Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Eighty-Two. Messed With The Wrong Woman

War erupted in the warehouse. Pinned firmly on the shoulders of Peter.

Over the years he had developed methods to stop himself from speaking before he thought. He counted to ten, He meditated, and he even bit the inside of his cheek.

But these all failed at the single most sexiest hottest picture of Felicia he had ever seen.

That wasn't even the problem. It was that he had told her, and she strutted around the warehouse like a Queen for days. Strutted until Gwen had enough.

Peter was confused one morning as he struggled to find his shoes. Until he spotted them glued to the bottom of the penthouse. Felicia swore and choked as she found her coffee wasn't made with coffee, it was gravy powder.

War had been declared.

Liv bowed out immediately. She had no issue with Felicia being more attractive than her. She had no issue with any of the pictures. Why should she? She was also quite happy at the attention Peter lavished on her while they browsed her pictures. She was also of the same opinion as Peter. It was a very very good picture, and she thoroughly enjoyed Felicia recreating. She, wisely, didn’t voice her opinion. It was too much fun to watch Gwen and Felicia punish Peter.

Not that Peter was a passive defender. Peter saw no issue in declaring that picture amazing. He told everyone he loved them, and why, every day. He had lots of reasons to do so, and they were all different. He never once felt guilty about it. It worked as they didn't argue over big things, only little things like, 'Damn Felicia is hot in that picture.'

Which was why Gwen's password to enter her office suddenly became 1D10T. Felicia went for a more subtle approach, and her underwear became large and grey. Granny style as she called it.

Gwen retaliated by replacing Felicia's underwear with nappies. Whereas Peter found the door to his office glued shut with a super-strength glue. One that Gwen had a solvent for, but that would mean admitting defeat.

The war itself was harmless. They stuck to personal items only. Peter's door might have been glued shut, but she made sure nothing dangerous was running. Felicia might have written 'Ask about my chocolate starfish' on one of her shirts. But it was just a transfer and could be removed.

It was unfortunate that Gwen retaliated by filling Felicia's chocolates with hot peppers. It was unfortunate, as they weren't Felicia's, they were MJ's.

What made it worse, was that these were no ordinary chocolates. Peter had an order from a chocolatier in Belgium. He had designed a CLS for his son, who was paralysed and had limited use of his arms. After, he could walk and run, and the man had broken down and wept. He had then offered to make Peter a lifetime supply of chocolate. Peter declined, saying it would be a waste, and instead offered it to MJ. She sat with the chef and designed her favourite flavours, each one lovingly crafted. Each one was perfect. And Gwen injected them with hot sauce. Gwen hadn't known they were MJ's, only that Peter had been given them after a job.

It was her one treat. Well, her one food treat. She was right, and what she didn't eat Muse did, but she still stuck to a diet and exercise plan. Just because it was harder for her to gain weight, didn't mean she couldn't.

As she bit into her ruined strawberry cheesecake truffle, she tried not to cry. Sniffing each chocolate, they were all ruined. Defiling her chocolates was beyond that. Nobody was allergic, but food was always off the table for pranks. Not everything was theirs, and like MJ, not everything belonged to the participants.

MJ found their little war funny. She was slightly jealous because Felicia did look stunning in her pictures. MJ had opted to go for the more alien approach to hers, to show off Muse. But that was all it was. Normal 'damn, she does look amazingly hot' that everyone felt. She had also seen a drunk Felicia, asleep in a half-eaten chilli dog. It was nothing major. She especially found it funny as she knew Gwen replicated the picture a few times. It was a different, and enjoyable, way to experience oral.

That didn't mean she wasn't upset, and that she wanted revenge.

MJ called Gwen's office, and mimicking her voice, changed her voicemail. She apologised for being out of the office as her explosive diarrhoea was acting up. Complete with Muse making rather loud noises in the background. She then found her clothes and replaced them with child clothing. Everything was in the youngest size she could find. If Gwen was going to be childish, then MJ would treat her like one. And then it was time for her real revenge.

She then replaced the label on Gwen's soda. Root beer was now super sweet sarsaparilla. Gwen's ketchup was now Mexican chipotle ghost pepper sauce. Her mayo was super strong garlic sauce. Gwen never ate chocolate, so that was out, and her sweet tooth was limited. MJ stared into the fridge. Everything else was off-limits.

Put the ketchup in her shoes, Muse suggested.

While MJ paused for a moment, she tipped on its end and filled the toe space. Just enough so it's filled, but not enough to be seen.

Think she'll get the message?

Muse huffed, even if she doesn't she'll just blame Peter. She might think it was him getting revenge.

MJ hmm'd, You're right. We need to leave a note so she knows.

In the end, she decided to write the message on Gwen's vanity mirror. Using butter, she wrote out.

"Touch my chocolate again, and the pepper sauce goes on your toilet seat"

And then was given a lovely dusting of flour.

Gwen was in a bad mood. She knew Peter had changed her password again, but it was the laughter she didn't understand. She had been getting strange looks throughout the day after that, with no explanation. She checked her mirrors and had nothing to explain why everyone was laughing.

