SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 535 Artificial Island

There is actually a huge library in the yacht. In the circular room, the surrounding walls are full of bookshelves, which are full of books. Criminals also need to learn.

Wesley didn't fight bravely, but sat aside very cooperatively, watching Louise Lane and Lex Luthor have a friendly conversation. They are old acquaintances. After all, when Superman dealt with this guy, Luthor Louise Lane hid at the scene. Of course, Wesley didn't know these things very clearly, but there was a grudge between them.

"You caused the blackout?" Louise Lane asked.

"Are you interviewing me?" Lex Luthor asked back.

"It's true that you haven't been on the front page of the news for a long time. I need to review your name. Did you trick another widow into getting this yacht?" Louise said sharply.

Lex Luthor didn't care at all, and then said: "I admire your writing, especially your article 'We don't need Superman'. By the way, shouldn't you accept the award?" Lex Luthor wanted to show off very much. He didn't wait for Louise to speak, but continued: "My father once told me that no one in this world created the land, but now I want to create the land. Take a look." He took out a remote control, and then the clothes map landed on the wall beside him.

"See what this is?"

"America?" Louise asked suspiciously.

"No, it's next to it, a new piece of land. Have you seen it? You haven't studied geography, have you? This is the Atlantic Ocean. There is no large piece of land here, but it will appear in a short time. Have you seen these crystals? ? This is alien technology, as long as such a small strip is thrown into the sea, an island will appear immediately, and I will continue to throw them into the sea."

"What's the use?"

"Are you sure you are a reporter and not illiterate?" Lex Luthor taunted Louise.

Wesley said from the side: "A continent with a heart appeared out of thin air, a large amount of seawater will be backlogged, and then a tsunami will be formed, and this is the closest to the United States. He wants to make the United States disappear, of course it may not disappear completely, but The rest of the world will be affected as well, their landmass will shrink."

"Smart, did you see? This is a learned person." Lex Luthor was very proud. "Those countries will beg me to give them technology, and then build a little land. Do you know how much it is worth?"

"You will not succeed, and all countries will not let you go." Louise said firmly.

"I'm not afraid, I have alien technology, what can they do to me? Remember the blackout? Haha..."

"Superman won't let you go." Louise finally said Superman, and Lex Luthor was completely stimulated.

"I'm not afraid of him, do you know what this is?" A processed green ore was taken out. "If Superman comes, then I will use him to fill the sea. Kryptonite will make him weaker than me. Do you think I will be unprepared after failing once?"

Louise knows Superman's weakness, and now she can't say anything, and Wesley is very interested in this kryptonite, but now is not the time to do it, he needs to wait.

"You are very smart, how about it? Wouldn't it be better to follow me?" Lex Luthor looked at Wesley with admiration.

"I'm really willing to see how a new land is formed. You don't mind if I take some photos? As a reporter, I want to record this moment, and you also need publicity, right?" Weiss Leigh said with a smile.

"Not bad, really good. I really need publicity. I think your writing skills should not be bad. Come on, let us witness this miraculous moment together."

Wesley left with the camera and Lex Luthor, while Louise was guarded here. There was a launcher on the rear deck of the yacht, and Lex Luthor sent alien crystals and kryptonite Put them together, and then launch them into the distant sea. Wesley kept shooting with the camera, and then observed the distant sea.

Then suddenly there was an electromagnetic wave gushing out from under the sea surface, and then it spread outwards. It is unknown how far it would spread. The yacht suddenly lost power, but it recovered after a while, and the sea surface began to swell, and the sea surface seemed to be rising. , the yacht swayed in the waves.The surrounding clouds began to gather, as if something was attracting them, and heavy rain poured down.

The nearest American land was affected, and earthquakes began to occur, and then the sea waves became stronger and stronger, and the tsunami was about to form soon, and Wesley took the camera and began to record everything around him.

A brand new island slowly rises, completely higher than the sea level, "Come on, my big reporter, let's go up and have a look, there are topics you are more interested in."

Wesley took the helicopter carried by the yacht to the island, while the yacht was left here.

Superman has already started to act. After he saved the city along the coast, he flew all the way here, and Louise used her wisdom to send a distress message, and his fiancé drove a seaplane to this place.

After boarding the man-made island, Wesley has a full understanding of it. The structure of the island is like a bunch of diamond-shaped cylinders combined together, and the materials are not very clear at present, and need to be analyzed, but No matter how you look at it, it is not suitable for plant growth.

"What kind of island is this?" Wesley asked.

"What kind of structure does it matter? As long as it's land, doesn't it?"

Wesley shook his head at this. It seems that the criminals failed in the end for no reason. They learned to commit crimes better, but in the end they did not seek to understand them. Wesley found some pieces and put them away, ready to go back and do some research. At the same time, he has some new conjectures about this alien technology.

This kind of crystal is more like a magnet. When it meets water, it generates a magnetic field, which attracts tiny mineral elements to concentrate. This is why a strong magnetic field is generated, and a large number of concentrated mineral elements finally form new land. It is a technological product used to extract minerals from water. It needs to be protected before use. There must be no problem with alien technology, but it is a disaster on the earth.

Wesley was a little envious of the remaining crystals, but now was not the time to snatch them, he needed to wait until Superman arrived.

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