SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 533 Spiritual Mentor Wesley

Wesley's article was immediately confirmed as the headline on the front page tomorrow morning. It not only contained photos of the plane crashing, which Wesley took inside the plane, but also photos of Superman.

The headline "We need superheroes" appeared in the Nexonar Tribune the next day. Readers were taken aback by the crisis. Their favorite reporter, Wesley Gibson, was on the plane. .

Wesley's professionalism is so admirable to the readers. Under that circumstance, he is still taking photos and recording everything.

"Here I have to say that the space agency has a big problem. Is private investment in the aerospace industry feasible? Is this kind of project that requires huge investment really affordable by private individuals?"

"Although there are external factors, such as the weird blackout, they have no emergency measures at all, and we hope that this kind of thing will not happen in the future?"

Wesley started by talking about the issue of this space program, and fired at the organizers and the space agency. This is something everyone likes to see, and then Wesley started to talk about Superman.

First of all, I complained that Superman is unfamiliar with rescue, and compared with Supergirl’s first action, “It seems that Superman has not appeared for a long time and affected his business ability, but this can’t stop people’s love for Superman. Everyone loves Superman. cheering,"

"In addition, Superman and our super girl have the same costumes and abilities, especially the S logo on their chests, which makes us think that they are a family, maybe they are really relatives .”

"This reporter will continue to follow up and report, hoping to interview them directly. Of course, this depends on their own wishes, and this newspaper will promise to keep their personal privacy confidential. This is the ethics that a media newspaper should have. .”

Wesley's reporting was timely, accurate and interesting, especially with the photos taken inside the plane that were sent straight to the competition for this year's Pulitzer Prize.

Keira called Wesley that night: "Wesley, you scared me to death. You should have called me at that time, and I could save you." Keira seemed to be really scared, with lingering fear Said.

"Don't worry, according to my research, when Louise Lane is in danger, your cousin will definitely show up."

"Oh, didn't I tell you? He went back to look for the wreckage of Krypton. Fortunately, he came back. Otherwise, what would you do?"

"Hehe, am I okay? Oh, your cousin is here, do you want to talk to him?"

"Okay, give him the phone. I also want to know about Krypton." When the two were on the phone, Superman flew into the hotel. He answered the phone and told him about his experience in the universe. Krypton really disappeared.

Keira was sad, but these things had already been thought of. The two talked for about 10 minutes before putting down the phone. "I'm very happy that Keira has such a friend."

"Sit down, what would you like to drink?"

"Let's have a drink!" Superman was a little depressed. When he came back, he found that everything was different from before, and Louise Lane actually had a fiancé.

"What's on your mind? I know that alcohol has no effect on you, but it's good to drink some, after all, the taste is very exciting." Wesley came over with a bottle of wine, and then the two started drinking.

Mr. Superman drank a glass in one breath. Although the alcohol had no effect on them, he still choked on the irritating smell, "Ahem, I found that everything was different after I came back. When I returned to the newspaper office again, everyone was very... busy. "Speaking of this, his tone was full of bitterness.

"It's normal, your memory still stays when you left, but it's been a long time since you left, and the Daily Planet has lost Superman, everyone needs to continue to struggle for the newspaper, it's understandable, and you need to change your mind and integrate into it , soon you will be a member of the Daily Planet again." Wesley poured him a glass again, and then explained.

"Yes, my memory is still a few years ago, and now Louise has a child, I..."

"Understood, I heard what Keira said, but you are a bit indecisive, and it is easy to confuse yourself by playing two roles at the same time. You hope that Louise likes Clark Kent, and you never say it. You think Louise likes Superman, right?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Superman looked at Wesley in surprise.

"Hehe, it's a common problem of human beings. Although you are an alien, your body structure is somewhat different from ours, but you live on the earth, you are an earthling, and your growth environment is no different from your earthlings."

"You're right, I'm thinking too much, but I really can't stop my thoughts." Superman gloomily drank another glass of wine, tasting the ups and downs in it.

"As a Superman, you are fearless, but as Clark Kent, you are a little weak. This is not in strength, but in your heart. You need to face up to your feelings and speak out boldly. Love must be spoken, otherwise you will never There is no answer."

"Are you sure I should say it?" Superman asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, pick a good time and tell him you love her, so what if you have a fiancé? And how did that child come about? You should ask directly instead of thinking about it yourself. It's weird to know these things , If you don’t pay attention, then there will always be an invisible valley between you, completely separating the two of you, and communication is the most basic way for human beings to communicate.”

"Thank you, it's nice to chat with you."

"You're welcome, I welcome you anytime, and you can also call."

Superman left, and Wesley felt good about himself, with a sense of spiritual mentor.

The next day Wesley came to the Daily Planet again, and everything revolved around Superman, but Louise Lane was still obsessed with interviewing the blackout issue, and she kept quiet about Superman, even with Clark Kent. Still nothing to say.

And Wesley followed her to the power plant for an interview, but they found nothing here. The problem of the power outage was not a problem with the power plant. They checked here and there was no problem at all.

"Damn it, this power outage is too weird, we should investigate it in depth." Louise Lane said in the car.

"The editor-in-chief may not agree. He is now paying attention to Superman. He will be very angry if you do this. Is it because you don't want to mention Superman because he left?" Wesley asked suddenly.

"No, of course not. This is just my intuition as a reporter. Journalists have to trust their intuition."

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