Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Ninety. Resistance Is Not Futile

Accuser Rogg looked over at the technician, “Are they capitulating?”

She shook her head. “We have missile launches from multiple sites, Sir.”

The missiles raced towards them and impacted harmlessly against their shields.

“Target those sites and return fire. Then, target the target population centre of each continent and destroy it. No, wait. Where did we fight Vers? Ah, Los Angeles. Target and destroy Los Angeles.” Rogg paused for a moment, “Oh and destroy that cruiser. I won't have the Skrulls defile one of our ships.”

Nodding, the technician armed the forward batteries. It only took two seconds for each battery to fully charge and then fire.

The first salvo impacted against the shields, making them flare. The second impacted, and they flashed brightly before shimmering out of existence. The third and fourth barrage tore into the hull of the shit, blasting it to pieces.

Soren looked up in horror as the stolen Kree cruiser exploded brightly in the daylight sky.

“No, Veranke!” Soren shouted. “Get everyone mobilised now. All fighters in the air, all troops are to arm and prepare for combat.” She touched a communicator on her wrist. “Send for the reinforcements. They cannot be allowed to fire another bombardment.”

“Commander, we cannot. The ship is gone, we have lost contact with the moon base. The Kree must have destroyed them.”

Soren clenched her fist, “then we must rely on the Humans to save us.”

Aboard the Kree flagship, Yon-Rogg watched as the missiles impacted against the surface.

“Open communications,“ he ordered.

“We accept your aggression and return it tenfold. And Vers, if you aren't too much of a coward. Send us your coordinates. We can settle old scores once and for all.”

In the warehouse, the group watched as the news was broadcast. Yon-Rogg's message was received. As the screen flickered it returned to the news. The newscaster stared in shock at the screen, before jumping and shaking herself.

“Ladies and Gentleman. We’re getting reports. Strikes against each capital in the world. Moscow, London, Paris, Berlin, and Beijing, have all been hit. Reports from the US indicate that Los Angeles was targeted.” She paused, unable to comprehend just how bad it was. “There are no survivors. Each city is just...gone.”

At the warehouse, everyone sat shocked at the devastation.

Liv!” Peter shouted. “Get everyone who is on the streets and needs it to the shelter.” He switched to his secure channel with Shuri.

“Message me back when,“ but the feed opened, and Shuri was just as blank-eyed as they were.

“Our shields held, but everywhere Peter. They killed everyone.”

“America was hit the same, all major cities-”

“No, all of Africa was destroyed. They didn't target a city, they targeted the continent.”

Peter slumped back. “Shuri, launch everything. I don't care if it's a secret. I don't care if it uses all your Vibranium. Hit them with everything.” She nodded and the feed cut out.

Peter looked at the group. Everybody was silent, but everyone looked angry. “Right. Everyone suit up. If that cruiser hit anywhere populated we need to help the emergency services,” Peter ordered.

Liv stood but shook her head. “We don't have armour for everyone Peter. Several suits were still damaged from the Sentinel attack.”

Peter swore, “I don’t want anyone going out there unprotected. Do we even have just, I dunno, normal armour we can wear, It doesn't need to be powered.”

Liv nodded, “We have test suits, without a reactor we’re all probably strong enough to use them."

Peter nodded. “Head to AIM and get them ready.”

Charles, we’re under attack.

I know, and we’re defen and the communication cut out. 

Shit, Peter thought. “I think they hit Genosha,” he said, and Jean pressed a finger to her temple and nodded, feeling the tears well up in her eyes.

“Right.” Flicking open his phone he dialled a secure number. “Fury, get in the air and see if those were missiles. Wrath is now one of three air support units.”

Jean paused, “Sorry Peter, but first” and she touched his forehead. A small glow escaped her fingertips and he sighed and nodded.

“Right, doesn't help but I’ll get it. Liv, anyone who can, don't fight, help with search and rescue. Get out there. Get Ivan and anyone harness certified and get whatever the hell that was away from civilians.”

The group nodded and Peter sent out a line and pulled himself onto the bottom of the penthouse. Along the bottom main strut, under a Vibranium box, painted black and coated in plastic was a small box. Peter shook his head as he undid the magnetic seal and released it from its housing. It hadn't even been two years since they had erased the memory of placing the Stone here. As he swallowed it, he could feel the panic in the streets around him.

