Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Sixty-Seven. Russian Roulette

Doom sat in his throne room, eyeing his newest guests. He had little patience for the posturing of lesser beings but he made room in his schedule to meet with Thor. The Asgardians were nothing new, and their bluster was nothing Doom could not deal with. There was only one true god, and it was not this pretender. As soon as Doom recovered the Reality Stone, the Asgardians would feel real power.

“Once more, Why should Doom allow these invaders into his homeland? Latveria is ruled by Doom and no other, and so it shall always be.”

Omega Red shifted uncomfortably. He had been contacted by the Asgardians personally. He had taken an instant dislike to Thor. There was something about him that set his powers on edge. He provoked a hunger but not in a good way. He knew if he even touched the God Prince, he would die in unimaginable agony. Omega was never one to ignore his gut, and so had rebuffed the envoy. Then they offered him the technology to fix the Red Room formula, and the technology to fix his own powers as well. With a new level of technology, Russia would once more rise to become a superpower in a new world. Not just Russia. He had heard from his operatives in China that the rest of the Eastern nations were offered similar.

Thor stepped forward, “and so it shall. The Asgardian Empire does not seek to impose our will on individual countries. We only seek to reunite the Nine Realms in peace once more. Our aim is not to conquer but to unite the planet under a single banner, one of mutual cooperation and exchange.”

“Doom hears your flowery words, Thor of Asgard, but Doom is well aware that gifts such as yours come with a price. We know that our country is rich in minerals, as are others. What assurances do we have you will not simply take our riches for yourself?”

Omega looked over at the frowning Thor, “We are not here to rule. Simply-”

Doom held up his hand. “You have said that, but so far, all I see is another who would usurp Doom's control. None may rule Latveria but Doom, and all you are is a petty invader, holding gifts in one hand and a blade in the other.”

Thor crossed his arms, “Asgard is protecting the Earth. There are enemies you are unaware of, enemies who would not be as kind.”

Doom laughed, the metallic voice echoing through the throne room. “And they would face an army mightier than any on Earth. Doom does not play games Thor of Asgard. Doom does as Doom pleases, and Doom protects his subjects. From any invader.”

Doom pressed a button on the arm of his throne, and the curtains of Doom's banner split, revealing a large screen.

“Marvel at Doom’s might, and know your petty offers of aid mean nothing to Doom.”

On the screen, thousands of Doom Bots stood in rows. The camera panned and showed thousands more hanging from the ceiling. Two kinds, one similar to a Sentinel, humanoid but sleek in black armour with green pauldrons. The other, more square in shape and bright green. Thick metal tentacles hung under its body, and two huge repulsor engines were fitted to each side. A ground and an ariel unit.

“Know that Doom can, and will defend his sovereign rights. Latveria, and the adamantium you pretend not to covet, are Dooms.”

Thor shook his head. “Disappointing. Know that Asgard only has so much patience Lord Doom, and it is slowly running out.” He turned and strode from the throne room, leaving Omega Red alone with Doom.

“You make a mistake Comrade Doom. The Asgardians are not going to take no for an answer.”

Doom snorted. “Once upon a time, I respected the Red Room for its resilience and its highly trained assassins. But, seeing what it has fallen to, Doom pities you.”

Doom pressed a button on his control panel and the view changed to one in space. They could see the lights of Avalon going out as the city lost power. All in the shadow of the single Asgardian cruiser hanging overhead ominously. He flicked another button and the screen split into smaller video feeds. Of protests in New York and other cities around the world. Of Wakanda, as troops stood by the shield as it opened and a large column of people headed into the protective dome.

“You have chosen poorly mutant, and now. Your new master waits for his boots to be cleaned. Save your tongue for that, and not assaulting Doom's ears.”

Omega Red clenched his fist, “And you Doom, should know better than to be a lapdog for America. This will not end peacefully. Even you cannot stand against the forces of the Asgardians and the Xandarians. I think that armour must have suffocated your brain.”

Doom snorted. “That is not how armour works you cretin. Save your pathetic insults for those idiots you call lackeys. Now, leave us. Doom no longer wishes to see your offensive presence.” With a wave of his hand dismissed Omega Red.

As Omega Red was led from the throne room, Doom accessed the security feeds and watched the pair leave. He had seen through the pathetic attempts of Thor to ingratiate him into Doom's good graces. He had no need of technology when everything was once Doom’s. Hundreds of lives, countless experiments, and in the end, his perfect Doombots. Asgard would learn to tremble before the might of Doom.

“He does not like you, Prince Thor,” Omega Red said as they walked.

“And I do not care. Only compliance. Nobody has to like me, nobody even has to care if I am on Earth or not. Asgard now rules this planet, and nothing will change that. The Xandarians are our allies in preventing harm from coming to the peoples of Earth.”

Omega Red snorted. “They do not see it that way. They see you as invaders, taking their freedoms. Soviet Russia was the same until we liberated ourselves. Now, we enjoy the same freedoms as the West, without the same childish bureaucracy.”

“And I have little care for how your world is run either. Only that all listen.” Thor replied, “But hush now. The walls here are not as innocent as they appear.” Thor pointedly looked directly at the security camera Doom was observing. “Know this though. All will comply, or even tiny machines won't be enough to stop Asgard.”

Doom huffed as he cut off the feed, knowing he would gain no further information. He cared little they had discovered his hidden security camera. He only cared that he had gotten the information he had wanted during their meeting.

Doom tapped a finger over the control panel on his armrest. As a screen slid up he watched the video playback of the pair. Switching between different sensors,

He remembered a different reality where the giant grey-skinned Loki had attacked Earth. There had even been several where Thor had arrived to host a ridiculous party. But in them, no Doom had ever managed to gather enough intelligence to compare them to these scans.

