Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Eighty-Four. S-Kree-M

Peter watched Thor almost tear the door off its hinges trying to leave.

“So, want to tell me what's going on?” he asked as Coulson rubbed a hand over his face.

“What Thor said was partly true. There is a galactic war going on, with the Asgardians facing off against a Kree armada. The Xandarians were already attacked, and they asked if we could provide aid.” Phil sniffed and frowned, “and maybe offered us some tech in exchange for Iron Man and Hulks.”

Peter had been briefed by Carol, and he knew about the initial attack. "But that's not true. We didn't come barging in here as Carol told us the Xandarians were working with the Kree." The Kree had claimed it was a separatist group and had nothing to do with them, so now what changed?

Coulson actually looked shocked, "What do you mean, working with the Kree?"

"Carol was railroaded. Xandar Prime basically told her she was at fault for antagonising the Kree. They were going to hand her back to them. Why'd you think she ran?"

Coulson ran a hand over his face, "We had no idea. The Xandarians never said anything and only used it as a way to get more concessions. If we knew," Peter didn't miss the shift in blame but ignored it. There was plenty to go around, and not all of it on them. "We would have told them to go to hell. The Kree make Hydra look like kindergarten bullies."

Peter shook his head, “And? What, You think the Kree will come back here after dealing with the Asgardians.“ He paused, “Are they losing?”

Coulson shook his head. “No, but everyone else is. The Kree use planet crackers and bioweapons. We got off lightly last time as it was only one unit. This time the Asgardians think they’ll vaporise first, and ask questions later.”

Peter sighed and let out a long slow breath. “Didn’t think it was going to be that bad? And the Vibranium?”

Coulson shrugged. “They won't use anything that will vaporise Vibranium. You don't need to even if you want to kill everything on the planet. We really have no idea just how powerful this stuff is, or what it can be made into.”

Peter leant back and rested his hands on his head, “So, let me make sure I've got this right. The Asgardians and the Kree are currently waging war, and what's left of the Nova Corp is here. The Skrulls are here to find a new home world and to make sure the Kree don’t come along and vaporise us. In exchange for this protection, Asgard gets first dibs on the Vibranium. That sound about right?”

Coulson clasped his hands together. “I wouldn't have put it quite like that, but sure. Why’d you think everyone is going crazy over them being here? Give up some tech and get a lot more in return. Only the greedy ones are holding out. I think Kim-Jong wanted his own planet.”

Peter pursed his lips,  “But then, why the lax security? I mean, we found one Kree with a blood test, why haven't the Asgardians?”

“Because these men are supposed to be the best troops that Xandar has. If there are Kree here, it means either the Xandarians are complicit, or the Kree are much better at hiding. When your elite force is supposed to be incorruptible, you don’t check to see if it actually is.”

Well, that’s just stupid. The ones that claim to be incorruptible are the ones you check first, Peter thought to himself. But I’m not in charge, so what do I care?

Peter shrugged, “Right, well, that's a ‘you’ problem. Last time it was a me problem I got raked over the coals trying to save the city.”

Coulson sighed. “And if we give you immunity? Everyone knows you have a problem with Asgard. So, we use it. As a special agent of Shield, you can actually help solve the problem. Use that normally annoying Parker intellect to find out just how screwed we are?”

Peter frowned and huffed. ”I want it in writing. And signed by you and Thor. I'm tired of sticking my neck out for you guys to try and chop it off. My team sits this one out, and I mean that.”

Phil reached into his desk, and after unfolding a contract, handed it to Peter.

“You had this pre-signed?” and as he flicked through the pages, “And this specifies me and AIM? What the hell?”

It was Coulson's turn to sigh, “We were trying the olive branch approach. We might not have a great working relationship, but you did help us with Hydra. We've been trying to tell you we're not the bad guys," he saw Peter raise an eyebrow, "anymore. We know Wrath is one of your pet projects, and we know that AIM isn’t to be underestimated. You made yourself a player Peter, just as big as Stark, and just as annoying. We dealt with him. You just have better lawyers.”

Peter shrugged, “I don't care, this is another one of your bullshit plans, isn't it? So, what's it this time, fake invasion, fake charges and more fake rewards? Maybe hold me in a nice cell so Shuri either snaps and kicks your ass or bends and gives in?”

Coulson shook his head, “You’re spending too much time with Fury. This is what it says it is. A neat package, where we all come out as heroes. You get an actual government licence and a free pass on international travel. All courtesy of the Asgardians. No space ship though. Asgard was quite strict about that one. The Klyntar are still stuck on Earth.”

Petre flicked through the contract, “It's too good Coulson, where’s the catch?”

“Catch? A very public group, that's not the Avengers is the catch, You screw up and you face them, not us. You’re still bound by the ARCA, or whatever Charles comes up with next. So you do this and you get your team, your big shiny sign, or whatever you want. Stark got a licence to manufacture the civilian versions of Iron Man. This gets you whatever you want, mainly us off your back.” Phil laughed, “Oh, and because everyone else said kiss our collective asses.”


Coulson laughed, “You even have to ask? We dealt with Doom, and no, don't ask. You aren't privy to everything, We have secrets you don't know, and I'm sure so do you.”

“I need to talk to my team, Phil. I won't drag them into anything.”

Phil looked up at him, “and I wouldn't expect you to. Warn Romanov and her sister though. Omega Red was awfully compliant, and we stuck a pin in the deal with him. We already know the Red Room doesn't roll over for anyone, and he practically handed us the keys to the Kremlin.”

Peter rubbed a hand over his face, “You think they already know?”

