RWBY – The madness of Lappland

I am in love with her

Yang : "Thank you !"

I tell the cab driver while paying him. After paying I continue the rest of the way through the forest on foot to reach home , which will take me a good hour . Fortunately, it did not take me long to get to the Island, the same thing to find a cab driver and only because of that I got here so quickly. The only thing that left me sluggish in my return was the need to buy water and pain pills .

'I don't know what to drink Blake gave me but it really helped . Now that it has stopped working I feel like I am dying .'

No longer thinking about how I feel like crap I start walking home hoping that I won't feel like peeing from the amount of water I've already drunk.

' It's not so bad , I'm only a few hours late . '

I think lying to myself about my situation .

' A couple of hours , I didn't come home for the night , I didn't notify my father that I was staying longer . The worst part is that neither Father nor Ruby picks up the Scroll .,

'Damn, Father will kill me . '

I think getting used to the idea that I won't see the sunlight again . And the further I think about it the faster I start running home . 

Pov 3 person 

Entering the cabin , Yang's eyes meet the image of a black-haired man with a light stubble sitting on the couch in the living room who, like her, looks at her with his red eyes .

"Uncle Qrow "

Says Yang whose previously worried face brightened a bit. Walking forward ,Yang walks closer to her uncle who seeing her got up from the couch himself . Ready to hug her uncle Yang notices that something is wrong .A terrified Ruby is hiding on the stairs and Qrow's face is completely pale as he moves his eyeballs as if pointing at something .

Yang :" Where is the father ? "

Asks Yang realizing why she went home so quickly in the first place . Yang's question itself does not go unanswered when the door of the house is closed with a loud clang. Swallowing her saliva and holding her breath , Yang slowly turned her head only to see her father with his hand on the door looking at her with indescribable anger in his eyes.

Yang's father : " You have decided to return Yang Xiao Long ."

Tai says pointing his finger towards the kitchen .

Tai : " You too Qrow, I needs you".

Says Tai , looking at Qrow who try to slip away . Immediately after that, Tai locked the front door of the house and he went to the table in the kithen taking Qrow and a terrified Yang with him.





Tai : " Before you say anything Yang is no "but" or "because" . There was no contact with you all night .I called you not once, not twice you know how I felt with each call, you know what I thought . "

"I thought something happened to you , I had the worst in my mind . I waited all night and when I saw that you were not there in the morning , I wanted to call the police and go looking for you myself but just then Qrow return and stop me ."

Tai : "I never wanted to keep you locked up so I let you party as long as you stick to certain rules . You were just supposed to call to tell me you were staying the night . I only asked for that , so now tell me Yang where you were and why you didn't pick up the scroll " .

Finishing his statement, Tai looked at Yang who was visibly trying to create an excuse.

Yang :" My scroll no longer had energy left ... and it was late by then so ... I decided to spend the night at a friend's house ".

Yang said , but it didn't look good for her as she was looking around the whole time , apparently struggling trying to come up with a good story.

Tai: " Look into my eyes when you talk to me ."

Says Tai looking at his daughter.

Yang : " My scroll had no energy . So I stayed overnight at a friend's house , where in the morning I charged the batteries in my scroll .."

Says Yang looking into her father's eyes .

Tai : " Then why didn't you call me from your friend's scroll ? "

Tai says shocking Yang with this question . However, this unanswered question was enough for Tai .

" Have you been drinking , Yang ?"

Asks Tai looking at Yang whose pupils dilated slightly.

Yang : " A few beers ".

Says Yang without taking her eyes off her father's blue eyes .

Tai : " Yang you know I don't mean beers. But if you don't want to talk, Qrow . " 

Says Tai looking at Qrow who only looked at Yang .

Tai : " Qrow you will not save her from this ."

Says Tai when Yang realized that she screwed up. 

Qrow: " Kiddo , breath on me ."

Says Qrow which was met with a sudden reaction from Yang who in panic , covered her mouth with her hand. 

Tai : "So you were drinking something more than beer ."

Says Tai when with every word he says Yang's face pales . 

Yang : " I didn't drink , just didn't brush my teeth in the morning ."

Yang says while continuing to defend herself.

Tai : " I would believe you if you had simply said that you forgot to call me ,but still there would be a punishment out of it . However you are making things up , you're trying to lie to me Yang.  "

Tai : " You have a hangover Yang I know this because I have seen it many times . Your hands are gently shaking and I can see from you that you are getting tired of the headache . The fact that you covered your mouth, confirms that you are afraid I'll find out that you was drunk. I will tell you one thing Yang Xiao Long , after such a time nobody can sense alcohol from your breath ."

Says Tai without taking his eyes off Yang .

Tai : "For the time being , until the academy you don't leave the house . When you enter the academy I will make sure that you do not leave the room except for lessons and training ."

Says Tai shocking not only Yang but also Qrowa who looks at him in disbelief .

Tai : " As for who you were there with I want their contact numbers you are not eighteen years old to buy alcohol yourself . If it wasn't them who bought it I want the name of the bar and give me your scroll ".

Says Tai demanding with an outstretched hand his daughter's scroll .