Being her own boss, she got sick of it and left early. She had nothing important going on, and Xander had refused her offer to watch his lab while he recovered.

Heading home, the warehouse was quiet. It was a Tuesday afternoon, and even Peter was in Brussels for a conference.

"What the actual hell," she shouted as she saw the message. I bet Pete asked Wanda to let him into the warehouse, she growled to herself. Wanda was now on her shit list as well. It was harder to play jokes on the Sorceress, as she had a lot more powers, but it was still doable.

The butter would be a pain to clean off the mirror and the flour was just an annoyance. It was times like these she wished she had a Symbiote again. One tentacle, one extra flexible tongue, and she could just lick the mess clean. Instead, she got a cloth and a bottle of spray cleaner from under her sink and did it the old-fashioned way.

With that done, Gwen headed into the main area. She wanted to just sit and relax, and maybe plan revenge on Pete. it had been fun, and nothing major. Yes, she was a little annoyed he thought Felicia was the hottest, but if she was honest, so did she. In fact, she already knew everyone did. She had gotten a bit over-excited, and gone from 'hey, I'm sexy,' to 'hey, I'm slutty'. The spread ass pic was embarrassing to see, and Felicia strutting around just made it worse. Pouring herself a glass of Root Beer she was about to take a sip when she smelt the liquid. It was a cloyingly sweet scent and not root beer. She set the glass down and groaned. If Pete had done that, she now needed to check the fridge.

Now she was pissed off. Everything that could be opened had been tampered with, but that wasn't Pete's style.

Pete, did you mess with my food?

Nope, I've been in Brussels. Plus, I thought food was off-limits, just in case someone eats it who's not involved.

Someone changed out my stuff and wrote on my mirror, I uh, might have put hot sauce in those chocolates you get.

There was a long pause, one which made Gwen start to panic slightly. Normally, a pause meant trouble.

Those were MJ's. I don't eat really expensive chocolates.

Gwen swore.

How expensive?

There was a little shrug emoji. I got them from that chocolate guy, he sends me a box every month.

Gwen swore again. He wasn't some chocolate guy. He was the chocolate guy, renowned for making the world's most expensive chocolates. And she had injected hot sauce into them.

I think MJ is mad at me. I thought they were yours.

Then apologise, kiss her ass, and make it up to her. It's not like you can't afford a box of chocolates.

Pete, those boxes are ordered six months in advance and are fifty bucks a truffle. You get them for helping his kid.

Pete sent a laughing emoji. When you kiss her ass, use plenty tongue.

Felicia was being insufferable.

There was a laughing emoji, and you still made her hang upside down, we all did. You're famous for Formula, Liv's a super genius, and I help sick kids. Let her be hot and sexy.

Gwen huffed as she stared at her phone, yeah yeah, fine. Gonna go call MJ. If she forgives me, you can join in, plenty of ass-kissing to go around.

Gwen closed that conversation window and opened another.

Sorry, really, I didn't know. I know that's not an excuse, but I'll replace them, and make it up to you?

I forgive you, and I'm sorry too. Uh, what did you find?

The drinks and the food...why what else is there?

Check your mirror and your closet. Sorry, not sorry.

Oh, I saw that.

Gwen shuffled back into her home and saw the clothes and smelt the ketchup,

Really, in my shoes?

My ONE treat Gwen. The one thing I actually savour. And you used hot sauce.

Gwen huffed and rolled her eyes. Fine, so anything else?

Uh, maybe your answering service.

Gwen frowned and dialled her office.

"Hey, It's Gwonathon Stacy here. Sorry, I can't." BUUUUURP. "make it to the phone. I ate some bad sausage and now I'm," PHHHHRRRT, "Stuck in my porcelain office. Normal working hours will resume later this week." FFFLLLUUUSSSHHH.

Gwen stared at her phone, blinking. No wonder everyone had been looking at her strangely.

You know, I take it back. I'm going to kill you. THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!

When Felicia returned home that night, she heard Gwen and MJ making up. She shrugged. The pranks had gotten boring anyway. It had been fun for a while to tease the others that she was Peter's favourite. But it needed to stop before someone's feelings got hurt for real.

She sniffed, and found a box of chocolates, with one one half-eaten. Shrugging, she lifted it, sniffed, and ate it. With what they got up to, swapping a little spit on food wasn't an issue. It was spicy but not unpleasant. Chillis in chocolate wasn't bad, wasn't really her thing but there was one thing that made her eat another one. They weren't hers.

With mischief in mind, she sauntered over to Gwen's home. She could hear them having sex, and she figured they were an apology gift.

She stood in the doorway, noisily eating chocolate, watching MJ and Gwen.

Gwen lifted her head from between MJ's legs, having taken Peter's advice literally. "I swear to Glob, if you come anywhere near me after eating those I will kill you." Even Felicia wouldn't be that mean. Nobody, well, almost nobody, liked the idea of spicy hot peppers on their sensitive parts.

MJ looked up, with muzzy hair and a glazed freshly fucked look on her face. "Oh, those were mine." She noticed the smug look on Felicia's face. "Yeah, I hated them. Thanks for eating them."

Felicia ate the last one with a small huff. That just took the fun out of it.

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