Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Eighty-Three. Under Your Skin

Coulson flicked through the report, and he wasn't happy. “So, Peter has been seen with the leader of the Augment movement, Charles Xavier. We have a lot of Augment movement and a lot of machinery being taken into the second warehouse he built. But, instead of dealing with that, I have to deal with this."

Coulson slid a file over to Thor who looked at the manilla cover and shrugged. "I'm here to lead, not to read."

Coulson raised an eyebrow. "A report crossed my desk. Four of your guards, sorry, ex-guards were taken out by one of his associates. Is that right?”

Thor nodded. “Taken out as in drinking, not killed. There are no rules that forbid it, and I know MJ and her friends. They are all rather attractive young women.”

Coulson sighed. “A known associate of Peter. And they didn't think that was suspicious?"

Thor shrugged. If Felicia was wearing her tight leather outfit, he might have said yes as well. But as Coulson glared at him, he felt it prudent to miss that part out.

"Did they say anything? Missing time or items? We have reports that Miss Hardy was a thief at one point.”

Thor shrugged but shook his head. “Apparently she got them blackout drunk, and they never left the bar they were at.”

Coulson tapped a finger on his desk, “something doesn't add up. If she didn't interrogate them, or steal any passcodes then what? I didn’t think Peter was the sharing type.” It was then his phone beeped. He sighed and lifted the handset. “Coulson." There was a pause and he sighed. "Sure, send him in.” He laid down the handset, “it's Parker. Behave, and no lip.”

Thor laughed but touched his face, pulling an imaginary zip and throwing away the key.

As Peter was shown in, Coulson stood and Peter shook his hand, giving him a small smile. Thor stayed seated and just grinned.

“Peter, so, what do we owe this pleasure?” Coulson asked.

Peter looked at Thor, and then at Coulson, “Uh, I wanted to let you know about the Augments. I know you've got people watching us, not so subtly, but we’re having a new facility added. It's nothing dangerous, and once it's built, you can come and inspect it. It's a training room designed to withstand Augment attacks. We have a few in the warehouse and they need a room that’ll survive their training.”

Thor looked over at Coulson who leaned back, “And this couldn't be an email?”

“I am here as an official envoy from Wakanda. Shuri wants to know what your plan for Doom is, and with Thor here, I guess it's a good time.”

Coulson sighed, “Peter we’ve been over this. Asgard has no plans for conquest, and neither do the Xandarians. We’re being brought into a greater collective, and one that's needed.”

Peter smiled, “The Kree right?”

Thor looked at Coulson, “Carol?” Peter nodded but had a smug grin. “The Kree are the main issue, yes. They began an aggressive expansion of their territory. It was only the intervention of Carol last time that saved the Earth,“ Thor explained. “But they took it out on Xandar and ultimately will head back here. The Asgardian forces throughout the galaxy are heading them off, but we can’t stop them forever.”

“So, you bring Earth in, train a bunch of Augments or share the Super-Soldier formula? You knew Earth had a lot of powered, so you wanted to use them to give yourselves an edge?”

“There are several species in the cosmos that are infinitely more powerful than even a Hulk, Peter, but yes. We had hoped to replenish our forces, as well as our Vibranium.”

Peter sighed, “asking or taking?”

“Asking, but if the answer was no, then taking,” Coulson answered.

Peter nodded, pursing his lips, “And Doom?"

"We sent in a peacekeeping force but Doom is surprisingly genial." Coulson clicked on his PC and a video file played.

"Doom will not suffer this insult. Doom rules Latveria and no other shall..."

Doom was cut off as Thor strode into frame, "Yes yes, Doom this and Doom that. We're here to make sure your people aren't mistreated. Then you can go back to playing king with your cute little toy robots."

Coulson paused the video, "We found that while he is unpleasant, that Doom isn't as bad as we thought." The video played once more. The camera was capturing the very picturesque buildings of Latveria. Surprisingly though, dotted, and well-hidden, were several modern facilities.

"Doom is displeased with your petrol engine. Doom Says use recyclable energy.....or else suffer Doom's wrath."

"Doom commands you separate your recyclables....or Doom shall recycle you!"

One shot even showed a school, where schoolchildren were reading from a book. the camera panned over the ABCs until it got to D.

"D is for Doot...Doom Doots where Doom pleases!"

Coulson shut off the video. "And then we have this."

The video cut to Doom's throne room, where Thor stood while Doom refused to move from his throne. "Doom cares not for your petty squabbles. The filth you call leaders and politicians care only for lining their own pockets. Doom rules, but Doom provides. All would benefit from Doom's rule."

Peter was resisting the urge to laugh. A benevolent dictator was not what he expected. "So, we hear he's still pissed at you. What did you do?"

"He stole a mine from Sokovia, so we gave it back," Thor said with a shrug. "He was using the metal to build his toy machines, so we put a stop to it."

Peter rubbed his forehead, "Yeah, I know the mine. And that's why you've been playing nice with Shuri. You've got a source of metal."

Thor grinned, "And we have the technology to mine properly. Wakanda is not as important as you think. However, we are happy to leave you, and them, alone." Thor sighed and his face became serious, "As long as you behave. Oppose us and we will not hesitate to respond."

Peter nodded, pursing his lips, “that's all I wanted to know.” Peter stood, “This would be easier if you were open from the start”

Coulson's hand went to the back of his neck. “You son of a bitch,” he spat, lifting the damaged Iron Halo from his neck, “Xavier?” Peter nodded. Charles was the only known telepath, and Peter wasn't about to admit it was actually Jean and Wanda. “You know trust goes both ways.”

