Shadow parasite

Chapter 73: What is going on here?

“This is?!”

When Gorn opened his eyes, he was in a totally different environment than he expected.

In front of him was a gigantic Colosseum. Hard rock with different kinds of patterns on it. Patterns he did not recognize, nor had any clue what they were. Everything apart from the circular shaped Colosseum was white, and seemed to lead to nowhere.

It was clear what should be done in such a situation: go inside that stone structure. That he did. Slowly, and carefully, Gorn stepped inside. Thankfully, the entrance was quite eye catching, so entering posed no difficulties.


From inside, the place looked even more grand, and majestic.

“Would you look at that…?”

Gorn was a little stunned by what he saw. Taking a seat on the empty crowd area, he looked towards the middle of the Colosseum. On the edges were fifteen gigantic snakes that looked alive, and moved slightly, not extending over a certain small perimeter.

In the center of it all, the arena was delimited in fifteen smaller areas. Each part contained an enormous snake that was currently battling someone. That someone was none other than him. Looking at himself from such a perspective was rather weird. Gorn’s doubles had a blank look on their faces while they fought the snakes. High in the air, above each area, was a timer.

“So this is what it looks like?” thought Gorn, watching silently the fights.

The whole place was gigantic, so even if it was delimited into multiple areas surrounded by stone walls, there was still plenty of room for maneuvers.

There was still a little over an hour on every fight, so he just observed. His doubles used his equipment that he had previously taken on, and fought in a very straightforward manner. The same could be told about the opponents as well.

Watching carefully for an hour, Gorn understood that his presumptions were actually true. The use of his skills were minimal, and no real tactics were deployed.

Raw power was king.

Despite this, the minimal use of his skills were in fact the deciding factor in all the fights. This allowed him to obtain a one hundred percent victory. Some fights ended before the timer reached zero. In that case, both his double, and his opponent disappeared. However, the timer continued to be active, and another fight did not happen.

When everything reached zero, something changed. The area disappeared, leaving behind an enormous stage. The huge fifteen snakes on the edges now had two available options next to them.


Auto attack!

“I see…”

Gorn jumped next to a snake and selected the attack option. In the next moment, he found himself in the middle of the arena with a giant snake as an opponent. The timer appeared as well.



Using a huge amount of his energy, Gorn formed a blade of fire. At this point, the snake attacked in a very straight forward manner. Gorn blinked, and slashed. The snake’s head flew through the air, and landed into the sandy arena.

It was over.

In the next moment, the snake’s corpse disappeared, but the timer remained.

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