Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Eighty-Nine. Final Countdown

Jean, Wanda, and Carol floated across from one another. Jean noticed the pink alien woman was still busy working on the panel of the communications dish.

“Carol, We both love you, but if you attack us I will seriously fuck your day up,” Wanda warned her.

“My orders are to protect Bereet while she works. Stay back, and I won't have to seriously fuck up your day. Wanda,” Carol replied with a smirk. She was still in control, she just didn't care about these two. The Kree was all that mattered. Once she was reunited with the Supreme Intelligence it would all be okay again.

“Wanda, take care of our friend there. Carol and I need to have a little chat.” Jean's aura flared as Helios covered her in her bright red and gold armour.

“Her? Alive, or uh?” Helio shrugged. “Right, stop the evil aliens.” Crossing her arms a flick of bright red surrounded Bereet, who cried out and was flung from the top of the roof. Making a splat as she impacted the ground after falling from the top of the fifty-floor building. “There, done.” Helios glared at her but Wanda just shrugged. “You know the only difference between our powers is that mine are red while yours are all flamey. You could have done that and not even asked,” Wanda said with a small grin. “Plus, We need to help Carol, not beat her.”

“Wanda, even with your powers, you have no hope of beating me,” Carol said and her binary form flared.

“Oh so scary, like one of those super monkey guys that Pete still likes to watch. I am not impressed.” Wanda said and she crossed her arms, “See?” and as Carol groaned and screamed the light from her powers seemed to dim as it took on a red tinge.

But Carol screamed more and her aura flared back into its normal brightness. Her life was for the Kree empire and nothing else mattered. Even as the blood trickled down her nose she would burn every cell in her body to protect her. She blinked. Bereet was gone. “What. What did you do?” She screamed and dived towards the roof. Bereet was gone, the panel was hanging loosely, and the blaster was left lying on the felt-covered roof. 

“Kill you, kill you,” Carol repeated over and over again and screaming, she flew at high speed at Wanda and threw a punch.

Carol flew straight through the ghost that vanished, only to reappear a few feet away. The illusion of Wanda smirked at her. "Now Jean."

Helios flared and an aura of flame wrapped around Carol who screamed and then hung limply in the air. Wanda nodded at Helios and they both closed their eyes.

Carol was floating in New York, but something was wrong. Jean and Wanda appeared a few feet away from her, and she tried to fly at them to attack.

“Silly girl, you don't get to fight back on the astral plane,” Wanda said as she floated over to Jean. “Are you okay?”

Jean nodded, gritting her teeth. “The son of a bitch is tough though. If she’d said something sooner we could have gotten it over and done with when we had the Mind Stone.”

Wanda shrugged. She saw Carol look down at her hand, bring them together and send out a pulse of energy, which passed thru the pair. “She is persistent.”

“She is fighting me, you need to help,” Jean said, the sweat beginning to bead on her brow.

“Fine.” Wanda floated away. “You know, Stephen does not like mind magic. He says that it breaks a few basic tenets about free will and something I don't quite remember.” As she brought her hands around in a circle a yellow runic sphere appeared. “Stephen does like to moralise about not using magic to do bad things.” As she brought her hands together, interlaced her fingers and spun them around. The sphere shrunk, turned blue, green, orange, and then back to yellow. “But, you know, exorcising someone's demons is not always a bad thing,” as she shot the ball at Carol.

Carol screamed as the blast slammed into her, and she felt herself being torn apart. As the energy crackled over her, she felt her mind and body being broken down.

“CONFORM. OBEY. COMPLY!” She began to scream over and over, her voice crackling into two separate voices. One Carol's normal voice and the other a childlike high-pitched scream.

As the pair watched, Carol began to disintegrate into dust, separating into two. One reformed into Carol and the other into a younger version of herself. The old Carol was in her red and blue Captain Marvel uniform, with a ghostly image of Ravage slithering over it. The second hunched over as yellow electricity crackled over its body. It was a young girl, wearing a green and black Kree uniform. She was mumbling, “conform, obey, comply,” over and over.

“You couldn't have done that at the start?” Jean asked Wanda who shrugged.

“You didn't ask me to, and look, she’s fine,” Wanda replied, who floated over and wrapped her arms around Carol.

“She isn't fine, there are two of them now,” Jean said, joining the pair in a now three-way hug.

“There aren’t two of us,” Carol said as she straightened up. “That's the Supreme Intelligence.”

Wanda, still holding Carol, slapped her on the ass, "And we could have dealt with it if you had said something."

The second Carol looked up at them, and there was no humanity in its eyes. They cracked with the yellow lightning, “The Mind Stone’s power. We have tasted it before, we have encountered it before. We now take what was once ours and return it.”

In a blinding flash, the trio were returned to the waking world.

Jean held Carol's head between her two hands, while Wanda had a hand on Jean's shoulder. "I'm fine now, and," Carol had the shame to look guilty, "thanks. I mean, sorry, but yeah, thanks." She floated away, checking the panel. Carol growled as she saw the transmitted message. “We need to get back to the warehouse. The Kree are coming.”

