Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 187: Dragon Armor

I had to step back as she pulled the massive tarp off whatever it was, and I had to close my eyes and rub them hard. When I opened them back up, the massive four-meter tall grey-white metal mech was still standing there with massive green diamond plates for pauldrons, and a cascading black and red cape billowed out from its back. I had to turn and jog back to get a full view of it.

"So? What do you think of it? This was as close as I could make to what Nina had given me. The drawings didn't really explain how it worked, but we used some of Mr. Spins perpetual drives to assist with certain things, but you should be able to fully control the motions of Mecha-Hyde."

I turned, a bit of my excitement turning into horror as I looked at Titania with distaste. She laughed at me and rolled her eyes, but I still ran over and gave her a hug; I even let her pick me up, tomorrow I would be dealing with this problem, but now all I wanted to do was jump up inside the Dragon Armor. Not the Mecha-Hyde, good lord, couldn't she try to be a little bit creative?

"I think this is the coolest thing you have ever given me in my entirety of lives! This is almost identical to the armor from the anime that I used to enjoy, so I think I will call it Dragon Armor with respect to that. Now, if it could only transform with me and make me a Mecha-Dragon! Or an Armored Dragon Knight!" 

I could have kept on going, but supper was ready, and no matter how much little johnny wanted to go play with his toy, supper came first. I turned away longingly from my new favorite toy, and took Titania's hand, and walked to join the women, this time I had all of them here with me. The table was packed with different seafood dishes, but I really was only a fan of the salmon and shrimp, but everyone else was digging in, so I just picked at things.

A squirming child popped into my arms and I wrapped my arms around my little wolf-eared daughter and showered her in kisses. She was so cute, but she moved and acted like a snake trying to wiggle out of my arms as I attacked her. Kyla finally poked me in both eyes and put up her hands and feet like claws and started to hiss at me why I tried to come in for round two.

"You two are adorable, but I can see your itching to try out that massive pile of metal T made for you, so let me take her back," Kyra said with a smile, holding out her arms.

"No, it's okay. Everyone is still eating, and I would like to spend some time with you all before I runoff. How are things going for you back at Dreams? What did Maxven say when he got to Dreams?" 

"That's going to be interesting, dad was concerned about the safety, considering what happened to you getting sent to a trap. So he has been working with the tigers, setting up surveillance teams with wolves, tigers, and dragons. From what I understand there are small rings of crooks that are being rooted out. Don't worry dad is the king because there doubt that he is the king, he will do the same for you!" Kyra said as we walked by the pool, Kyla had fallen asleep in my arms.

"I was thinking, if he will take it, I would like for him to be King of Dreams. He already is a King in Hope so this would be him just moving his location. I just think that the people deserve a leader when I'm gone."

"When WE are gone, the world will be frozen, just like the others," Krya said with confidence.

"No babe, that's not how it works. I don't want to bring up age, but you have been around for a while right?"


"These worlds don't stop turning, from what I can remember, I came in at the first war and got booted right away. You would have all been slowly leaked in because I wasn't here. I really think you should all stay, or we will be leaving all the kids behind. You might have to wait a hundred years for me to get back, but when I come back, it's forever. No more running and fighting, just all of us and our massive family living infinite lifetimes."

"I am going to talk to the woman about this, I don't think that they really understood what it meant for you to be leaving. Alex for sure thinks you're just going to be dragging us all with you to the next world."

"I bet she does, but I can't do that, the world is going to get harder, and more dangerous. I want you all at my side, but I can't protect you all as I can now in a brand new world, and we have kids here now. There is no way I want to leave them, but I can't bring them into a new world. This one was already bad enough; look at the things I have had to do since coming here, the only thing I have heard that might be good news is the big empires are talking about peace with me."

"That's really good! Here let me take her," Krya said, taking our daughter from me.

"It would be if that's the only thing they were talking about. Half of them want to go to war with us, so even if we do get peace with them, I will still have to root through them. I just wish they would all just pull white flags and let me get on with fighting Talon! But if I am going to be leaving you all behind I need to clean up this shitbox so it will last for a while when I'm gone. The last thing I want is to come back to find trouble."

"Just take the new toy and scare them with that!" Kyra said, laughing and walking away to go back and join the others.

That wasn't a half-bad idea, a show of power might be what they needed. I could fly it in, carrying it in dragon form, and then pilot it. I was getting ahead of myself, but I couldn't help but get excited. I turned to see Titania walking up with a big smile, she could tell I was itching to try it out, but I knew I would need to listen to a short how-to on using this god knight dragon cape-wearing mother fucking mechanized fighting fuck you suit! The hype was building!

"I can tell you want to go, but I need to explain how it works first."

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm listening, go ahead!"

"We used the perpetual spin drives with the automatic gear design, but it is going to take some getting used to. The movement will be stiff until you can get used to the way there is a slight pause in the movement. When you climb in, you will put your feet into the holsters and strap in, then you will put your arm through the rings. Make sure you get all your fingers in the rings before you grab the handle, or you will break a finger off one of the Mecha…"

"Dragon Armor, none of the naming things after me! Okay, I think I understand what you mean, but does this mean anyone can drive this?"

"I'm going, to be honest Hyde, Im worried it's not strong enough to handle the strength you will need to use to move this thing. I used my Builder magic with Jelina, Trem, and Rita's help to build the...Dragon Armor, but it has never been tested. I saw what you did to those ships with your third Gate, and I know what you're capable of. I'm worried that two Gates won't be enough, but I think that three might make it smash to pieces."

This was a valid concern, but because it was all created by way of my King magic, I was sure it would be fine. To prove my confidence, I walked over to the Dragon Armor, and put my hand on it, snapping open all three gates. 

The ground under my feet cracked only slightly, this terrace was built well, but the Dragon Armor was unchanging. 

I closed two Gates and smiled back at Titania, but she had a hand up to get me to wait some more. I rolled my eyes and walked back over to her, and she gave me a patient smile. 

"The last thing, it's really hard to see out of the cockpit, and I am not sure how to fix that yet..." Titania's voice trailed off.

"Ah, I will be fine! Just let me in already!" I complained.

"Trem! Can you take us down so Hyde can play with his new toy?" Titania called out to the group. 

Trem, Mesh, Buddy, Cable, and Breth all came over wanting to come, and I was more than willing to bring them. I was super excited to be the first one to try this metal knight, and the quick zip to the beach had everyone standing back as I finally jumped up into the open pilot hatch. Inside were foot connections that I stepped, and then strapped into.

I had only the single Gate open and when I tighten four straps on each leg and then four more across my chest. Finally, I reached into the rings hanging and slotted my fingers into the metal rings. The final step was to grab the bars twice and everything would be active instantly, all drives coming online.

I opened my Gates and tried to look out the front but it was weird looking from chest height, the arm blocked a lot of my side view. This wasn't what I imagined it would be like, but it was still beyond cool. I gripped the handle twice and the Armor started to whirl, but I immediately felt inertia pulling me forward. 

It was taking all my strength to even slow it down, and when I tried to lift my right leg forward, my foot just caught, hastening my demise. I crashed into the ground, not able to pick myself back up. This was embarrassing, but I had never imagined the power it would take to move it. 

Back to the drawing board for this one, there was no way I would be using this thing for anything the way it was right now. Oh well, it was still really cool!

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