Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Sixty-Nine. Bought And Sold

Coulson had expected the phone call since his agent's report. It was all falling into place. Wakanda was about to roll over, and Latveria. Well, Latveria was about to get a very sharp wake-up call. Asgard was done playing. It had been a year and everyone barring the two most powerful nations on Earth had capitulated. That was now down to one, and with a treaty of non-interference, well. Doom would be lucky if he had a country at the end of it. All that was left was a meeting with Parker, and that was scheduled for five minutes from now. They hadn’t even needed to activate the package to deal with him. It was all coming together nicely.

As the intercom buzzed, Peter was led in by Coulson's secretary. Coulson stood and straightened his tie, “So?” He motioned to the chair in front of his desk. “Do I bother to get us coffee, or is this an ultimatum?”

Peter shook his head and grinned. “Sure, coffee.”

As he sat, Phil pressed the intercom. “Two, both back, lots of sugar.” As they waited “So, what is AIM intending on doing? We heard about your little spar with Thor. Did you find anything useful, or was it just to prove a point.”

Peter leaned back in his chair, “We proved our point, and Thor isn't what I expected.”

The pair waited in silence until the secretary came in with a small tray, with a carafe of coffee and a plate of cookies. Phil nodded as she left, but Peter could smell Shield's terrible coffee. Coulson knew he could, this was a 'you rate nice treatment, but not that nice'.

“He was not happy from what I heard. You could have caused a diplomatic incident,” Phil said. He waved a hand after grabbing his own cup. The Director of Shield did not pour coffee for anyone. Peter declined, but Coulson spooned several sugars into his cup. “So why did you?”

Peter shrugged. “Blood sample. To make sure he was who he said he was. Something's off, and we don't know what. Are we sharing or are you going to leave me in the dark and hope I just mess up again?”

Phil snorted, “The Asgardians are very forthcoming. We know the Nova Corp is a galactic peacekeeping agency, and right now they’re allied with the Asgardians. The galactic situation is not good Peter. The Kree Empire signed a treaty and then completely ignored it. It ended with them launching an attack on the Xandarian homeworld.”

“So, they want to stop a war out in the greater galaxy?” 

Phil nodded. “Yes, but the war’s been raging. When Carol returned, she messed things up. Osborn got free, and in the confusion, they figured Carol was the next best thing. We smoothed things over. We let them know that Earth has two Klyntar strains, and Carols wasn't one of the ones that liked eating people.”

Peter frowned. “I don't think that was your story to tell Phil.”

Coulson shrugged, “It is, and we didn't care. How do you think we’ve been paying for their protection? Schematics on Iron Man, the Banner and Erskine formulas. The only thing they didn't get was Symbiotes and the Stacy solutions. Only because we figured you wouldn't be too forgiving if we did.”

Peter took a mouthful of coffee, “And the Augments?”

Coulson shrugged. “Surprisingly enough, there are a lot of species with similar powers, the Asgardians don’t care. Thor can conjure lightning, why would they?”

Peter scowled. “So, what's with the posturing and the threats?”

Coulson frowned, “it's the usual. Wakanda can actually stand up to them, and so can Avalon. You’re the same. It's a not-so-subtle reminder that even if you have powers, they have an empire and a much bigger gun than you. Nobody who rules likes being told they aren't in charge, nothing more.”

“You know I can't tell Shuri that. Wakanda isn't going to bend over and let the Asgardians walk over them.”

“Doom said the same, but Latveria isn't the issue, and you're right. So, what can we do to make Wakanda stand down Pete? Nobody wants a world war where aliens rain death down from orbit. The Asgardians are used to war and aren't afraid to press the first button.”

Peter slid forward, resting his arms between his legs, and pressing his hands to his face. “So then, we both know what this is about, and what guarantees do I have that Asgard won't just strip mine the country.”

“You don't, but Asgard can only promise they won't. Wakanda can do a lot of damage, and nobody wants that, even for Vibranium. So, they're willing to deal. The amounts might be higher, and the payment might not be in Earth currency though. Vibranium is used all over the galaxy Pete, not just Asgard but everyone. Once any of the big fish get wind there is a deposit on Earth, they’re coming, Asgard or not.”

Peter sighed and lifted his head to stare at Coulson, “So that's the big threat? Give it to us or we let everyone else know and you can fight them?”

Coulson laughed and shook his head, “I guess that sounded like that, but no. I can have the Asgardians draw up official contracts. Wakanda doesn't need to do a thing, just look them over and make sure they like what they see. Peter, I know this might look bad, but Earth was getting known. We knew about aliens in the Nineties and it was only a matter of time before one of them showed up and knocked. We were just lucky it was one of the good guys, and not something much worse.”

Peter leaned back, sighing, “So, this is happening if we want it to or not?”

Cousin nodded, “Shield is a liaison right now. We’re dealing with all off-worlders, including the Asgardians. President figured as we’d cleaned house ours was the most reliable, and the most paranoid.”

Peter nodded. “I need everything in writing and signed by whoever the Asgardians have in charge. Not you, not Thor. The president and their ruler.”

Cousin nodded and pulled out a gold inlaid folder. “Already done. We were hoping that you would see sense, and not drag the world into a war it couldn't win.”

