So, I'm a witch, so what?

Unknown Chapter: Testing subjects

"Experiment ready to be conducted! Bring subject number two hundred and twenty-four to the testing area!" An all too familiar voice rumbles across the room where I'm kept. I know almost nothing, but my number is 225.

On the room next to mine there goes number 224 to the "experiement zone." I know little about my cellmates as well, but I know full well that I have little time left to live. As soon as 224 dies, I will be the next number addition to their casualty list.

"Please let me go! Please, I beg you! I've done nothing to deserve this!" A child's voice begs for mercy behind the closed door of the experiment zone, but their pleas for help fall on deaf ears as the conductor prepares to zap them with their crazy device to death.

"Experiment ready to be conducted! Put on your glasses and stand back away from the door! Three seconds! Two! One! Activate!" The all too familiar purple glow of the machine that had already killed many subjects rumbles once more, hitting the child dead center, one might assume.

"AAHHHHHHHH!! AHHHHHHHGGGG! PLEASE! AHHHHH!!!" The screams of the person receiving the dose of whatever that purple light was is always gut-wrenching. The putrid smell of burned meat makes the whole thing worse with every second of the "experiment." Yet the screams stop soon enough when the lungs of the subject burst open like a pair of balloons.

"Ugh! Dang it! Another fucking failure! Are these subjects defective or what?! I know my machine can't be it! I'm perfect, and therefore, everything I fabricate must also be perfect! But! FINE! Clean up the room and prepare subject number two hundred and twenty-five!"

The sound of the man's voice is that of an arrogant man whom I knew all too well. I begin to remember that I'm here now as punishment for having taken two pastry desserts from my lord's table. I should've stayed put and not taken anything, she tricked me.

[Immanence - Yoshihisa Hirano]

"Experiment ready to be conducted! Bring subject number two hundred and twenty-five to the testing area!" The conductor of the death symphony finally calls for me, but when I think I have my thoughts together, my sense of danger and will to live makes me panic.

"Wait! NO! This can't be serious, is it? THIS IS NOT IT? IS IT?!" The door to my cell slams open while I'm still trying to come to terms with what is about to happen to me. Is that really how I will go? Is it killed in the basement of some rich kid's place? I can't accept it!

"Come on! Let go of the bed chains, you kike scum!" The main guard in charge of taking us to our deaths exclaims in anger toward my defiance, for I will not let go of the safety of this cell! NOT OF MY OWN WILL! I refuse to be toasted to death! Please, god help me! Get me out of here!

A dark mist soon appears at the edges of my vision as the guards slowly pull me away. Now, there are two of them hardly pulling me away from the bed. My strenght leaves my body, and just when I finally let go, the world stops as the mist covers the entire room. The smell coming from the darkness is strong, similar to that of sulfur and death.

{Diabolical voice} "I can get you another try." A demonic voice speaks to me from within the darkness, but I can't see where it comes from or determine where it might be based on the sound since it's coming from every angle at once. Still, I fall for the temptation and reply to the voice.

"How would you do that?" I ask the thing behind the dark shield of the mist, which makes the thing break into a burst of frantic laughter all at once.

"I'm your savior! Your only choice left! For me, terms are simple! Reject your own identity, and I will give you a comfortable life! All you have to do is sign the contract, m'lady!" Sign the contract? With a devil? Wouldn't I be better off dying?

"What are your terms?" What am I doing? Negotiating with the devil like this, I can't believe myself, and yet once the devil speaks once more, my mind goes blank.

[Fuzzy memories]

"Y-You will... remember... the terms... of the contract and the.... conversation moving forward." My head hurts as soon as the dream hits the wall of the conversation with the demon. As I do this, my body in the actual world finally awakes from the delicious smell of Vera's cooking.

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