She flew down to stare at Soren, “I know. But she belongs with me.”

Soren tutted and held out a hand. “I will want to speak to Peter. She was a most interesting companion,” Soren said with a small sad smile. Goyle had used the explosion to extract himself and then run. Whatever was left of the man was enough to know when he was beaten, and her revenge would have to wait for another day.

“I know, and good luck,” Carol said before the trio flew home.

I liked her, she was sad though, her mate died. Ravage said to her, sharing the memories she had taken from Soren. 

I know, but if the Kree are coming, he won’t be the last. Carol felt Soren's grief, but it was overshadowed by their mutual hatred of the Kree. As she and the other two sped back to the warehouse, she knew it wouldn’t be long before they arrived.

In deep space, a ship, waiting for any reply from their agents, paused as a single console flared into life. Its automatic relays lit up as power flowed and a single screen began to flash a map of the galactic star charts. It flickered as the computer tried to triangulate where its origin was.

It eventually settled on a distant corner of the Milky Way. Not forgotten, but sealed. Hidden, for the protection of an Empire that hated failure.

We remember.

We remember our loss, and now we remember our prize.

The voice sounded out through the empire and the soldiers of the Kree empire listened. No one would ever dare to ignore the Supreme Intelligence,

Anoint the Accuser, gather our armies. Where there was once darkness, there shall be light. Where we once failed, there shall be penance. Visit the planet of green and blue, recover our prizes, and recover our Infinity Stones.

In a chamber, deep in meditation, the last Accuser knelt. As the screen in front of him lit up, his own face stared back at him.

Accuser Rogg, you are finally given a chance to atone. Seek out Vers, seek out the stone, and in doing so you shall have your penance, and you shall have your revenge.

The man nodded, his face covered in ritual tattoos that bore the brunt of his shame. The shame of not only losing the space stone but losing one of the greatest weapons the Kree had ever created. Carol Danvers.

Yog-Rogg stood and as his chamber door opened several Accuser acolytes approached. The remains of his Star Force. They had been punished, and each bore the marks of surgery. They had been enhanced and turned into lethal, and obedient, killing machines.

They anointed him with oils and covered the muscular seven-foot-tall farm in holy oils. They produced Uru razors and shaved his already short black hair. Once he was purified it was time to dress him in the Accuser's ceremonial garb. Each part was anointed before they slipped it on. It was made from the finest of metal. The strongest of hides, and would protect the Accuser even from the ravages of space.

As he stepped forward, a hammer rose from the floor before him. It had been Ronan's before he had been killed on Xandar Prime, and they had foolishly returned it. While the Xandarians had taken the Power Stone, it was still infused with its energy. He tensed as he grabbed its handle, the skin on the palm of his hand melting and fusing to its grip.

“I hear and Obey, Supreme Intelligence.” As he hefted the hammer over his shoulder the acolytes bowed and departed. "Set course for the Planet Earth." Once more, Rogg and his Star Force would return to the scene of their failure.

Space twisted as the Neural Network engaged. The Earth had no entry point, but the fleet used the Nova's Corps ships as a beacon.

Accuser Rogg had a small smirk on his face as he spoke. “Transmit the treaty to the Asgardians. Transmit our proof the planet is ours."

The communications officer nodded, "Done Sir."

Yon nodded. "Good. Hijack their communications arrays. Prepare to broadcast.” There would be no flowery words this time.

The TV flickered from the news channel and the stoic face of the accuser appeared.

“Shit,” Carol swore, ”that's Yog-Rogg. He was my handler, and he’s an asshole. Even for a Kree.”

Peter looked over at Carol, “They’ll kill them all. Kree hate the Skrulls.”

“So we fight?”

Carol nodded, “last time I fought them off myself, but my powers are not as strong. Pete, we need everyone. Hulks, Augments, Stark, hell, throw rocks at them. They're fascists who make Nazis look like pussies. They’ll kill anyone who won't obey, even if it's most of the planet. It’ll be genocide.”

“People Of Earth. Forty of your years ago, a peace treaty was signed by Asgard, Xandar, and the Kree Empire. Under this treaty, any claimed world is to be administered by its empire of acquisition. We have records that this world was visited by our glorious Empire, and that we established a colony here. As such your Earth falls under Kree dominion. All Asgardian and Xandarian ships are to depart immediately. The peace treaty forbids your interference in any internal conflict. We know the Skrull are on Earth, and we are here to exterminate them.”

In space, the Asgardians and the Xandarians had no choice but to start moving away. It was their own laws the Kree were quoting, but while they had to leave, they could remain just outside the system.

The blue-skinned man on the screen continued.

“Know this, people of Earth, we made your species, we created your Enhanced and your Augmented. We own this planet and all that sits upon it. Resistance will be met with death. Hostility will be met with unimaginable force.”

The camera moved as Yon-Rogg leaned in, glaring directly at the lens.

"Make no mistake. This planet is ours. We are your masters.”

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