Qrow : " Tai don't exaggerate .... "

Qrow says wanting to continue but Tai's gaze stops him .

Tai : " We had rules with Yang Qrow , trust for trust ! She sticks to those few rules and I let her party and do other things . Yang not only broke the rules but tried to lie to me . "

Says Tai looking at further shocked Yang .

Yang : " You can't do that to me , not now . It was just this one time . "

Says Yang trying to convince her father however Tai just slammed his hand on the table silencing the whole house .

Qrow : " Tai calm down , we all know how worried you were but you can't lock up a girl she is already an adult . I don't know if you remember but you and I did the same thing when we were at the academy. "

Says Qrow standing up for Yang who looked at her uncle as her last hope .

Tai : " And this is where you are wrong Qrow. It was the second year of Bicon then when we were already eighteen years old and Yang is not eighteen years old so she is not an adult . Besides , then we were the whole team together . Now Yang was alone with strangers "

Says Tai ready to start an argument with Qrow .

Yang : " I was not with strangers , I was with..."

Yang says with the intention of defending herself however she was interrupted by her father.

Tai : " You were with a girl you've known for two days. With the same girl with whom you destroyed the night club together ?"

Asks Tai while boiling inside with anger. Yang herself after hearing this fell silent knowing that she could no longer defend herself.

Qrow : " What nightclub , what girl ?"

Asks Qrow looking at his niece. At the same time Yang looked towards the door frame, from which Rubi's head is sticking out with a completely terrified face .

Tai : " Junior's club , it's hard not to know this when one of the biggest clubs was destroyed in one night."

Says Tai at which Qrow with a painful expression on his face let the air out through his mouth .

Yang : "Lappland has nothing to do with it ."

Says Yang getting up from the chair but with her father's admonition she sits back down.

Tai : " I'm not saying she has anything to do with it because I know what stupid ideas you can have and I guess why you were there. The same goes for what you did now I won't blame any of your colleagues because I know very well that they didn't have to encourage you to do it ."

Tai :" And the fact that you left your sister alone despite the fact that you promised me to take care of her is a topic for another time . "

Says Tai tired and disappointed at the same time .

Yang : " I understand dad but please let me walk out when it comes to her ."

Says Yang looking at her father with hope. But hearing this Tai remained deaf to Yang's pleas as he stuck to his opinion .

Tai : " You must learn Yang that everything has consequences ."

Says Tai however before he can finish the conversation Yang interjects again .

Yang : " What do I have to learn that drinking alcohol is bad ? I've learned that, I've done a lot of crap while  drunk ."

Says Yang knowing that as she has already brought up the subject she must finish it ,so taking a deep breath she said what is on her heart.

Yang :" I like Lappland a lot and I need to fix something , I screwed up by being drunk .. I have a feeling .... no I know , that if I am not active in her life then , it will not work out. Her friend is ready to support me and I can not disappear now . I know that I have known her for a very short time but I am in love with her ."

Says Yang spilling the beans shocking Qrow and Tai .

Ruby : " ha I was right Yang is in love...".

Says Ruby mockingly jumping out of her hiding place however her smile disappears under Yang's cold stare .

Tai : " Ruby you were supposed to be in your room . And Yang don't look at your sister like that ."

Says Tai , watching Ruby turn into rose petals disappear instantly from the room .

Tai : Ruby what did I say about using semblance at home !"

Says Tai with the intention of going after Ruby however reminding himself of the current situation he sighs and sits down on a chair .

Tai : " You said you don't like her that way . Yang you've known her for two days it's just an infatuation . "

Tai said looking at his daughter. However, Yang no longer responded to his words she just sat waiting while her face showed many conflicting emotions . However, seeing this look on her face Tai knew that there was no mistake about Yang's feelings .

Tai : " What should I do with you Yang , tell me ".

Said Tai massaging his temples with his fingers not knowing what to say anymore .

Qrow : " Kiddo what did you do while drunk ?"

Asks a curious Qrow just after his initial shock has disappeared , looking at his niece who sighs deeply .

Yang : " When we were coming back from the party I threw up on her ".

Says Yang after a moment of reflection knowing that in this situation she had to tell the whole truth . Finishing her words Yang banged her forehead on the table as her words made Qrow laugh to tears and shocked Tai who did not know what to say ..

Qrow : "  You puked all over her or just the shoes ?"

Asks a curious Qrow with tears in his eyes gathering Yang's gaze .

Yang : " I don't know I didn't ask , but rather the whole ".

Says Yang with resigned sigh ready to bury herself underground.

Tai : " You really punished yourself ."

Says Tai shaking his head. At this time, Qrow noticed Yang's face and mood through which he stop his laught.

Qrow : " Don't worry , it could have been worse . Your father once stripped naked and ran out into the street then ..."

Tai : " Qrow !!!"

Says Qrow trying to fix Yang's certainty but is interrupted in the process by Tai who got up from his chair silencing him with his hand. Seeing this interaction between her father and uncle Yang smiled gently which along with the fighting of the only adults in the room dissipated that earlier serious atmosphere.

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