Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 186: Dark Circus

"So tomorrow we are all going for a tour of the place, and I will try to convince Titania to join us, but I can't make any promises. Now, from the sounds of things your two races of Giants and Tinker are treating the Dwarves like slaves. Then, when your daughter wanted to work with them, you made a big deal about it? Right?"

Both nodded, so I continued but with the same question that I had already asked before.

"What is going on between the two major Empires? Is this something created by you, or are it really great nations trying to take one port?"

"There has been no fighting sink two weeks ago when all the dragons disappeared. Both Empires are held tight right now, and there is even talk of an alliance forming to do something," Leana explained.

We were now sitting out on the highest balcony on the volcano, facing the open sea. The resort was on the western side of the island and facing the great ocean. On the other side of it was the four Monster Islands, a place I wanted to travel to one day, it was part of the world I was trying to bring under order.

"To do something? What do you mean by that?" I asked after taking a drink of a gin on ice, they grew the potatoes on the islands and spiced the vodka themselves, according to Grayson.

"The nation has many different sides and opinions. One is to go to war with you, but we just received word of what you did to the dragons, and after seeing what you did's believable that you killed all dragons. The other side seeks peace without war, but they have demands, and want to talk."

This was news and good stuff, but it was also not without trouble. The war enthusiast would be troubled even if the majority did sue for peace. I needed more info, but the sun was just hitting its peak, and I had wasted enough time. I turned back to my inlaws and gave them both a thoughtful look and then turned and started to run.

It would be better for everyone to get used to seeing dragons around, I would need their help in taming the jungle gods. I jumped from the edge after shaping open a Gate, launching myself out into the open air. I shifted, wings bursting from my back, my body elongating, stretching, and expanding. 

I flew down the side of the volcano and then out over the water, changing back, and letting myself fall. Just before I hit the water, I snapped open all three gates and forced the water's surface to break just before I smashed into it. I shot deep into the blue water, and I could see large monster-like fish and other things, but nothing came near me.

I swam back up and got a good breath of air, the sun was still warm and the water refreshed me. I swam back to shore where my wives were all smiling and waiting for me. It was nice to see them, but I needed to have a quick word with a little butterfly about a crazy mother that was about to tear the island apart and everyone in it once she found out I got her first daughter, my rightful wife regardless, pregnant.

This was more trouble with this lying shit and not telling me the whole story. I understood not bringing it up before this, but now that we were on the island or even when she knew we were coming! Gah! This was going to be one hairy conversation! Ha, and these girls wanted me to take a break, pft, like they would let me!

Before I could start looking for Xelios, Kadence and Alex stopped me. Kade was starting to get a little bump and I kissed both of them with smiles.

"So you decided to come after all?" Alex asked.

"I set up a tour of the city and that was all I needed to do. Now, I need to have a word with Xelios."

"She knows, and she is over in that hut waiting for you. She is just as scared of her mother and had completely forgotten about it until it was too late. Don't be too mad at her, you haven't been easy to have a conversation with lately," Kadence told me, pointing to my right at a leaf-covered shade hut.

"I know, I'm not mad. This is spilled milk, and we haven't chosen the parents we are reincarnated into, yet. I'm sure my brother has that cleared up, hehe."

I gave them both another kiss and then hugs before going over to see my little Queen. She was waiting for me, and stood up, and came over to meet me and start to apologize, but I stopped her, putting my fingers to her mouth. 

"I know, and we can figure out some way to settle our differences later, but right now, I need to know about your mother, and what you know about the other gods. I don't know If flashing off the Almighty Hand Badge will work with these ones."

Xelios and I sat down, then she laid in my arms and told me about her crazy family as I ran my hands through her green, blue, and purple hair. 

"My father is just a talking head, his body is kept in a hard gel, to let him live forever he thinks, like his god wife, but he is really just another part of her zoo. She collects humans, beastfolk, monsters, and even giants."

"And what? No one bothers her? She can just keep all these prisoners?" I asked in confusion. 

My brain always just went to killing the Kingpin and then the rest would all just fall like dominos, but people like this weren't at the top because they were easy to kill. Like Xelios explained, to me, there were contingencies to keep her safe.

"Most of the ones my mother takes are important and then Tremila sealed them like my father. If she dies all the prisoners are killed, and on top of that, because she had everyone wrapped around her finger she can get the entire island of monsters to turn on the cities and resorts. I don't know what to do, Hyde. People are going to die if I don't get to see my mother, but I'm worried that I'll never be able to leave!"

Well, this was a pickle, but not something I was going to let happen.

"I will protect you, and I will deal with your mother, but let's go see the others and enjoy some fun time. The world can end later. Come on, let go see the little ones."

The two of us got up and headed over to join the others, and I spent the entire afternoon playing with the kids and girls. We were in the sun and sand until the sun started to sink to the ridge, and slowly out of view. It was a great way to spend an afternoon, but I was starving now and ready to go get some food. 

I rounded up the family and counted a missing wife, but it was Titania who was the one missing. I wondered how things were doing with her? I was excited to see what she was building; she was a master of putting things together.

Once the family started heading up to the room I took Thenli from Wendy. She flew our stuff that they had brought down up the massive open ledge up above with Mesh and her mother Marly. I had to stop and watch them, it was really cool to see them drift back and forth with towels and bags of things the women had brought. 

Finally, Mishka pushed me playfully with a smile, nodding at our retreating group that was leaving me behind. I smiled back and took her arms, moving to catch up with the others. No one was in a hurry, this was supposed to be a vacation after all.

"How have things been going with you, my little water Queen?"

"Good, I have been helping back home filling reservoirs for the different crops we are growing now. We need more food to feed the growing populace, so I decided this was the best thing I could do to help. I can do about one a day, but then I need to take a nap," Mishka said smiling forward with mostly closed eyes.

"Are you sure you should be exerting yourself like that when you're pregnant?"

"Arrentia said it was fine, don't worry. I asked her after the first time because I knew that you would be like this, hehe. I will be fine, but you won't be if you keep running in alone! Let the ones that can help you in combat do it while the rest of us help in other ways that we can!"

Mishka made some good points, so I kissed the top of her head, and then gave her a squeeze. We had made it back to our rooms, which was an interesting setup, to say the least. It was a party suite and all the rooms faced a central pool area. There was a big tall covered thing sitting over near the ledge of the terrace.

I slowly walked over to the massive tarp-covered object, and my wife, Titania, stepped out from behind it with a huge smile.

"I brought you a surprise!" Titania said to me as she pulled back the tarp. 

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