Peter snorted as he took the folder. The writing inside was split into two halves. One in ancient Nordic runes, which Peter assumed was Asgardian, and the other in English. “Great, so uh, can I?” Peter lifted a small device from his pocket. “Shuri is listening in, and will want to discuss this in person.”

Coulson frowned, “I thought Xavier shut those down?”

Peter smiled, “he did, for you.” Phil sighed but nodded.

The ADAAM was a fake and was to cover Wanda using her magic to open a portal right into Coulson's office. where resplendent in ceremonial robes, Shuri walked in.

“I would say a traditional greeting Director Coulson, but I am not here officially.”

Phil shrugged, “Can I at least offer you a cup of coffee? It might not be up to the Royal standard but it's decent enough.” As Shuri looked over at Peter he mouthed ‘no’ and shook his head, much to her amusement.

Peter stood and offered Shuri his seat, and while she read, she nodded her head. “As long as the Asgardians agree, then this is acceptable. We shall sign a non-aggression pact with the Asgardians and the Xandarians.” She looked up at Peter. “The Vibranium is to remain Wakanda property, without outside interference. However." Shuri handed another contract to Coulson, "Show this to Thor. We will delegate off-world Vibranium rights to Asgard. We will supply the raw ore, what they do or who they sell to is none of our concern."

Coulson looked at the contract briefly. "I think they'll agree." He folded the contract back up, "I think that's it?"

Shuri nodded and stood. Peter rose at the same time and took her hand before kissing it. “I shall take this to the Council of Elders, but I see no reason we cannot agree to these terms.” 

As the portal flared into life, Shuri walked through the portal and it closed behind her.

Coulson smiled, “It’s been a pleasure, Peter,” but as he stuck out his hand for him to shake Peter smiled and shook his head.

“Yeah, that was Wakanda. So what happens with AIM and companies like Stark Solutions? I'm pretty sure you’re going to screw us all over, and that the new ARCA will be some Asgardian bullshit.”

Coulson laughed, “Paranoid much? You’re spending too much time with Fury.” but he still reached into his desk again, and this folder was a plain manilla one. “Nothing's changing. Asgard is keeping its hands off. You'll see some aliens eventually, but even they know that integration takes time. Asgard wanted peace, it was us, not them that were the holdouts. We know we’re outgunned, Pete, but not outbrained.”

“Outbrained?” Coulson shrugged, “this goes to Pepper. I'm still not allowed to make important decisions by myself.” Even as he flicked through it it was all lawyer talk. Pepper would love it though.

Peter slid both folders together and this time shook Coulson's hand. “Hopefully this won't go south, like the last two times.” Coulson chuckled

As Peter made his way outside, Wanda was already waiting for him. The pair ducked into a back alley and stepped through a sling portal back to the warehouse. Things might look great, but they were well aware that they were under surveillance.

Peter laid down the folders on the breakfast table. “One for you,” he slid the golden folder towards Shuri. "And one for you," he said as he slid the other towards Pepper, who was sitting drinking coffee with Liv. ”And yeah, they gave us the new laws. I need it done at the same time. If Shuri says no, we need to be ready, and uh,” Peter sat and made himself a coffee, “I'm not going to force anyone. If you read that and quit, it's fine. Pepper, no gutting anyone legally who wants out.”

Pepper raised an eyebrow, “the severance alone could bankrupt you, especially if it's me. But fine. We have four days. I’ll get the team on this immediately, and let you know as soon as we’re finished.” Pepper stood and sadly nodded, “But I hope it doesn't come to that. It's been good Peter, yeah, it's been good.”

Shuri and Peter watched as Pepper left, “So, do you think they will honour this?” She waved at the folder.

“Honestly, we can do a lot of damage if they dont. I think that's the issue. We’d lose, a few cruisers against Wakanda and we’ll lose but in doing so we can make one hell of a mess. We’re maybe not omega power levels like Jean or Scott, but the Symbiotes aren't a pushover either.”

"And we also have Jean and Scott behind us. The Asgardians know this." Shuri was idly flicking through the agreement, with Jhalia helping her. "This is all what we agreed, and is reasonable. I see no reason to deny this."

Peter nodded. “That's great. Back to Wakanda then. So, see you in four days?”

Shuri laughed, “Oh no, I will need much love and care after spending all day with those ageing buffoons. You are to pamper me, with massages and anything else that comes to hand.”

Peter laughed and kissed the side of Shuri’s cheek, “I hear and obey, my queen.” He heard a cough from behind him, “I hear and obey, all my queens”

"Damn right," Felicia said as she shimmered into sight and Huntress slipped back, “So. you owe me some of that as well” Felicia slid four vials from her waistband, each one with blood. “Seems off-duty Asgardians like to do two things, drink and fuck. And with the rocket fuel Gwen makes, getting a few drunk enough to get these was easy enough.”

Peter laughed, “As long as it didn’t lead to the second one,” but Felicia rolled her eyes and handed the vials to Liv.

Liv looked at the four sample bottles and then tilted her head. “I will get these done right away, but you will owe me special treatment as I am missing out.”

While she complained, Wanda circled her hands and Liv stepped through the portal and into her lab. Peter stood and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before it closed. Sitting back down he looked at the group before him.

"Now that is all out of the way, and we have time to wait for a reply from Asgard, the only question then is. Do you want to be pampered separately, or together?”

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