Great. Maria, get Scott up in the air, I don't want you to be grounded. Get him to use his visor unhindered. He’s our only viable ground defence against those things.

And his eyes?

Peter could only sigh. I don't know. Tell him it's his choice, but right now, it's him or everyone.

Maria cursed. You know I’ll hate you.

Better me than him, and for what it’s worth, thank you.

Maria knew that using the visor full-beam could hurt Scott's eyes, even blind him. The headaches had never really gone away. To shoot down shielded enemy spacecraft in a high orbit, he would have to use as much power as possible.

Jean. I have the Stone, but. I think you should take it. You're much.

Jean didn't let him finish. No.


No, You're right, I am, but with it, you can coordinate with everyone. I’ll take it when I need it, for now, I don't, so shush.

She is so terribly sexy when she’s angry isn't she, he heard Emma say.

Emma, I don't know how powerful you are really but aliens, kinda busy.

Yes yes, darling I do watch the news you know. I’ll head into the sky as well, I can only try, and this time I will get what you owe me.

Uh, what?

Peter, focus, we can discuss that later, right now, bad guys.

Peter closed his eyes and felt for the minds above him. It was easy enough with the Stone and uncaring he tapped fully into its power. Their alien minds were as he expected, like trying to understand a foreign language. Thankfully the Mind Stone was his rosetta stone, and he could feel them effortlessly.

Carol, that Yon guy really has a hard-on for killing you. I can call him out, and see if we can take their command staff out in one hit?

Do it, he’s a tough bastard but if Felicia and Laura help I think we can take him.

Right, You hear?

Yes, on our way, but uh, fighting on the ground yes?

Carol laughed, Yes, he can't fly.


I am here Peter, Stephen says he cannot interfere. They are not a mystical threat and as such.

Tell Stephen to get lost then, I need you. If he won’t help then screw him.

I, I understand. Where?

If I hijack a mind can you sling-ring a team up there?

You are going to telepathically take over someone's mind and then use their own eyes to give me a target?

That's the plan, yes.

I had never thought of that, but we can try. Even if I fail, the portal might create a hole in their hull.

Great, do that too.

Peter, I know I am amazing, but Gwen and I can only do so much.

Right sorry sorry. Have Gwen do the portal thing, and you take a team up to one of their ships. I can grab Laura and Natasha and we can go in.

Peter extended his powers once more and found the last person he thought he would be asking for help again. Flash, You and Cap aren't going to be much use against spaceships, so how about a little smash-and-grab?

Huh, dammit Parker, stay the hell out. Flash yelled at him annoyed at the sudden intrusion.

Yeah, I’ll get right on that, we’re going to portal up and wreck their ship, are you in or are you gonna whine like a little bitch?

Yeah, Cap is in, but what about ground side?

Leave that for Tony, I'm going to get to him next. Head to the warehouse, and we’ll all head in.

Which was who he contacted next. Tony. Yeah, mind powers I know, but suit up, we need the Legion in the air to take out as many of those missiles as possible.

Already on it, the Thunderbolts are suiting up in gamma gear as well.

What the hell is gamma? you know what, dont care, tell me later. Leave the big one alone, I'm taking two teams aboard, and we’ll take it from the inside.

Roger, and uh, Friday?

Staying here to deal with ground support. It’s a big mess, Tony. If Pepper has her Rescue armour still, get her with the others to help deal with civilian casualties.

On it, and uh, glad to see you finally grew up.

Thanks, but uh, no I won't stop drawing fake glasses on that stupid sign of yours, take it down.

Peter heard Tony laugh in his mind, yeah, right. Win this and I will. Die though, and I am going to spend my time comforting every single one of your grieving widows.

Peter snorted, yeah right. As if Maya or anyone else would let you, but he guessed it was motivation enough. Now that everyone who would help was contacted, he looked around at the worried faces.

“Okay, does everyone know what we’re doing?” Peter asked the assembled group and everyone nodded.

“Anyone who isn't doing anything, get into New York and help deal with the civilian casualties. That ship made a mess, and there is more incoming. Laura, and Natasha, you're with me, and we’re taking Flash, Cap and Yelena with us. Two teams, find something important looking and smash it, uh, but Gwen. You need to stay here and protect the warehouse, and Wanda, you're with Jean and Emma,” he said, “and it’s going to be okay. But I won’t force anyone. If you want to sit it out, nobody has to do anything they don’t want to.”