“You smuggle more alien species onto the planet, and you think we’d trust you?” Peter asked him glibly. “That Shield doesn’t have a history of hiding its true face until it's too late?”

Coulson raised an eyebrow. “We have a more open policy now, and since Hydra have more checks in place to make sure it doesn't happen again.”

Peter leaned forward and angrily tapped a finger on the desk. “You lie about Wakanda, about the Asgardians, and now this. You really thought I wouldn't investigate and take what you said as the whole story. You thought that we’d roll over and take it?” He tapped his finger on the desk again. “You’re damn lucky I disabled that and Charles didn't just melt your brain to get the answers we wanted.”

Coulson looked over at Thor, "Lied about what? The Vibranium was no secret, and we've been telling people about the cruisers for months."

Peter glared. “The blood samples. There are more than just Asgardians and Xandarians on Earth. What species are here, and what agendas do they have?”

Thor shrugged. “We allow many different species to work for us, the Warriors Three are the best of us. The Nova Corp allows all member species to join, assuming they pass their little test. Who we brought is of no matter. Everyone on Earth is working with the Asgardians. There is no secret agenda” but there was a small hint of worry on his face

“No, you’re wrong, because right now people are scared. We just had a lot of bad things happen, and then you guys show up. Showing people that the big bad aliens are more ET than Predator goes a long way to getting them on your side.”

Coulson sighed, “And that was what Miss Hardy was after. She didn't interrogate them, she took blood.”

Peter could only shake his head. “We needed to know how many aliens we were dealing with, and even hijacking four of your guys was risky enough.”

“On that, I am going to need that information back Peter. You’ve compromised our operation, and this little stunt didn't help either.” Coulson looked down at the damaged Halo. “When you shook my hand?” Peter shrugged as he nodded. “Damn, these were expensive and not as good as we thought.”

“Well, you should have used the originals and not Starks. While they are the same, he used an idea of mine.”

Coulson laughed, “Those were built by you. We stole the design.”

Peter shook his head, “Then you got what you deserved.”

Coulson shook his head, “So, are we good?”

Peter nodded, “As long as you start being more open. I mean, so far all we've heard is a big threat, but you need to let us know what that is.”

Coulson leaned back, and sighed, “So, how do we fix this? The Asgardians are right. When the Kree come, and they are already angry at Earth for the last time, we need a unified front. So, what are your terms?”

"I think returning Avalon to the Augments is a good start."

Coulson relaxed but still took in a sharp breath. “You know most of that goes over my head right? Even President Ellis can't simply sign away a territory. The Asgardians only want peace, and we can make sure everyone gets what they want.”

Thor nodded, “Asgard can agree to that, and maybe offer diplomatic trips to show Earth the wider galaxy. We do have some nice planets, plenty of beaches, and beautiful women.” Thor saw that Peter’s eyes had lit up. “Now I think about it, that Peter is now barred from. Save some for the rest of us, yes?” Thor said with a smile,

Coulson snorted, “I think we should keep him on the planet. We don't want to start an intergalactic war if Peter seduces the princess of some empire. Loki is still off-world right?” and Thor laughed and slapped Peter on the back,

“Loki is conducting diplomatic missions with the Skrulls. She is safe,” and with another slap, “for now. Maybe I should start calling you brother?”

Peter just shook his head, at least it was better than philanderer, “Joking aside. The aliens. How about letting everyone know there are more than just Asgardians on Earth? And your secret moonbase as well.”

Coulson looked at Thor who shrugged. “That is a new colony. We were hoping to share the planet, but as you said. The recent events showed us that humanity is not ready for the more alien-looking, well, aliens. I am accepted as I am, what was it that woman called me,”

Coulson rubbed his forehead, “a beefcake.”

“Ah yes, Your press was very insistent on mentioning my physique. And now I know why. Augments, Enhanced, even your own people are mocked for looking less than perfect. We have allies that need to hide amongst you but would prefer not to. So yes, they hid, and we are not happy they had to.”

Peter shook his head, “and you could have asked. Avalon is host to a number of physically different Augments. Not everyone remains entirely human-looking when they gain their powers. Genosha and Avalon exist for a reason, and they are welcome there.”

Thor snorted, “The last time the Skrulls were on Earth they were attacked and killed.”

Coulson coughed. “We didn't know, and we did sort it out,” Coulson added.

“Yes, you did, after many Skrulls died. They could not take the risk, not after being hunted by the Kree.”

Peter leaned back, rubbing his forehead. “And if we let the Skrulls meet some of the more physically different Augments, will they be happy?”

Thor sighed. “We can only promise so much Peter. Will they be happy? Who knows. Being a Skrull doesn't mean they will be happy anywhere. Alien or not, some people just won't get along.”

“Right, so that's three, what about the fourth?”

Thor looked at Peter, “Four? There are only three members of the alliance, Peter. Asgard leads, the Xandarians are our allies, and we are searching for a proper home for the Skrulls.”

“We got four different samples. Do you not have Kree with you as well?” This game of cloak and daggers had gone on long enough, and maybe it was time to lay everyone's cards on the table.

Thor stood, “Be very careful how you explain yourself, Peter. This is no joking matter. The Kree wage war on the alliance. There are no traitors amongst their people. It is their greatest dishonour to betray their Supreme Intelligence.”

Peter raised both his hands. “We took blood from four guys, and one partially matched Carol, who is part Kree. It was the only match we got.”

“Those bastards. You must show me, right now.” Thor roared, “If there are Kree infiltrators then the Earth is in danger.”

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