The Augment Omega Red gave off the same energy that all Augments did. Doom knew the gene responsible for their powers was embedded in every cell. Even their blood gave off a unique energy signature, all similar to the one Stone he had grasped and then lost.

It was the scans of Thor that confused him the most though. He knew Asgardians were not even remotely human, regardless of their appearance. It was a quirk of the universe that aliens even looked human but Thor seemed to be no stronger than a normal man. There was no energy. No indication of stronger muscles or heavier bones. Even his sorceric circles detected no magical energies coming from Thor.

If Doom was told that Thor was anything more than an actor in a costume he would have believed them. If he did not have the might of Asgard behind him, he would have thrown him into Doom's dungeon for his insolence.

Which made Doom even more suspicious. Appearing weak in front of a superior force was either a mistake or stupid. If the Asgardians looked down on Doom, it was a mistake they would soon regret.

Doom pushed several buttons and compressing the file, sent it to one of his allies.

Doom sat on his throne and closed his eyes. In many of the realities he commanded, many suffered alien invasions, but none like this. The Asgardians were usually destroyed by external forces and never came to Earth. Something had changed. Something was coming that had made them seek out new allies. Doom needed to search his perfect memory for what outcomes may come to fruition.

Doom had seen the futures that awaited if the Earth was not ready. As the Reality Stone bled energy wildly out of conscious control it showed him what the Earth could be. That was before he gained control of the Stone. He still saw strange and wonderous worlds and dark terrible futures. It was only when he killed a scientist and took her machine that Doom began to understand.

The Earth was doomed without him. In all possibilities, the Earth only prospered when Doom ruled supreme. Only Doom could save the Earth, and woe betide any insects that stood in his way. Gods or not.

He was brought from his musings as his ally contacted him. He knew the Mandarin could not be trusted, and for now, it was an alliance of convenience.

“Your opinion, Sorcerer,” he asked, as Mandarin Wong appeared on the screen.

“Our spies in Kamar Taj have indicated the Sorcerer Supreme is waiting. He wishes to see what the rest of Earth is doing before he makes his move.”

Doom shook his head, “A prudent but foolish mistake. If Strange has the three stones, then the Asgardians will lay his sanctum to waste and take them. He is blinded by Doom's attempts to unite the Earth. Would one of your agents be more successful in approaching him?”

“Yes.” Wong knew about the dimensional alteration and Doom's part in it. He had already discovered and taken the original Wong's family and life. That was the past though. He knew that even if he could explain, by using the forbidden ring he would be executed. “I may be able to persuade Strange to use one or more stones in the defence of Earth.”

Doom nodded. “Good. Then we have an accord.” 

“I will send word to your enclave when I have completed my mission,” and with that, Wong cut the feed.

Wong sat back on his throne, and after taking a breath opened a sling ring portal to New York.

Stephen was sitting at a table outside a coffee shop. He was intrigued that Wong finally reached out to him, requesting a public meeting. So he chose one of the franchises that sold reasonably priced but acceptable coffee. He watched as Wong approached and sat down.

“I will not get used to this Mr Strange.” 

Stephen shrugged. “You can call me Stephen you know. I don’t mind,” he said as he sipped his latte. “So, news?”

Wong sighed. “There is no returning for me Stephen. I have my own path now, and while mistakes have been made, I cannot deviate from it,” Wong said sadly.

He had reached out and was adamant to see what changes the Americans had made. He was shocked to discover they had not changed the world, they had changed it back.

Wong was once a proud servant of the New York Sanctum. A direct pupil of the last Sorcerer Supreme who had lived for centuries.  He was an upstanding and loyal man, with great power. If it was not for Stephen, he would have been the next American Sorcerer Supreme.

But none of that mattered now. Without using the Infinity Stone there was no changing what was done.

“You can. You only need to allow Kamar Taj to-”

Wong raised a hand, interrupting him, and slid down his sleeve.

There was a tattoo, in thick black ink. Nine rings, each one representing a sphere of magic. Only Wong had a tenth. Representing Oblivion, the twisting of magic through the Dark Dimension.

Stephen looked shocked at it, “You broke the Tenth Ring?” Sadly Wong nodded. “Then there is nothing either of us can do. The last Sorcerer Supreme tapped into its power, and we are still cleaning up that mess.”

As well as Doom, Stephen had been chasing Baron Mordo across America. He claimed anyone touched by her was tainted, and needed to be cleansed. A polite way of saying he ritually murdered them. Stephen had already been targeted and fought Mordo several times. Without Wong, he was now relying on Wanda, and hopefully, Gwen as well to take up some of the slack. He just hoped that Mordo didn't turn his deranged eye to them. They were still too inexperienced to defeat someone of Mordo's calibre.

“I will stay in Asia. The Ten Rings have operatives in many countries and I will order them to remain hidden. In respect to our past, and the mistakes that both of us must now bear, I will not threaten your work in America.” He looked at his paper coffee cup, filled with dark bitter coffee. “Unless you come after me.”

“I will send out an announcement, but if I find any of your people in Kamar Taj, or in any of my sanctums I will deal with them.” Wong nodded. “I wish it could be different,” he added.

“Reality is not the plaything of us mortals. And now we suffer under the thumb of fate. If you still have the Reality Stone, lock it away, and erase all who know of it. Never allow such tragedies to happen again,” Wong said as he drained his cup. He looked at the empty cup in his hand. “I do not like this. A great many changes were made to reality, but terrible coffee must be a multiversal constant.”

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