RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Beast of the white fang ( Huntress of Hunters 4)

Pov leather jacket 

Feeling nothing below the waist, I take another heavy breath. Lying inert on the cold ground of the alley which is still covered in a thin layer of gas , despite no longer feeling the need to do so, I continue to hold my own spear with my hand. The spear that is now killing me and which has been with me in battle since the academy. 

Coughing with pain, I look at this girl, this animal that cut the tendons in my legs that, despite the lack of connection to the nervous system, somehow kept me above the ground. She didn't do it to ultimately kill me, she did it because she is a sadistic, psychotic bitch. 

' However, despite everything, I know that it is my fault I screwed up. I know that ,as Forest sensed that something was wrong. This blind idiot also knew it, but nevertheless we did not give up. This girl is a beast'

' I didn't expect that after, years of fighting grimms and humans, with the experience from so many battles, somebody will be capable of killing us so simply. I didn't even have a chance to hurt her, if I had at least made a cut on her body then I could have used my sembelacne on her. ' 

With these thoughts, I feel the blood flowing out of my mouth and nose, suffocating me in the process . 

' I saved my heart, but for that I gave myself a slow death '

Thinking about it I notice how everything is slow around me it's like the world has slowed down for this moment. Everything has lost focus but not so much as to be blurry and despite the darkness around me I can see everything clearly and my thoughts are much clearer to me. 

Lying on my death bed, using all the remaining strength in my aching and paralyzed body I turn my head to the side where the girl went. Only to see the girl dragging an axe behind her walking slowly as this young idiot runs towards her. 

' You didn't run away... You brave idiot '. 

I think looking at him. I honestly hoped that he would get his act together and run. 

' Sorry Youngster, even though you like these animals you were fine, too nice, too inexperienced but fine. '

Thinking about this I watch as this girl grasp the axe in both her hands, then when the youngster swung horizontally from above aiming at her neck, she only leaned forward and undercut his legs.  I see the momentary shock on his face, caused by the sudden loss of a limbs . But at the moment he falls to the ground, shock turned into despair, when both his legs are left beside the girl. Fortunately, I can't hear his screams, I can't hear anything anymore when the world goes deaf in my ears and the blood from my mouth and nose no longer allow me to breathe. 

' Vizel he should hear the shot, I hope he don't come here to get us. He would be able to give some resistance but the rest were completely drunk, they won't be able to handle it. He already know what to do in such a situation. Let Atlas find her and kill her '.

With this thought everything melts away and I feel a strange lightness. 

Pov 3 person. 

 Without even looking at the legless young man screaming in disbelief on the ground. Lappland walk towards the exit of the alley. But the moment she reached the exit with a twitch of her ears, Lappland turned and swung from above her head. 

In the empty space behind her, with a strange smoke suddenly appeared one of the man who had been with the rest of the leather jacket group earlier. However, before he could notice anything an axe pierced his right collarbone and crushed his shoulder . Then the axe cut his body all the way to his left hip , dividing his body into different two parts which, falling to the ground, released the axe. 

Immediately after axe was free Lappland turned around already aiming it's barrel at the exit of the alley. From the corner of which another skinny silhouette suddenly ran in followed by a much taller and more powerful one. 

The first man turned his head as soon as he ran out of the corner, but all he was able to see and hear was the flash of flames and the bang of the shot that sent his body across the street. 

The flying man was stopped by the canopy of one of the stores across the street. This canopy crumpled at the point of impact with his body, after which the man fell to the ground making a painful moaning sound, showing that he was still alive.

But despite this, his hands, with which he managed to shield himself before receiving the shot, were severely burned and broken despite the Aura with which he covered them. 

Vizel :" You bitch..." 

Says the last tall man with the hood on his head as he run at Lappland with his impressive body. He didn't have to think about anything as when he saw the axe in Lappland's hands he knew very well what had happened. Running towards Lappland, he saw her swing the axe to his right side, but without much fear he moved on her with empty hands. 

At the moment of close contact, he kicked straight with the sole of his boot towards the blade of the Lappland axe which was aim at his body. Shoe with a metallic sound partially stopping the axe and this was due to the metal plates underneath them which made the axe slip gently along them. .  

However, despite these plates, the axe eventually penetrated the shoe deeply enough to injure man's foot. Their opposing force pushed the man out of the way almost knocking him to the ground. 

But surprisingly, he did not show the pain or discomfort associated with this type of wound on his foot as he leaned forward, bent the knee of the leg pierced by the axe countering the force of this blow, while simultaneously taking a head swing aiming for the Lappland face, . 

Lappland, seeing his movement tilted her head downward, allowing him to strike the top of her head thus ripping the hood from his bald tattooed head. 

Seeing that Lappland didn't mind his headshot, he pushed his bent knee down pointing the axe in his foot on the ground. Without much thought, Lappland let go of the axe and aim the nails of her now free right hand in his face .  

When his foot with the impaled axe hit the ground the axe went off his foot, but before that happened axe split his foot along with the shoe in half, showing that under the shoe was only a leg prosthetics. 

