RWBY – The madness of Lappland

I can fix her

Yang pov 

Yang : "Doctor ? Lappland is sick or is she just doing a routine examination ? "

I ask looking at Blake .

Blake : "No it's just a routine checkup."

Blake says as I just nod watching her picks up my clothes from the windowsill she was sitting on earlier. Returning with my folded clothes in her hands Blake places them next to me on the bed.

" We don't have a washing machine here so your clothes... smell bad." 

Says Blake looking into my eyes. 

Yang : "Don't worry, I didn't expect you to do my laundry for me". 

I say jokingly as I reflexively uncovered myself again to grab my clothes making Blake look at me with embarrassment again. 

' We are both girls but it still feels strange somehow. Even though I have used the locker rooms or group showers more than once, it somehow feels extremely embarrassing.' 

'This may be because I wasn't the only one there naked or dressed in this kind of stuff. In the sense that it's normal clothes just too tight by what.... never mind. ' 

Stopping to think about it I grab the bottom of my shirt with the intention of pulling it off. However, before I do so I glance at Blake who weirdly stares at me. And I honestly know this look well which makes a strange idea come to my mind. 

' I never thought about it but does Blake like girls too?' 

With that thought, I watch as Blake quickly turns her back on me. 

'No shit, isn't she straight'

I think while looking at Blake's strange behavior.

' However, even if she was she wouldn't behave like that. Rather any girl looking at someone dressed like me would blush.' 

Thinking about it, I put the silly thought out of my head. 

Blake : " Don't you want to get cleaned up first?" 

Blake asks. Hearing her I am reminded of the smell of my  hair on which there were vomit earlier. 

Blake : " There should be food in a while and you can go wash and change in the meantime. You can use whatever towel you want all of them are clean "

Listening to Blake's advice I take my clothes and quickly walk to the room that Blake pointed her finger at. 

' I don't see a shower, which means I'm in for a bath'.

I think while looking at the bathtub as I pull off the too-small clothes in such a way as not to tear them. 

' How did I drunkenly dress this.'

I wonder as I let the warm water run into the tub. However, after a moment's consideration, I change it to cold water . 

' Blake said the food would be here in a moment. Either she ordered it or we're at the hotel. It's honestly hard to say. ' 

I think while stepping into the tub and oh shit. My whole body stiffens and my muscles tense up. However, I immediately soak my body under the water. And it really works wonders on my hangover. 

' I realy hope what happened doesn't change Lappland's mind about me... However, I really trust Blake, and I honestly now feel that responsibility after what she told me.' 

' I have never known anyone with this type of problem. And honestly good that I know that now because knowing me I would have said something stupid. I will probably say something stupid anyway. '

Thinking about it I sigh while washing my body and hair in cold water.

'Beauty really isn't that simple. She always walked muscular however her eyes were always so crazy. I liked the unsettling feeling from her. '

'However, it also shows how big idiotą I'm. I've known her for two days and we haven't talked that much at all. I don't know her at all and I already promised her friend that I would take care of her.' 

'The reason why she caught my eye is her appearance which is so, typically dumb, simple and.... normal that I didn't even consider her character.' 

'I simply saw her beating up some gangsters and that was it. I felt something. I had a feeling that she was just like me. Then in that club he saw a little of her character. Sometimes childishly funny, combined with being charming.' 

'Sometimes tough, psychopathic with her laughter alone, she made people shiver. Such a combination I was looking for, someone to fight together. Someone to drink and party with and at the same time a sweet ball to cuddle. Having a tail and ears was just a bonus. '

' However, I did not  even think she was like that because she had suffered in life. That's probably why she has these scars.'

' This, however, makes Lappland different from other girls. I really want to try to be with her, if she has problems I want to help her . I want to love her and I want to be loved by her. I understand that there will be no turning back once we feel something for each other. '

'No , I already feel something for her. And now that I know she is suffering, I want to help her as much as I can. I will fix her as long as she wants to and as long as there is something to fix in this crazy, hot wolf girl  '

 Thinking about her again despite the cold water all around me makes my stomach warm but before I can do anything to myself I hear sounds coming from another room.

 This is a sign for me to finish my bath. Drying my body with a towel I get dressed and wrap my still wet hair in a towel . As I leave the room I see Blake standing next to a food cart which reassures me that we are in a hotel. 

Blake : "Sit down" 

Says Blake indicating the seat next to her on the bed. 

Yang : "Thanks." 

