Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Sixty-Eight. Two Tribes


A voice penetrated the sphere of quite calm Charles was studying in. The device Peter had lent them was amazing. Even if Charles would never admit he only understood some of its functions, that was Reed's job. His was to study its effects on the DNA of Augments, and what it could be safely used for. So far that had proven to be nothing. It strengthened the X-Gene and made its powers grow by tapping more power but at a great cost.

"Charles?" the voice asked again, and this time Charles lifted his head and saw a frustrated Erik staring at him.

"Sorry, but this is fascinating." He leaned back and felt the twinge in his shoulders. He had been working too hard again. He forgot that he was no longer old, but was young enough he needed to actually diet and exercise.

"I am aware. And that is also why I am here." Erik sat down in the wing-back leather chair across from Charles. "When is the device being delivered to us?"

"Us?" Charles shook his head, "It is on loan from Wakanda, and has been given to Reed Richards. We won't be getting it. We don't have the facilities to analyse the device properly."

Erik scoffed, "And we have Forge. An hour with the device and he would be able to replicate it perfectly."

Charles sat up straight back and rubbed his forehead. "And if the device interfered with his powers, or worse, changed them? No. I agree with Shuri and,  in this case, Reed. No Augment should be near the device when it is in use. If it is ever used."

Erik snorted, "It is the key to proving that we are what Humanity is supposed to be. It is the proof that we are superior. You cannot lock it away."

Charles closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. He knew this had been coming, "And it is also dangerous. It has one purpose. To turn ordinary people into weapons." He knew Erik was about to start yelling so he raised his hand. "So far that is all it does. You felt Apocalypse. That is what we risk creating. This is not Frankenstein's monster, Erik. There is no learned morality where our creations come back to ask why we created them. I know, and yes. I may have not been near Apocalypse but Jean has shared what she could of him. He was beyond evil, beyond redemption. You felt the overwhelming darkness he produced. Do you want that? To be so powerful you see everyone around you as ants? As tools?" Charles shook his head, "I am very sorry Erik, but that machine will not be leaving Reed's lab, and we shall not be using it."

Erik clenched his fist, and his gloves squeaked. "This is our legacy. You want us to admit we were made in a lab, well, we have the means..."

"NO!" Charles shouted and banged his fist on his desk. "Our origins are not a tool of propaganda. This is not some Victorian newspaper proclaiming us monkeys. We were created, but not just us. Humanity was already evolving, already a species. The missing link being a science experiment is immaterial," Charles said. "That device just pushed us all further along than we should have been, but at a cost. It makes monsters, not masters. You should be well aware of what too much power can lead to." Charles leant back, and shook his head, "I apologise. That was uncalled for, and unnecessary."

Erik smirked but said nothing on the subject. His past in the camps was well known to Charles but was still a touchy subject. Erik never forgave Shaw or the Nazis for what they did and he never would. "But that device can be used for good Charles. It can solve the problems some of us suffer. Allow those with out-of-control powers to retain their powers, but fine-tune them. If we were made to rule, be their reincarnated gods, then we should seek the natural end to that reasoning."

Charles shook his head. "And we risk losing everything that makes us good. This device is the means to enslave us, Erik, not raise us up. No species wishes to recreate their gods unless they can control them. We cannot walk blindly into a future where our powers define who or what we become. The device was a perversion of the natural order."

"Then you are a fool. What of those of us condemned because they look different? What of those of us whose power kills uncontrollably? If Jean had this when she was a child, would her parents still be alive?"

"The bracelets allow many to live normal lives. The serum can be used, as long as it is regulated. You seek solutions to problems we have already solved." Charles let out a slow breath. "As Queen Shuri, acting on the orders of Wakanda kindly lent us that device, I am following her orders. The device is monitored. It is safe, and most of all," Charles looked Erik straight in the eye, "It is protected."

Erik stood, “And that is not your choice to make Charles. Avalon was founded by three people. We agreed to share, to govern together.” He stopped by the door and shook his head. “You never changed. As long as we did what you wanted you were happy. This device can be used safely, and to save us. You just don’t want to.”

Erik let the door slam behind him as he left, but Charles sat at his desk, his knuckles white as he clenched his fists.

I am sorry old friend. Want to? If you could feel the pain our people suffer you would understand. To give us more power would only make it worse. I know I have made mistakes, I know I can do better, but you risk walking a path that would damn us all.


Shuri was staring into space, ignoring the voice that was interrupting her thoughts.

"Queen Shuri. You are required."

She huffed and focused, "And Okoye, what am I required for this time?" Since the Asgardians had arrived, it seemed that every day the Council of Elders had a new complaint.

Okoye straightened up, "Prince T'Challa had requested a meeting with the Tribal Elders. He is asking for you."

