Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Eighty-Eight. Thor Loser

In the warehouse, Peter and the rest watched as Gargoyle killed Coulson, and then fought with Thor. It looked like Thor was a Skrull as well, but then they Hulked out, leaving everyone confused.

“Skrulls,” Carol explained as they watched. “They tried to settle on Earth before, and the Kree pursued and tried to finish them off.” She stared down at her bottle, “I stopped them, but they took it out on Xandar.”

“And you didn't know?” Gwen asked as she poked Peter in the side.

“Yeah, my powers don't include alien detection.” He flinched as she tried to poke him again.

“But you meet with Coulson all the time, for one stupid thing or another, and you couldn't tell?” She asked once more, as she tried to find a way past his defences. Since being de-powered she took any small victory where she could.

“Yeah, not big on aliens, and Coulson is kinda weird anyway,” he retorted and grabbed her fingers.

“And Thor?” She asked as he pulled her into his grasp, sitting her on his lap.

“Uh, he's an alien anyway. It’s not like listening to a different language. It’s just scrambled and weird noises.”

“Yeah, but a different kind, and you couldn't tell?” She asked as she wiggled to make herself comfortable and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I met Thor, like three times, get off my case. I don't hear you complaining at Carol.”

Carol was sitting nursing a bottle. “Alien detection powers aren't on my list either, but seriously, if the Kree are coming, we need to prepare. They won't stop, and they will kill everyone.”

Peter raised an eyebrow, “So kinda what we were doing anyway, but for different reasons?”

Carol shook her head, “They won't be nice and hide then leap out and yell surprise. They set the atmosphere on fire, wait until we’re charred husks and then take over the planet. Kree aren't invaders, they’re destroyers of anything that isn’t Kree.”

"You think this is a Kree plot? I mean, It's been a while but Osborn is still a giant asshole," Peter asked Carol.

"Where there are Skrulls there are Kree. They hate each other," Carol replied. "And not just like cats and dogs kinda thing. A chase them across the galaxy and kill every single one of them in a racial genocide kinda thing."

Peter looked seriously at the group, “Liv, get the Mark Three done as fast as possible. We’ll need it. Jean, contact Charles and find out if Avalon is still functional. It isn’t a lot but anyone who can fight from space can use it as a supply base. Oh, get Kitty to make more caverns, unless, uh. Can they blow up the moon?”

Carols shrugged, “Probably, but most species, even the Kree, don’t go for actually blowing up planets. You don’t know what a hundred billion tonnes of rubble will do when caught in the rest of the system's gravity well. Might as well just blow yourself up.” 

Something was bothering her though. If the Skrulls had Goyle, why did he suddenly get free now?

“Pete, can you rewind that?” Carol asked as she leaned forward. Peter handed her the remote. As she rewound the news, and then slowly moved it forward, Carol watched as Bereet boarded her shuttle. “Son of a bitch. It was her.” Carol let the rest of the recording play but panned the picture zoom in on Bereet's shuttle. "Okay, you don't get it, but atmospheric exit needs the correct angle, or you just skim around the globe." Carol pointed at the screen, "And that is for flight, not space travel." She looked over, "Pete, what's northwest of Shield HQ?"

Peter lifted his phone and called up woogle maps. He groaned as he saw what was in her path. "The Asgardian communications tower."

Carol sat her drink on the table, “Sorry guys. I need to help them.” As Ravage changed into her Captain Marvel uniform, she lit up and floated. “If you get armoured up, you can join me.” Then like a rocket, she shot out of the warehouse towards the Shield building.

Peter and the rest watched her zoom away, while Jean and Wanda both looked at each other.

“Uh, we can fly, do we go after her?” Jean asked, and Wanda shrugged.

“Do we need to?” Wanda asked. Carol was still one of the group's heavy hitters, even after taking a blow to her powers when Rogue attacked her.

“You should. I get this is personal for her, but you don't know what else is out there,” Peter said. “Especially if one of those cruisers opens fire.”

