Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 185: Over-Sized Children

Nina and Graph left to go out on the beach, but I said there were some things I wanted to do. So, we kissed and parted, and I watched them leave. After they were gone, I turned to follow the hall up, the floor had a slight incline in the direction of where I was going to get here, so I decided to follow it up. 

None of my wives had ever been here before or aunty of my friends, so asking them for help would just be the blind leading the blind. Instead, a nice walk would be good, but it was cut short as soon as I turned a corner. 

The hall stopped and then led outside, but I couldn't see anything from where I was. Once there, I could see a long ten-meter landing and then stairs that went up at a sharp angle, and then disappeared around the volcano. This was my first time looking at the thing from the outside, and it was pretty crazy.

I could see the beach from here, and I even spotted my group of wives, feeling a little bit of guilt for not going to spend time with them, but I would go after I took a look around. The volcano had large sections carved out and overhanging decks up near the peak. That's where the important people were likely to be, but I wasn't about to climb the volcano and make a mess or turn into a dragon, but I wasn't completely out of options.

I snapped two gates open and started to sprint up the stairs, trying not to step too hard. I took eight steps at a time, leaping through the air with each step. I probably looked like a frog in fast forward, but I made it to the top step in no time.

The problem was that the last step was still only halfway up, and I had to go back inside again. Only a single room was inside with an elevator-like door with a single button. I walked over and pushed the button, causing the door to open to a clean blue elevator car. 

I entered and there was only one button, so I pushed it and waited as the doors closed and the car began to rise. What was with this place, and where would the elevator be at the top of the intense stairs? That was a lot of steep walking just to get to an elevator!

I finally got to the top and the door opened, letting me get a look at where I was while I walked out. There was a desk with a gruff-looking man with a big orange beard and a black suit. This had to be a dwarf, but what was he doing? Reception?!

"Wow-wee, ain't too many folks have the stone to go up that elevator! You must have a pair bigger than my aunts to have made that climb!" The dwarf said to me with a big grin.

I looked back to the elevator but saw there were four doors here for elevators, and each was labeled. I looked at mine and signed. Exer-scenery was the one I had come from, the other three were Hotel, Beach, and Main. I turned back to my new friend with a smile.

"It was a nice jog, I'm new here, so I didn't really know where I was going. Hey, listen, do you think you could point me in the direction of your leaders?" I asked while walking over to what I assumed would be the reception desk for whatever this place was.

"Leaders? Well, I can ask? Give me a minute, you 'jogged' up here, so they will want to at least say hi. Who should I tell them you are? I'm Dwayne by the way." 

"Just tell them that their son-in-law wants to talk, Hyde Kline."

"They're what?! You're married to Titania?!"

"Yeah, do you know her?"

"Haha, yes, all the dwarfs know your wife, she is a bit of a legend, but her parents and their...opinions drove her away. Last I heard she heard she and a butterfly demigod god princess ran off. So, you found them both? Tremila will be excited to have her daughter back as well. That is the Butterfly goddess, Xelios was supposed to marry someone…"

"My wife won't be marrying anyone! She is my wife!"


"Yes, and sixteen others, what's your point?"

"The number isn't important, have as many as you want, but Tremila is going to kill all of us! You didn't…"

"Oh yes, she is pregnant, if that's what you're hinting at."

The dwarf passed out and hit the ground like a bag full of rocks. That was not the reaction I was expecting, and I was a bit worried, what might come from this so I closed my second Gate, and then hopped over the counter,  grabbing the dwarf, and then slapping him awake.

"Hey! Wake up! Why is Xelios being pregnant a problem?" I asked while shaking the dwarf.

"Because Tremila is the meanest God on this island, and if she finds out her daughter is here and under our roof, and pregnant. Well, I'll just say it's not something we want. Now, Do you mind putting down my dwarf? I don't particularly like him, but he's my dwarf, not yours, go find another to shake."

I let go of the dwarf and followed the sound of the voice, looking up. Woah! So this is what a giant was like up close! I was putting a kink in my neck just trying to look up, I almost just wanted to lie down to have this conversation.

"So, your titania's mother, then?" 

"I am, little man," The giantess said to me.

"Strike one, keep this up and we will be talking eye to eye real quick."

"Coming to threaten the strongest people on a mountain? Shrimp!" A male's deep voice called from the other room.

"That's two, now you two are either going to start…"

Both of them started to boom and laugh, cutting me off. Well, I can see why Titania didn't want to deal with them, and I was already getting sick of their attitudes. Slapped the female's massive calf and turned away to head into the next to where a laughing dreadlock version of the cousin It I had imitated stood laughing. I walked forward and touched the three-meter tall Yeti, right as I heard the female scream.

She ran into the room in a rage glare at me, but I opened all three Gates, and she stopped. The woman had to put her hands out to the side like there was an earthquake, but it was just the pressure from my power. I turned to see a short and hairy man doing the same thing and panting for breath.

"So, are we all done with the fucking height jokes? No in fucking taller than both of you, am I better than you? You know, I really wonder with some of you people what actually goes on inside of your heads to think the way you treat others is okay?! Are you two not the leaders of this island? Are you the idiots starting fights between the other countries, like Firesti and The Crashing Wave Empires?"

"How dare you!" The dreadlock-covered man, Grayson Therock shouted through a choked voice up at me.

"You two have been acting like a pair of oversized idiots, to the point that your daughter didn't want to come and see you. So, I am here, her husband, to talk to you about the way things are done and are going to be done. Leana and Grayson, are you going to be civil with me now?"

I closed two Gates, and let them catch their breath. These two could have been trouble, but I wasn't in the mood to deal. I would have some beach time today while the sun was still shining.

I motioned to the massive table, but then turned and walked back into the first room where Dwyane looked like his eyes would fall out of his head. I had to give him a smack because I was worried that he was holding his breath. 

"What happened? Where Is…" Dwyane tried to focus on the two of them, but that just made his eyes go two different sizes, and then he passed out.

"Is he always this bad?" I asked Leana as we sat in the little person section for waiting, not kidding, that's what the sign said.

"No, he normally gets a full story out before passing out, but this might be hard on his system. What is the meaning of this? Why have you made us into little people?"

"Because I've just decided to take the day off and you two are going to show us around your main city."

"Why would we agree to that? We still have magic!" Grayson shouted, his beard tendrils crackling to life.

I stood up, yawned, and tried to change my head into that of a dragon, but thank god that this place could hold giants. The leaders of the Tri-Islands were crawling over their seats to get away from me. Oops.

I shrank back down, letting the dragon go, but it felt good to let it out. Rolling my shoulders, I looked back at my in-laws. They looked fully convinced that my suggestion was a good one.

"We would love to show you around," The pair said with shaking voices, still standing on the little people chairs

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