Shadow parasite

Chapter 71: A new home?

Looking into the distance, Gorn tried to come up with a good plan. The solution was quite simple: go up and forward while maintaining the optimal distance between him, and the mountains’ sides.

Said and done. With a great level of concentration, he positioned himself in the middle of the far away valley, then slowly gained some altitude. Mara and Nora, as well as everyone else, didn’t dare produce even a single sound. The reapers that could be seen on the ground were nothing like the ones they previously encountered. In addition, the presence of the cunning, tailed foxes close to the mountains was even more dangerous. After all, the foxes had the ability to walk on air, and reach them, unlike the reapers.

Horrendous monster cries resounded from time to time, reminding them of the precarious situation. At this point, no matter how they felt, it was too late to back down. Full of anxiety, they hoped for the better.

Seconds seemed like tens of minutes, and minutes like hours. The pressure was getting increasingly higher. Spotting multiple three-tailed foxes into the distance made them gulp. After all, one tail signified a power level of at least five hundred. The main reason they weren’t discovered yet was Gorn’s stealth ability. It was way more useful that one might think.

Having reached an altitude that he seemed as appropriate, Gorn advanced closer to the valley. ‘This should be the area that Sara talked about.’

The search began.

Adjusting his altitude, going left and right, he started to search for the floating island. Luckily, the foxes had no interest in going too far away from the ground, and seemed rather relaxed. As long as he kept a certain distance away from them, no problems arose.

The reapers from down below had a very fierce nature when compared to the other monsters, however, since they could not fly, their threat level was basically reduced to zero.

Hour after hour went by without any incidents. With lots of patience, and a systematic approach, Gorn finally saw something in his line of sigh that resembled land. The closer he got, the clearer it became.

“So beautiful!”

These were the first words spoken since their departure. An enormous piece of land was floating right before their eyes. In addition to the main piece of earth, there were three supplementary, smaller islands, a small distance away, and above, from the central one.

Teleporting from place to place, Gorn analyzed everything in his sight. The main floating island seemed to be around fifty kilometers long, and wide, with a big lake in the middle, while the smaller ones had a diameter of a few kilometers.

Numerous types of trees, and plants could be spotted. The vegetation was so diverse, that it was practically the first time he saw some of the flora, and trees varieties.

Small, non-dangerous animals were also present. The presence of a multitude of birds gave the place a bonus amount of charm.

Landing onto the main island, Gorn released his stealth, and shadow ability. This was the first time he managed to fully control his peculiar abilities. As long as he kept them in check, and didn’t allow them to grow past a certain limit, everything was fine.

Facing the girls, he smiled widely: “Well, what do you think?” It was an understatement to say that he was happy. He was proud.

“And you want to say that all this place is under same protective effect as the city?” asked Rebeca, not being able to hold it in anymore.

“Exactly! Plus, if you can’t fly, there is no way to reach this place.

“Really?! That’s wonderful!” she jumped several times in place due to her excitement. Her small waist was exposed during this process, but she did not care.

Everyone was still excitedly looking all around, amazed by the beauty, and the tranquility of the place.

“This place is incredible! It almost seems a little too good to be true,” said Elisa while stretching her body.

The trip was full of tension. Soon, all the girls started to relax, and stretch their stiff bodies. Gorn also let out a huge breath of relief. It wasn’t as bad as he had expected. Sitting on a nearby log, he watched the girls stretch.

All of them had at least a few beautiful, and very uncommon traits about them. Rebeca’s facial features were rather normal, but she compensated with her astounding body shapes. A tiny waist, coupled with a big round ass, and a very accentuated leg parenthesis were clear signs of good genetics.

Being twins, Mara and Nora gave off a very magical feeling when together. Beautiful facial features, lean, fully developed body shapes coupled with their overall shy temperament was very attractive.

In comparison to the twins, Elisa was a mature woman in every aspect. The surge in power that Gorn’s power up potion gave her, rejuvenated her whole physical aspect. It was almost like going back to her teen years, but keeping her mature charm.

Ella was still little, but it was clear that she was on a good road. Just by looking at her mother, and sisters, it was crystal clear that she had exquisite genetics, ready to bloom at any moment. In addition, she carried a hidden, but very fierce aura about her. This trait was unique to her, something special that she possessed.

“We are the only humans here, right?” asked Amelia while raising one of her arms, and arching her back. She made sure to turn slightly to the side, so that Gorn could admire her body to the fullest.

Amelia’s long, red hair fluttered slightly in the wind. She was, overall, the most beautiful, and attractive among all of them. Gorn got the feeling that her every gesture, and gaze, was meant to seduce him.

“That’s right.” Giving her a short answer, Gorn looked to Lora, who was close to her side. He couldn’t help himself but compared the two of them. Lora was the spitting image of her mother. Although, her personality was very untamed, and she lacked finesse. Compared to her mother, she was just like an unripe fruit.

Lora’s sister, Emma, was unusually quiet. Her looks leaned to her father side, and her appearance was rather similar to the twins, albeit she had slightly different body shapes.

“This looks like a very safe place. Are we going to stay here?” asked Lora, getting a little closer to him.

Gorn nodded: “This will be our new home. It’s beautiful, and safe at the same time. Basically, it’s perfect. At least, as far as I’m concerned.” He was very happy with what he found.

“Now what? Do we build some houses, go exploring, gather some resources, or what?” asked Rebeca. She spoke the first words that came to her mind, forgetting that her blunt way of saying things wasn’t the best way to communicate with someone.

Gorn was in too good of a disposition to care right now. “For the time being, you are free to do whatever you want. Of course, provided you do not disturb the others.”

Everyone earned a few days of relaxation, and peace. Hearing his words, Rebeca started to explore the close vicinity of their current position. She was quite mesmerized by the unknown.

“You can relax as well. At the moment, there is no immediate danger,” said Gorn while looking at the twins. It sounded nice, but it wasn’t too realistic for them to guard him at all times.

“Alright… We will be close, so if you need something, just call for us,” said Nora, excitement clearly visible in her eyes. She loved plants, and was very eager to test some surroundings, unknown flora. Taking Mara by the hand, they started to inspect the nearby vegetation with great passion. At the same time, the twins were careful not to go too far away from him, in case their presence was needed.

Ella quickly went after her sisters, while Elisa just sat down close to Gorn, not sharing the same amount of enthusiasm as the young girls. The past events required time to fully digest, and sort out.

Lora and Emma looked around a little as well, while talking a few things among themselves. Amelia, just like Elisa, came next to Gorn, and sat down as well.

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