Liv sat up as well, “I’ll see what armour we have. But I don’t think anyone has working flight capability. You would have to swing there.”

Peter paused for a moment, “Will you two be okay?”

Jean and Wanda looked at each other and laughed. Jean was surrounded by flames and Wanda surrounded herself with red energy.

“We’re tough,” they said at the same time, giggling. “Jinx,” they both said and Jean raised an eyebrow.

“We can deal with that later. Peter, we’ll be fine.” The pair linked hands and shot from the warehouse after Carol.

“Yeah, but I still think facing a giant spaceship without armour is a bad idea.”

Liv already had her phone out, and was shifting into outdoor clothing. “I’ll get to Ivan and see what we have. Because I also think fighting a giant spaceship without armour is a bad idea, even if you are a super-augment.”

Outside Carol was racing towards the Shield building. It wasn’t fair, but when a madwoman with some kind of agenda just set a crazy monster loose, you counted the seconds. Ravage agreed with her, and she could hear the sound of a blaster firing on the roof of the Shield building.

She stopped and looked around. On the roof of the building, Bereet was firing off pulses of laser, driving back the Asgardians. Once they had retreated, she pried open a panel on the massive satellite dish with her free hand.

“Got you now, bitch,” Ravage said and flew straight at her.

Bereet almost jumped out of her skin as she saw the glow of Captain Marvel flying at her. She fired off a few rounds, but it wasn’t any use. She knew she was too tough and too powerful for someone with a blaster. She fired two shots at the door, fusing the lock to the mantle before she turned.

"Longing. Rusted. Furnace. Daybreak. Seventeen. Benign. Nine. Homecoming. One. Freight car," Bereet shouted and Carol felt the world go black. Bereet sighed in relief.

Vers, Carol's Kree name, was a trusted and loyal agent. Not many were given a direct link to the Supreme Intelligence, but Bereet knew the truth. The implants subtly influenced their minds, changed their thinking, until treason was unimaginable. Bereet knew it was only her pink skin that saved her from becoming a Kree Agent. She was impure and unworthy of a direct link.

Bereet had the treatment once and felt wonderful afterwards. She would dedicate her life to the Kree, and its ideals. It was only with time the shine wore off. 

Being a pink Kree, she was treated with disdain and scorn. Only the blue Kree were truly worth being called Kree. Without the constant psycho-hypnotic suggestion, she grew jaded. It was their own hubris that turned her against them. If she had been treated fairly, she would have even killed her family if asked. She was a loyal Kree, but she had no illusions about what that truly meant.

There was no justice in the universe, only power. And being born with a different coloured skin to the elite meant she had little to none. She was stronger than a human, tougher, faster and more intelligent, but she was pink, so it didn't matter.

Right now though, unless she wanted to see her family disintegrated slowly, she had a mission. And as she looked up at the blank face of Vers, she sighed. “Vers. Under the command of the Supreme Intelligence, You are to assist in the subjugation of the planet. Protect me until my work is complete.”

“I conform, I obey. I comply.” Vers replied, “I can detect two more coming this way. Your orders?”

“If they try to stop me, kill them.”

NO! Ravage screamed within her mind. She could feel that sick voice repeating over and over. CONFORM. OBEY. COMPLY. Repeating over and over in an endless loop of scratching and itchiness. It buzzed like a tiny bug with no chance of relief. 

She used her powers to dull it, but nobody would understand, nobody would trust her if they knew the truth. Vers hadn’t died during the last invasion. She simply slept, and Ravage was now powerless to stop her from waking and taking over.

Help! Carol is gone, Ravage cried to her sisters and Wanda and Jean both paused.

Gone? Jean asked.

The bad machine left a seed of doubt in her mind, and the seed has grown. She is now Vers once more, and we cannot stop her.

Wanda, you take out that pink bitch. I’ll make sure Carol is okay. Ravage, leave and find a new host, don’t care how don’t care when just leave. This will hurt and I don’t want you to suffer with her.

