So, I'm a witch, so what?

Interlude: Julius' dilemma

How long has it been since I got robbed by that dishonest man? I can't seem to remember now. What do you mean he would never steal? Don't you know how dishonest adventurers can become if they get the chance? Let's also not mention the fact that I tried to steal for him first; ignore that part.

Alright! Leave it alone already! I didn't get beat fair and square after being caught trying to steal from one swing, alright? I'm not a dishonest guy like that, alright? Could you quit looking at me like I'm in the wrong? Ugh! Just how lowly have I fallen to be defeated with such ease? It's infuriating!

If any of my servants saw me in this state, they would surely laugh directly at my face. I can already see Cinderella saying something along the lines of "Time to be one of my puppets, master!" If only there were a way for me to break this power seal! Ugh! I already tried everything, but that god has doomed me!

{Trial of fire - Shuji Katayama}

The status screen tells me I've got a one-thousand-year punishment. Yeah! There's no way I will ever wait that long! Even with the immortality skill, I cannot be reassured I won't die since that is locked away in the skills the god locked. But I refuse to give up. I will find a way to overcome this, no matter how long it takes.

Anyhow, I guess sitting here in the middle of the road would be no good, so it's time to let one swing take the win for now! I will definitely come for revenge once I gain my strenght back. Yet my spirit tells me something is off; I haven't reached human territory, and I doubt I will get there soon, so I've got no news about what is happening in the world right now.

I hate you! I hate you, stupid elf god! Fuck you! Don't these deities see that all I'm doing is for the good of this world? I must get rid of all reincarnations, which are the reason for this world's slow decay! Having compassion for one or two reincarnations is cruelty for everyone else!

Eh? What do you mean I only plan to conquer the world? Well, why do you think I want to do that? Wouldn't having control over the entire globe gives me better control over reincarnations? Getting rid of reincarnations who are allies with big players is a pain! This is even made worse by this world's energy system.

While my power might be locked away, my overall strenght will keep decreasing, for I'm an "alpha" reincarnation. Haven't you guys noticed how some reincarnations seem to have an effortless time acquiring skills and levels like it was an easy task? Well, where do you think this world's system gets that extra energy? EXACTLY! FUCKING ME!

I first noticed it back when I first arrived and checked my status for the first time. The drain wasn't very noticeable at first, but suddenly, one day, I began to lose EXP like crazy! That was when I noticed an anomaly individual back in the witches' forest.

The most sensible thing to do would've been to send one of my servants to kill the reincarnation, right? I know what you're thinking, but no, I cannot do that. While my servants work under my orders, they are never allowed to kill a reincarnation because then "it" will appear.

I'm talking about the guys above the gods themselves. The administrators of this world! While the administrators rarely show up, they will protect reincarnations from enemies if their levels are below eighty, so you can imagine that sending in one of my servants to kill a low-level reincarnation would most likely end up in their death and mine!

+Sigh+ Seriously, why is this world such a mess? Who is the creator anyway!? This world is so huge it should be collapsing on itself, but for some odd reason, it does not. If I could get a hold of this world, I would have access to many places of interest.

My time is ticking for every day that goes by. The newer reincarnations grow stronger while I become weaker over time! I've got to get back to land and find those new reincarnations to put an end to them before it is too late for me to do anything.

If they grow too strong, I won't be able to kill them, and since only reincarnations can murder reincarnations, that would leave me with no other option but to face certain defeat at the hands of toddlers. I didn't reincarnate in this world just to be a battery source for some selfish, stupid kids to enjoy their lives here at my expense!

Whoever designed this system is a twisted psychopath! Damn, be the elf god for making my work harder! And dammed be I for failing to take it with ease. Yet what guarantee did I have that I would be able to wait for the reincarnations to grow their levels without draining too much of my experience?

I've been dealt a losing hand while my enemies have a roundhouse deck; this is absolutely ridiculous, I refuse to surrender. I refuse to let some selfish pricks grow mighty at my expense, but what else can I do now? I'm far away, with many of my abilities locked away, and I do not have any form of contact with the outside world! I'm doomed!

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