Shadow parasite

Chapter 72: Entering the auto farming system

Gorn gave them an extra look. Both were mature women, giving off a different type of charm than everyone else. At this rate, it was going to become harder to act like he wasn’t affected at all.

In the next moment, his face turned into a smile: ‘Not bad at all!’ being together with so many beauties was wonderful.

Amelia saw him smile, and by the looks of it, she seemed to even know what he was thinking about.

Closing his eyes, Gorn laid down on his back. Taking deep breaths, he relaxed, not thinking of anything in particular.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes into hours. It was soon the end of the day. At this moment, everyone was gathered next to Gorn. He was the group’s pillar, and his presence made the girls feel protected.

“This will be our base for the time being. Since the future is rather uncertain, I recommend you all to try to get stronger. Rebeca will be responsible with teaching you all fighting techniques, as for raw power, I will provide you all with suitable monster cores,” said Gorn in one breath.

“Of course, only if you want to.” Looking at Rebeca, he added: “This is not valid for you. You must be available for at least eight hours a day, six days a week. After all, this is your job, understood?”

Rebeca made a somewhat weird face, but she didn’t refuse. “I understand!” this was the main reason for her presence. If she said no, there would be little reasons for her being there.

The girls nodded, what he said made a lot of sense. Having a decent level of power could prove to be very handy in certain situation, and overall.

“Amelia, you and your daughters will be responsible for gathering resources,” continued Gorn.

After a brief pause, Amelia asked while slowly closing, and opening her eyes: “Rather than this, can’t I be your maid instead?” her whole demeanor made it hard to refuse.

Gorn grinned: “I’ll think about it.” After saying these words, he winked at her. Getting a little more serious, he said a few supplementary words: “While this place should be safe, I want to make sure that nothing is amiss. Tomorrow I will go look around more thoroughly.”

Being extra careful could not harm him, so why not do it. Gorn talked with the girls for a few dozen minutes more. He answered some questions that they had, or at the minimum, said his opinion on the matter.

The weather was more than decent, so there wasn’t any real need of a house or anything. After making a bonfire, they rested. Taking advantage of the night, everyone made some order with their thoughts.




A brand-new day soon replaced the night. Nothing out of the ordinary happened.

“Good morning! How was the night?” Gorn was the first one to start a conversation. After exchanging a few words, breakfast was swiftly prepared from the ingredients that Gorn still had in his inventory.

It was a little odd, but everyone tried to bond together, even if just by a little. They were going to spend some time in this place, and a good relationship between them was a must.

After having a good meal, Gorn left with the twins at his side. His objective for the day was to make sure that the flying island was safe, and unoccupied by other humans.

Extending his shadow, he grabbed them tightly then started to teleport all around the place, while also searching, and analyzing everything in his path.




After around eight hours of vigilant investigations, Gorn did not find anything abnormal, or anything that could prove to be a threat to them. In a few moments, he returned to the rest of the group. His shadow let go of the twins, and slowly returned to him.

“No problems were found.” At his words, the girls breathed out in relief. The whole place was as of that moment their playground, and new home.

“As I’ve previously said, the next couple of days are for relaxation.”

Having a short break after everything that happened was something almost obligatory.




In the following two days, Gorn built a simple wood cabin, taught Nora some things that he learned about vegetation, and exchanged a few words with everyone. While the conversation that they had was nothing serious and only small talk, it was something that helped them know each-other a tad better.

Sitting in front of his freshly made wood cabin, Gorn nodded in satisfaction. It wasn’t anything fancy, nor a crafting masterpiece, however, for his first building made with his two hands, it was perfect. Inside, the cabin was roughly four meters long, and wide, and was equipped with basic furniture, such as a table, a few chairs, a bed, and a chest. Of course, everything was built out of wood. The smaller trees were nowhere as durable as the gigantic ones. That, coupled with the fact that he had an abnormal amount of strength, made the whole process a lot easier.

“Nora, Mara!”

In the next moment, the twins appeared before him. “Can we help you with something?”

Gorn nodded: “No one is allowed to enter this cabin. If there is an emergency, you can come inside and notify me. Remember, come to me only if it’s something important. All clear?”

“Of course!” said the twins in unison. Judging by the looks on their faces, they were quite excited, and eager to start their new job.

Gorn smiled, pleased by their reaction. “Thanks!” with that being said, he entered the cabin, and closed the door behind him.

Slowly, but steadily, he walked towards the bed. Laying down, he took a deep breath, and said: “Enter the auto farming system!” His voice was steady, but at the same time, it contained a visible amount of excitement as well. In the next second, his vision started to darken, and his eyes gradually closed.

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