Ravage paused, but she is our all, we love her.

I know, we all do but this will not be fair on you. Without warning, Jean reached out a hand and Ravage felt herself being pulled away.

Please no, we need her, she cried out.

Jean could only whisper, I'm sorry Ravage, I promise I’ll make it up to you. As she looked down, she saw Soran. Giving her a brief scan, she nodded. She wasn't perfect, but for now, she would do.

Ravage cried out, half in terror and half in excitement as she whizzed through the air. With a soft splat, she landed on Soren.

Help, my friends are stopping Bereet, but they need you, please, help me.

Soren frowned but nodded and she felt the connection to the Symbiote. As the memories of Carol joined with her own, she roared in anger at Goyle.

We cannot use Peter this time, hurt him, take out your pain on the bad man! Ravage shouted, knowing that Soren was lost in her grief and anger.

Soen screamed and kicked the body, sending it flying into the seating where the news teams had sat. She roared in pain and anguish as tears streamed down her face. huffing, she looked around and saw the Nova Corp shuttle leaving the atmosphere.

“Those bastards! Get me my ship. I am,” She snarled. 

Ravage whispered to her, No, be calm, be serene. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to...

Are you quoting Star Wars at me? Soren asked, now confused. She could feel the strength of the Klyntar as they bonded, and the rush of emotion she felt. Tainted by her husband's death, and her fury at the Kree.

Carol loves it, and so does Peter. We should watch it, with popcorn. Maybe not the sex though. Peter would like you. You are strong and sexy, and he does not mind if you are green, but...

I was married, and you are being inappropriate. Soren interrupted her. I will not be having intercourse with anyone.

The love radiated from the Klyntar and wrapped her in a soft warmth. It didn’t dull the pain she felt at Talos’s death, it celebrated his life and the love they shared. It made her cry, and her heart ache. But the fury was slowly replaced by a sense of loss, and happiness at sharing her life with such a wonderful man.

Maybe after they fight. The movie that is. Keep your other thoughts to yourself.

And as she felt it, Soren looked up at the three bright auras in the sky.

Jean and Wanda are powerful, but they will not hurt Carol. She is still under Kree control.

The bad machine? Soren asked and got a warm feeling of agreement. She knew exactly who Ravage meant.

“Right. We’ve got Friendly and Hostile Augments on the warpath. Evacuate. All personnel are to evacuate. We don't want to be here when they start fighting.” Soren touched her communicator. “Everyone out of the building. Survivors radio for help and we’ll get medical teams to you ASAP.” Soren shouted her orders through her radio. 

She had the memories of Ravage now and knew exactly the devastation Carol, Jean, and Wanda could do. No one on the ground would survive if they fought seriously, and she knew Bereet had no chance.

If she was a Kree agent, and was trying to notify the fleet, it would be prudent to be prepared for their arrival. This was a situation where asking forgiveness was preferable to asking permission.

“Get some anti-fighter armaments out. We might not be able to help them fight, but we can keep the skies clear.” She paused, “Oh and tell the humans we’re on their side. I don’t want some idiot shooting at me because they think I’m going to probe them.”

The memories she had received from Ravage were interesting. The Symbiotes shared their hosts and Soren learned many new and exotic swear words. She was smiling as she learned a lot about Earth and its customs.

We need to pay attention as well. Ravage chastised her.

“I see you have one too. Did you know they’re cannibals, and they do taste so delicious.” Goyle rose up, spitting out a wad of blood onto the pavement. “I told you little bug, that they tried that before.”

Soren let Ravage coat her, and her maw split, revealing her jagged teeth.

“And I have a lot more, you big ugly motherfucker!” Blades grew from her, Ravage coated her, and she slashed at Goyle. He was hurt, and she stabbed him once more through both the heart and the throat. Before she could finish him, the rooftop exploded into a bright yellow light and she froze.

That was not good.

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