Shuri closed her eyes and sighed. "I swear if this is about the device once more. I am going to print out a hundred copies of the definition of defenestration and post it on every notice board." She stopped, "No, actually. This is good, as it saves me a headache later. Give me ten minutes to prepare myself and I shall attend."

Okoye crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. "As you wish, my Queen."

Jhalia changed her outfit, and Shuri was led by her guards to the meeting hall. She nodded as everyone stood and then took her place at the side of T'Challa. While she was Queen, this was his meeting.

"Good, Shuri, we are discussing the device."

Shuri loudly huffed, "No, not ever, not now, not next year. No. It is dangerous, and," Shuri smiled, "It is the reason for my attendance." Shuri flipped over her wrist and tapped on the tablet she had. "You are all receiving a file, but as it is mainly science, I shall explain."

T'Challa leaned over and whispered. "Sister, do not poach my meeting to push your agenda. That device, and all you found, are important to Wakanda."

Shuri smiled and patted T'Challa on the cheek, "And what I am about to say relates to all of that."

Shuri stood, "Elders. You wish to know about the device, and why we saw fit to loan it to an American." The group nodded, "Because no one in Wakanda can use the device. No one in Wakanda is an Augment, nor have we studied Augment DNA."

Confused, the group looked at one another. "But surely, it can be used to bolster our own people? We have the report. It was used to create a new species," One Elder said.

Shuri nodded, "It was, but have you not noticed that Wakanda has no Augments? That our Purple Heart Formula kills us eventually. These two facts are related"

No one wanted to admit they had. Every nation in the world had revealed even the smallest of Augment communities. Except Wakanda.

"It is because of our origins. We know it was our ancestors who rose up and drove off the invaders. It was our people who then ventured out, and created the world. Wakanda is the birthplace of Humanity, but I have discovered that it is also a tomb."

One of the Elders snorted, "A tomb? I fear you have spent too long reading. Wakandan’s enjoy good health. We are stronger, faster, even without the Purple Heart."

Shurl smiled, "Oh I know, which was why I was confused that at a hundred years, give or take, we suddenly die. Not of old age, but of cellular damage. Even cancer is not as horrifying as the rapid onset ageing we encounter." Shuri sighed, "and I know why." Flicking over her wrist, Shuri set her tablet to display, "I cannot dumb this down any more than I have. If you do not understand, then please, do not scoff or interrupt."

A segment of DNA spiralled out, and the animation played in a loop. Surrounded by Purple liquid, the small X-gene fragment straightened. It glowed with radiated energy which then faded. What was worse was the gene then shrivelled, destroying a nearby protein strand.

"The energy shield surrounding the Golden City is killing us. It is designed to contain and hold Augments and stop them from attacking the city. We have no Augments as the shield destroys our X-Genes. As we age, the damage becomes too much and the Vibranium in our blood becomes poisonous. The Kree knew this, but we did not. The City was not built for us, it was built to repel us."

"So? We shut the shield and we stop eating homegrown food? That is excessive. The Shield protects the city. And to import that much would bankrupt us or worse."

Everyone knew what the Elder meant. As soon as Wakanda's plight became known, it would weaken their bargaining position. They would be forced to give up more Vibranium, just to feed their people.

"No, just the shield. After reading Carol Danver’s report on Asgardians, we have a Theory. Not all species possess powers, but we see similarities between Wakanda and Asgard. If they too eat Vibranium-rich foods, then that explains their hardier bodies. If the Vibranuim in their blood absorbs energy, it also explains their godhoods. They do not have Augments, as their entire species is powered."

The gathered group looked sceptical, "But we still need the Shield. Every day we find more and more Asgardian ships flying over our territory."

Shuri snorted, "And we make good on our promise. Carol has already warned us they come in peace, but that is only as they have been here before. They still wish to reunite their nine realms, peacefully or not."

T'Challa nodded, "So we invite them here, we make peace. A trade agreement. We all know they wish Vibranium. Drop the mess in their hands. Sell them the raw ore, charge a huge processing fee and let them distribute it to the galaxy." Shuri nodded, "But only on the understanding that Wakanda is for Wakandans only. We already saw through their attempts to intimidate us." He smiled, "I say for every patrol spotted over our sovereign soil, we add one per cent to the price we charge."

"And the shield?"

"We have the Cybertronian weapons. We have the ancient technology taken from our oppressors. They do not push as they know that of all nations, we can hold them off, and make the price of taking Wakanda a heavy one." Shuri looked over at the elders before her. "I do not believe the cost of using the shield is worth the protection it brings. If we are the true founders of Humanity, then the Augments are our birthright. The shield needs to come down."

The group looked at one another, "The council votes aye."

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