Coulson could only shrug. “Even if they do, and it’s a trap it won’t matter. The invasion of Earth is on a timer, Peter. We needed to be prepared and this time we were.”

Dammit, Peter thought to himself and extended his powers out to find the others. They knew he was meeting with Coulson and were ready to act if need be. So everyone was sitting in a rental car parked across the street, waiting for Peter to contact them. Peter was not going to simply walk into Shields HQ alone without backup.

Listen, we have a problem, the Kree have infiltrated the Asgardians, and we’ve been asked to help. 

Peter, we trust you, and you have a team, as long as you are safe, we will follow you.

Great, Pepper. I need you to verify a contract, how fast can you get here? In fact, Wanda, grab Pepper and get her here. Sorry, but this is an emergency.

A yellow sparkle swirled into a portal and Pepper peered through and Phil frowned. “What the hell Parker?”

Stepping throughout Pepper looked at Phil and then at Peter, and stuck out a hand to take the contract from him. “I think that's my line, Phil. Be back as soon as I've read this” As she stepped back through, the portal vanished.

“So, we knew that Asgardians had matter transmission technology, but since when did you?” Phil asked.

“Charles doesn't trust you enough to give you some technology Phil. You should be so lucky that he lets me use it.” He gave Coulson a look. “And no, don't ask, and don’t think about it. It’s keyed to certain genetic markers, and won't work for anyone else.”

Coulson scowled but shrugged. “I’ll just tell Stark and he’ll make one from some bubblegum wrappers and a toothpick.”

Peter laughed, as knowing Stark he probably could.

Uh. Can we do it by phone this time, I forgot Coulson doesn't know about magic or portals.

He could feel Wanda laughing, and I will ensure it stays that way. Stephen would be upset if magic was exposed.

Peter mentally shrugged, but think of the awesome birthday parties he could host.

Wanda snorted over their link, as long as I am there when you suggest it, Peter, go right ahead. Oh, Pepper is going to call.

That fast huh?

As his phone rang he lifted it and put it on loudspeaker, “Peter here, on speaker so Coulson can hear you.”

“Right, everything is legal, but there is nothing in here about Wakanda, so, just Peter and not his allies.”

“Sorry Miss Potts, the president couldn't agree to extend that to Wakanda. You aren't married yet, so still an American. We need this done now, not in a month.”

“Then it's signed, and you will get a digital copy in a few moments. AIM is now a licensed operator of Shield.”

“Great, Uh Peter. Can you find Thor and assist him? He’ll probably just run around asking people if they're Kree.”

“Pepper, can you put Liv on?” Peter held up his phone and asked.

“Yes dear, what can I do?” she asked him.

“Attach an X-gene scanner to the Mark Two, tune them for Kree DNA and get anyone whose suit is fitted out to Shield HQ.”

“You know yours is unfinished.”

“I have another method, this will be a fight, so combatants only.”

“Okay dear, I think Laura and Felicia's suits are ready, Jean keeps melting hers.”

Peter had to restrain a laugh, “Nat?”

“Damaged, same with Carols. We haven't had time to fabricate the plates after their little run-in with the New Avengers. Someone has been blocking our contracts. Isn’t that right Mr Couslon?”

“The new contract takes care of that.”

“They still won't be ready in time. You have three members who can work with you unless you’d like everyone to know their identities?”

“Three is fine Liv, I doubt there are hundreds of Kree. It’s a simple sweep and contain.”

“Okay Peter, love you and see you back at the warehouse. Everyone will meet you at Shield.

The line went dead and the pure black Dusk armour slid over Peter. Its arms were missing but the repair work Liv had managed to do had at least restored the armour portion.

“Right, Thor?”

“Follow the yelling.”

Dusk laughed, “Yeah, I’ll make sure there's a bit less of that” 

Finding Thor was easy enough, he was grabbing guards from the embassy and yelling at them. “Are you a Kree?” He yelled before throwing them away and grabbing someone else.

Dusk shook his head and gripping him on the shoulder pulled him off a scared and huddled guard, “Thor, that won't work. You’ll just make them hide.”

Thor huffed, “Then what? We need to find them before they sabotage something.”

Peter nodded, “and we will. We have their DNA, and can test everyone.” 

What he wasn't about to tell Thor was that the scanners could tell the various species apart. Coulson might be glad they were finding Kree, but Peter had other plans. Using them would be a ruse for finding out exactly how many more species there were. 

Something was still off about this whole thing. Having a healthy dose of paranoia when it came to Coulson and his schemes was never a bad thing. Even if everyone told him he was just spending too much time with Fury or Maria. As Fury would say, 'It's not paranoid when you know they're out to get you'.

“Look, we’ll get them, okay? But your way just makes it obvious we’re looking for them.”

Thor huffed. “In the spirit of cooperation, I will trust you Peter, but be warned. If anything happens to the Earth because you could not find them in time, it will be on your head.” Thor glared before he stormed off.

Yeah, thanks jackass, he thought to himself. He wasn't the one that brought stupid space nazis without doing a background check. He also wondered what was up with Thor. He was brash, yes, but not this brash. Maybe a Kree stole his lunch money when he was a kid. Peter shrugged and continued down to the main lobby.

Liv, I’m on my way back, get everyone whose armour is at least capable of using a scanner into gear. We need to find these guys before they do something stupid, or worse, Thor does. Which is why I don’t want anyone without armour running around in just their symbskin.

Why? Do you still suspect they are up to something?

I don't know, he said. But with everything else, I don’t want to take any chances. Kree or not, they still lied to us.

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