Space Core

Chapter 36: The Castle.

POV: Lethe

I was still drawing my castle; Almost every corridors that I made were done in such a way that I could add more onto them to make my castle way larger if I wanted to. But, I was still bored, even with Almond keeping me company; I can't say that drawing every hour of every day is exciting... That also made me think back to what Lor had tested with me, mental-runes. And apparently, they worked.

I still had no idea of why Lor wanted to know if mind-runes could affect me, but I hoped it would be good.

As if called over by my thoughts, Lor's voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Hey! I got something cool to show you, and I think you're really going to like it this time!"

...He was bringing me out of the core room? It had been months since he last did so, apparently something scared him into being overprotective of me and pretty much locked me into the core room while he worked; He said that the rooms were 'Too dangerous'  for me, even though I thought they were just fine... well, maybe not the long hallway.

But for him to be letting me out of the core room, it must've been something pretty big!

"O-Oh! I-Uh w-well, what is it?" I swear I could hear him vibrate in excitement. 

"Go look right next to my core, you'll see an orange look-alike, touch it please!"

I got up and walked to the 'orange core look-alike', my tail swinging back and forth in a rapid motion. Once I was in front of it, I could tell that the orange crystal ball really looked like a dungeon core. I then touched it; My vision of the space around me twisted and expanded in impossible ways for about a second or so, after which I found myself not seeing nor feeling anything.

I was about to ask for help from Lor when a literal wave of information flooded me with perfect clarity; I then started to feel an area, not too unlike how I could do so when I was a dungeon core. It was... amazing to have the feeling of being a dungeon of some kind once more, I didn't have to constantly check my back to see if someone was coming or have the feeling of being unsafe when not having my back to a wall.

I quickly started experimenting with what I had access to, I seemed to have been given a continent-sized area to mess with as I pleased which was just crazy by itself; But I also looked like I had access to Lor's space affinity, which made it all incredibly new and exciting! Imagine just what I could do with it!

I then went through the basics, such as material creation and Mana manipulation, only to see them work even better than when I had my old dungeon!

Once all of that had passed, I had to decide on what to make. After all, I couldn't just do something simple for this second chance I had just been given! I quickly threw out the 'deadly' aspect of anything I would build, as I didn't need to defend a core; And, while I do have a 'core' of sorts inside the grand area, it had so many 'unbreakable' and 'unmovable' runes on it that nothing would be able to break it or take it in any way.

Now, what would be something non-deadly that I could make... A quick thought flickering back to the castle that I had been drawing decided the whole thing for me. If I couldn't draw my castle, then I would make it.

A few stone bricks started forming around my core to prepare the foundation of everything, hopefully, I'll be able to make it look good as an actual building and not just a drawing.


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