SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 534 Superman Father and Son

The return of Superman made the whole world boil again. He kept appearing all over the world to save those people who were in danger. Everyone rejoiced, and most media reported the news of Superman.

And Wesley also saw Louise Lane's son and his fiancé, "Richard White, Louise's fiancé." A handsome man with short blond hair.

"Wesley Gibson, from Nesonaar City, come here to learn from Louise." Wesley greeted the other party. "Oh, there's a handsome young man here, tell me what's your name?" Wesley looked at the little boy whose height didn't reach his waist.

The little boy was very shy, "Jason!" There is only one Jason, is this a first name or a last name?

"Hello, Jason!" Wesley greeted with a smile, but the little boy took out a respirator at this time, which is used by asthma patients.But Wesley knows that his body is very healthy, because this is the son of Superman, and he has no weaknesses, and he will not be damaged by kryptonite. If he grows up, he will be the perfect new Superman.

"Louise?" Just as they were introducing each other, Clark Kent walked over.

"Hey, Clark, it's great that you're back. I'd love to hear your travel story. Oh yes, let me introduce you." Louise Lane reintroduced everyone.

Clark Kent's expression was a bit complicated, but he still greeted everyone, and then he returned to the desk alone and sat there alone.Wesley came over, sat beside him and said, "How about it? Don't you want to take the initiative to say it now?"

"I don't know what to say." Clark Kent shook his head.

"Do you know that kid?" Wesley asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I've been away for too long?"

"I think that child is very similar to you. Did something happen between you and Louise?" Wesley thought it was better to let this guy know, it would be cruel for his son not to recognize each other.

"What? Are you sure?" Clark Kent exclaimed, and Wesley knew at a glance that he had indeed had a super-friendship relationship with Louise, and that he left Earth after that, and did not have a relationship with Louise at the same time. Having said that, it's no wonder people are full of resentment towards him now.

"You didn't leave immediately after having sex with Louise, did you? And you didn't say hello?" Wesley looked at him strangely.

"Uh~ yes, I'm really wrong about that, but do you really think I'm Jason's father?"

Wesley nodded, "That's right, I can't think of anyone else except you, and you can count the time, can't you? At the same time, you can look at the child's physical condition. He is not weak, but rather gifted. I really believe my own eyes.”

Clark Kent took off his glasses with some excitement, pretended to wipe them, and then looked at Jason, a young heart was beating powerfully, but the powerful power is beyond a child's control, if there is no To channel, he needs some medicine to stabilize his rioting power.

"Not bad, not bad... click." Clark Kent crushed his glasses excitedly.

"Now do you still care whether Louise likes Superman or Clark? Are these still important? You have to know that the two ten identities are you, and there is not much difference between them. I think it will make her love her more I'm happy, of course it's up to you when you say this," Wesley said.

"Understood, I completely understand, I will tell her," Clark Kent took out a pair of glasses again from the desk drawer, it seemed that he was very experienced.

Wesley is very satisfied with his credit. He has successfully gained the trust of Superman, which makes it easier for him to obtain Superman's genes. Although it is more convenient for Keira, there is a code of law in Superman's genes. Wesley valued it.

"Wesley, it's time for us to go. Time is running out now. We need to find out the cause of the power outage as much as possible." At this time, Louise had sorted herself out, and she still insisted on reporting the cause of the blackout.At the same time, she actually took her son Jason by the hand, as if she was going to take him with her.

"Okay, we're leaving now, but are you going to take Jason?" Wesley got up, took his camera and briefcase, and followed Louise away from the Daily Planet.

"I asked the Public Works Bureau. When they were repairing the line, they found that the cable at No. [-] Chunmu Road was seriously damaged. I think that may be the source of the blackout. Let's go there today to see. I don't think it will take long , I will take Jason to the awards ceremony."

"Okay, you have the final say, let me see if your intuition is correct." Wesley nodded in agreement, "Hey, boy, how about I hug you?" Wesley picked up the little boy .

Louise drove her own car today, and a group of three went to the destination. When they got here, they found that it was a manor, but there seemed to be no one there. Louise got out of the car and took a look. This is the seaside, and the location is very good. This should be a rich family.

Not far away is the seaside, where there is a private pier with a large yacht parked, "Wesley, let's go there and see if we can ask anything."

"Okay, come on Jason." Wesley was still holding the little boy, and they headed to the pier.

The yacht was parked there, but it seemed to be quiet. Louise was a very bold reporter, and she actually boarded the yacht directly, "Louise, I think it's better for us to wait for the owner's invitation."

"I think they'll welcome us, come on, let's hurry up, today's my award day." Louise needs to go to collect the Pulitzer Prize today, because of her article We don't need Superman.

"Okay, I'll listen to you today." Wesley said with a smile that it doesn't matter. In fact, they belong to the sheep and tigers. Of course, Wesley has no intention of doing anything. He wants to see Superman fail and get injured, which means he can get What I want, this trip to the metropolis is considered complete.

They wandered around the huge yacht for a long time, but Louise found out that it was Lex Luthor's yacht. When they turned around and wanted to leave, they were directly blocked by Lex Luthor. The guy who was locked up in prison for two lives should be released due to insufficient evidence that Superman didn't show up for the trial.

"What day is it today? Miss Louise actually came to the door on her own initiative. It seems that I need to treat you well." Lex Luthor said happily.

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