Space Core

Chapter 37: Life goes on.

POV: Jerome

I stood still, my heart beating fast and hard; I could see grass.  And I could also see the sun. It had been so long since I had seen those two things... months of my life without them. Oh, sure the grass was giant and my ears were bleeding from finally being able to hear stuff again, but I saw nature again. You really don't know just how much you need something until you've lost it...

But right now, I stood in the comforting light of the sun -however fake it may be- and let memories from before the dungeon wash over me in a bit of nostalgia; I remembered that one time long ago when I had found a wild river and played in it with my friends until our parents called us back home, I remembered the way light filtered through tree's and gave of beautiful patterns on the ground, I remembered oh so much...

I could almost imagine myself back home right there with my friends and breathing in the fresh air of a brand new da- ouch; My Master had just scratched my left leg, gently letting me know that I simply had to continue moving. I didn't need those old memories, I could make new ones with my Master.

It would be incredible! Now, let's get moving...


POV: Certe

I watched as my pet jerked awake from his thoughts and gratefully smiled at me before starting to walk forward onto the new floor. I was quite pleased at the man's behavior, it had taken a few months for the rune to properly settle in him, but once it had everything went smoothly from there. Everything was perfect for me! I was away from my annoying brother, I had the opportunity to live even if the faith in me died out, and the first new follower of my church had made his appearance!

And even though that new follower was but a child, the fact that I had him on my side this early on in his life would mean that he wouldn't go away once he didn't fully need me to stay alive anymore. And the boost on my magic that his prayers gave me was positively delightful, it gave me even more control over my pet!

I couldn't have asked for anything better.


POV: Harry Terria

I looked at the small rock floating in front of me. Floating. I had recently begun to try and find a way to control the strange energy that I had found in myself when I escaped from the shed all that time ago; I wanted to use it to remake the church of Certe since she gave me so much and I wanted to repay her in any ways that I could. Having less wind during the night would also be nice, especially since the colder times would soon be upon the town. I doubted that I would be able to handle snow all that well...

But now, I could actually see myself having a chance to rebuild the church. The fact that I could make that stone float and move around as I wished meant that I could finally find new bricks and try to remake the walls and the roof without hurting myself by carrying the heavy stones!

And despite how draining of energy it was to make the small stone float, I could tell that the more I did it the less it took from me; It all meant that with enough work I could eventually move heavy things without problems.

I felt my connection to the rock falter and suddenly shatter, and after a few seconds fell down myself. I was tired and out of energy, but this time I had made it to almost half a minute!

I just had to keep being determined.


POV: Antier Egos

I rested my head onto the old pillow that lay upon my bed, the old thing was under-stuffed and had a few roughly patched holes in it; It wasn't comfortable, nor was it luxurious. But it was home. One might think that a highly paid priest like myself would have gotten something better to lay my head upon, but I never did.

The old pillow reminded me of where I came from; The cold nights inside a small house while cuddled up with my mother, both of our heads resting on an almost good pillow. I could still remember the food she made, even if there wasn't a lot to go around my mother still managed to make the best-damned food I ever had the chance to eat. A quick look to my left showed me a few hand-carved wooden flowers sitting in a wooden vase, I still had to go and drop them off at her grave tomorrow and she would hopefully appreciate them from the afterlife...

I hugged the pillow and let a few tears fall, I could only look back on the memories of those old days when I had friends and a mother. I could only let the tears fall with me alone without anyone to see me; After all, it would look bad for the church if one of their priests were to cry in public...


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