With one and a half feet on the ground he twist his hip, withdrew his left hand behind him to give more momentum to his right hand which with he executed a lower right hook aiming for the Lappland ribs. Completely unconcerned with fact that Lappland's nails slid across his face leaving shallow wounds on it. 

At the same time Lappland's ears twitched Due to the mechanical sound emanating from the man's right hand, causing Lappland to quickly with her left elbo push to the side his hand before he could reach her ribs 

Pushing his arm aside, Lappland in time managed to avoid the sword-length blade that slid out of the men's upper wrist which missed Lappland body cuting only her already filthy coat. 

Lappland taking advantage from their close proximity to each other, thrust her left hand toward the man's face hitting his chin with the inside of her palm. Then with the same hand, she grabbed him by the collar of his hood and, pulling herself up on top of him, she hit his left trapezius muscle with her right elbow. 

Before she could touch the ground with her feet, Lappland wrapped her right arm around his neck grabbing the right side of his open mouth.Then, piercing his cheek with the fingers of her right hand, Lappland wrapped her right leg over his left shoulder and her left leg under the man's right armpit. 

What followed was Lappland brutally beating the man's face with her left hand as her right hand increasingly ripped his face apart. With each strike of her hand, Lappland weakened more and more of the aura of the man who, at the time obviously struggled as he tear Lappland clothes, grabb her by the tail and hair, trying to throw her off his face.

However, this didn't work on her, it only made her strike faster and scratch harder as more and more blood flowed onto her disturbingly calm, smiling face .

Lappland : " Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. " 

At one point Lappland burst out laughing as the body of desperate guy flared from the red aura tightening the muscles in his body. Then with a beast-like roar, he ran into the wall of the alley with Lappland on his face. 

Lappland, sensing what was about to happen, put her hands on the man's shoulders and at the moment of impact, she pushed herself with her legs off the wall to stand on her hands on his shoulders. After which, with a bend of her arms, Lappland leaped from his shoulders and landed behind him.  

Turning away from the wall, the man saw only how, after a double turn, Lappland kicked from her heel at his torn lower jaw, which with injuries present on it simply fell off and flew away. 

 At that moment his face was completely covered in blood due to the many deep cuts on it. The condition of his entire head was unrecognizable with places through which his skull could be seen and all the soft tissues disappeared or were tornone . 

But despite this, the man like a berserk without worrying about the pain, once again swung his fist with the blade at Lappland, who, in boxing style, leaned under the fist and fired her own left hook straight at his liver. Immediately afterward her other fist hit straight at his non-existent nose which, with a loud sound, broke his aura as well as his skull. 

With his two steps back Lappland jumped on him again this time hitting the man's chest with her knees causing him to fall to the ground while she drivie her thumbs into his eyeballs to hold onto him.

 Because of Lappland's knees on his chest after he fell, his unprotected by aura ribs were crushed by her weight combined with gravity causing injuries to his lungs and heart ultimately killing him .  

Rising from the man's dented chest drop of water fell on her ears causing them to tremble. Lappland raised her head to the cloud-darkened sky only to have a raindrop fall on her blood-covered face then another drop and another slowly washing the blood from her face.

With a smile and contracted pupils Lappland's eyes turned to the damaged axe, to which she walked over to and then picked up. By this time, man lying under the store's canopy, noticed what was happening and, despite his lack of functioning hands, he got up from the ground to escape but apparently the impact on the canopy had damaged one of his legs. 

Walking slowly in the rain, Lappland was about to run after the man but she fell suddenly to a knee grabbing her head and pant deeply as sweat mixed with rain covered her forehead . With a deep exhale, steam came out of Lappland's mouth looking much warmer than it should be 

Lappland :"..........." 

 In a strange silence, Lappland's eyes opened wide as her grip on her head tightened, but that didn't stop her from aiming her axe at the man and then fired another shot.

The shot shattered man's shoulder and sent him flying backwards only to make him hit his back against the store's glass window . Which broke, but he didn't fall inside as he was stopped by the iron bars behind the glass. 

Firing another shot, Lappland hit his chest which blasted him from the inside tearing his body in half. And while the lower half fell to the street the upper half broke through the bars, falling inside the store . 

Lappland : "Hot, terribly hot, It hurts, what have I done to deserve all this. Why did she do this to me, why did they all do this to me, why why why why why Hahahhahahahaha"

Lappland seys as tears flowed from her eyes again. Then with the help of the axe, she rises from her knee. Letting go of the damaged axe, she turns her back on the street scene and moves ahead, towards the boy who, with tears in his eyes, was crawling towards the dark part of the alley trying to escape from Lappland. 

However, Lappland did not care about him, and she just walked past him only to disappeared into the darkness of the alley completely unaware that the terrible heat she felt now and before is becaused by now visible cause of her torn clothes, black points on her body. Which now emerged gently from under her skin, showing the black crystals which give off heat to the point where they was red.

Immediately after Lappland disappeared into the darkness, another small, apparently female silhouette appeared at the entrance to the alley. This silhouette simply stood there with an umbrella shielding her from the rain.  

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