first, their status difference was like day and night, yet Akash made the first move because he remembered the kindness of this guard.

"Do I know you, sir?"

He worriedly asked, assuming this handsome and seemingly powerful to be some young master from the Tea family.

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