“Why does Wanda get to go help?” Gwen asked.

Peter shook his head. “We need someone who can make portals to stay here. There will be people needing a safe place, and well, the warehouses are great. Plus.“ He motioned over at Wanda. “I know it's not a competition, but she is one of the most powerful people we know, even without magic.”

Gwen nodded, “Maybe I should get a Symbiote?”

Peter shook his head, “We don’t have the time or everyone would get one. Liv, is the armour ready?”

Sadly she shook her head. “Sorry, it's ready but um.” She looked embarrassed, “it's at the sprayers, someone couldn't decide on the colour and it had to go back.” She raised an eyebrow.

“Fine fine, spank me later. Symbskin armour then, no exception. Secret identities are out the window, we save who we can, and we’ll deal with the mess later.” Peter looked around, and while everyone here was willing to fight, there would be those who couldn’t. 

Peter looked over at Friday. She would be great with the evacuations but had little combat training. So he gave her another job. “Friday, get Cindy and Eddie here. I need my mom and Curt brought to the warehouse and protected. Take them to the bunker and make sure nobody hurts them. Gwen, you too. You can portal anyone if it gets bad. Don’t care about revealing your powers.”

Friday nodded, “Can I?”

Peter interrupted. “Yes, the bunker was built for everyone, grab anyone who's important and protect them. Its capacity is about fifty, so don’t be stingy.”

Nakia also spoke up, “I have another suggestion. Send two teams to the ship, but you also send some of us to Wakanda. Shuri does not have the Augment support that you do. Our troops will not last long against those spaceships.”

Peter stopped and looked around the room. “Right, Jean, you meet Carol and Emma and head to fight Yogg. Wanda, Gwen, portals then you know what you’re doing. Laura and Nat, plus Flash, Yelena and Steve. We get the giant spaceship.” 

He paused as the group split into teams, “Nakia. Get Elektra and Matt and take them to Wakanda, and see if you can get Bucky to help. We need all hands on deck here,”

He turned, “Friday, once you’ve got Cindy and Eddie rounding up civilians, get your rescue suit and head out to Tony. He’ll be providing ground support to emergency services, and helping Fury, Hill, and Scott. We need our flyers to intercept any more of those missiles. Anyone know an Avenger so we can at least stay out of their way?”

Steve nodded, "I can make a call, even if it's just to Coulson."

Everyone nodded, and Wanda moved her hands to open a portal to Wakanda while Steve called Bucky. “He’ll help, this is the address.”

As Gwen took the paper she opened a portal of her own.

Bucky, still dressing, shook his head, “And I thought my life was messed up enough.”

“Quick whining soldier, there are evil aliens to kill,” Steve said as he laughed.

“Yeah, see, messed up.” As he grabbed a bag he stepped through the portal, and the three moved into Wakanda.

“Take care,” Jean said, and she gave Peter a kiss on the cheek and then floated out of the warehouse. 

We’ll stay in touch, she said as Helios covered her in the bright red suit. As she streaked off she left a trail of flames behind her.

“Our turn I guess.“ Another portal was opened and Yelena looked through it,

“I hope you don’t do that when someone is using the toilet?” she said and ducked as she walked through, “So, I got the message, alien spaceships? Sounds fun, like a video game”

“Yup, but no extra lives. So stay focused, and no messing around. We need to get aboard, take out as many systems as possible and then leave. Hopefully, the ship will burn up in the atmosphere, or Tony can take care of it.”

Peter gave the remaining women a small hug and a kiss. MJ would be staying in the bunker, as Muse was never a fighter. Liv would be helping with the ground rescue with Ivan. Eddie and Cindy would help protect the warehouse from any possible incursion. Gwen would be there as a familiar face and as emergency support. With her magic and, more importantly, her ability to sling ring, she was the last line of defence in the bunker.

Peter took a deep breath. Right, let's go.

Latching onto the mind of a Kree technician, manning a gun control terminal, he sent the location to Wanda. She nodded and swirling her hands opened a portal. Before the technician could utter a word, Peter sent out a heavy web and stunned him.

“Right, I don't need to say it, so I won't, but I love you all, stay safe, and take care.”

Yelena snorted, “Hear that Natasha, your boyfriend loves me. I should finally let him ravage me.”

“Sis, survive this, and I’ll let him.”

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