I say sitting down next to her. After which Blake uncovers the covers of two plates containing meat and fish with potatoes on the side . Before I can choose anything, however, Blake has already grabbed the fish . 

Blake : "We already have a pre-selected caterer, so I couldn't change it." 

Blake says while already eating her food. 

' So that means it's Lappland meat. 

I think while starting my portion. 

Yang : "So you and Lappland live in a hotel?" 

I ask curiously to which Blake nods in confirmation. 

Blake : "Temporarily yes." 

Responds Blake while eating. 

Yang : " Most hotels take a daily fee, so it will be expensive to live here until the Bicon begins, ". 

I say frankly knowing more or less the prices. 

Blake : "I have a discount for a long-term stay, besides I have a job and extra money form the bett. So it's okay." 

Says Blake unable to hide her excitement about the taste of the fish which, with her earlier cold approach, seems strange. Besides...  

' Did her head ribbon move ...' 

I think as I witness the ribbon on Blake's head seemed to twitch like cat ears in my eyes . 

' Is Blake a Faunus ?' 

My thoughts are interrupted when Blake looks at me out of the corner of her eye, even more resembling a cat in my eyes . 

Blake : "Is something wrong?" 

Blake asks me, snapping out of her trance.

Yang : "No." 

I replies uncertainly seeing the strange expression on Blake's face. 

' Honestly Lappland is Faunus from what Blake herself said they both liked to go to that club.... I never thought about it but it doesn't matter, I just think too much' 

I think to myself while returning to eating during which I noticed something else. 

Yang : " Unlike me you are holding up well after that party." 

I say seeing that she doesn't have a hangover.

Blake: " I didn't even drink half as much as you and Lappland. Besides, I... I... I had a activities that sobered me up faster." 

Says Blake blushing a little which is strange even more so after her earlier jamming. However, honestly I don't go into it anymore. I've had too many strange thoughts today, so I just focus on our current topic.  

Yang : "  If Lappland drank as much as I did then, why did I only end up the way I ended up? "

I wonder aloud when a sigh comes from Blake's side. 

Blake :" At some point she was certainly drunk. However, Lappland has a very strong head and sobered up quickly, an hour or two at the most for her would be enough to regain a sober state ." 

Blake : "Besides, Lappland knows how to drink unlike you, when you drank the whole bottle at once it was over for you . And was it by any chance your first time with strong alcohol.  "

Says Blake  and even though I don't remember it, it very much sounds like the kind of thing I would do which makes me embarrassed of my stupidity, even more so after Blake guessed that this was my first time drinking something strong.  . 

Yang : " It's a bit like my uncle, he drinks something all the time and never looks drunk. And when he is, a reminder from my father is enough to sober him up."

I say quickly without thinking, just to change the subject. But a strange look from Blake makes me realize what a strange thing to say that was.

Yang : "Of course he's not..." 

I want to say something but Blake just interrupts me.

Blake : "I know don't explain , just eat or food will be cold". 

Says Blake returning to eating when an awkward silence falls between us. Continuing to eat I have the feeling that I forgot something, and it is rather important. 

'Uncle, father....'

Thinking about it, I'm starting to get a bad feeling. However, because of how lax my thinking is after the party, I have no idea what I forgot

Blake : "I forgot, your scroll, it seemed to be ringing this morning..." 

Before Blake can finish speaking I get off the bed knocking over the food cart in the  processd. 

' I am so dead ' 

Pov 3 person 

Due to Yang's sudden movement, Blake was forced to quickly grab her plate of tuna, unfortunately the rest of the food along with the cart fell to the floor. And before the shocked Blake had time to say anything Yang rushed past her almost knocking the tuna out of her hands. 

Taking her scroll in her hands, Yang turns on its screen so that, to her horror building on her face, she begins to run her finger over the scroll on which was a mass of missed calls. 

Yang : "No, no" 

Said Yang putting the handset of the scroll to her ear apparently trying to call. By this time, a shocked Blake had pulled her focus back and when she looked at Yang she saw complete horror on her face. 

Yang : "Blake I'm sorry I have to leave now , I'm in big trouble." 

Yang says after which she runs out of the room taking the towel on her head with her and ramming the door on the way, she scare poor cleaning lady which was on the other side of the door. Leaving Blake who  didn't have time to understand the situation, alone in the room. 

Cleaner :" Should I clean it up? "

Asks the unsure cleaning lady peeking through the door of the room looking anxiously at Blake. 

Blake: " Please?" 

Replies Blake putting her fish aside. 

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