RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Dangerous hunch

I sorry for the delay however due to lack of time the chapter came out today and not Tuesday and although it is delayed it is not perfect . I sincerely hope that I will not have to rewrite it, at most I will give minor corrections . However, due to lack of time there may not be a chapter next week .

I apologize and wish you a pleasant reading .


Qrow : " Sorry Tai let me go already ".

I say breathlessly sitting on the chair while Tai at that time choked me from behind . However, looking at the depressed Yang , I see a gentle smile on her face which is the most important thing for me . The same smile apparently affected Tai who , after looking at the firecracker , let me out of the stranglehold . 

However, Yang's despondency made me realise how the whole situation with that girl really affected her deeply . Which despite wanting to , I can't laugh at her now .

' What kind of face Yang might have made at that moment ' .

Imagining this again I suppress the laughter inside me .

Qrow : " Like I said Yang don't worry it could have been worse ."

I say comforting Yang when Tai at that moment picked up his chair from the ground and put it back on the feet .

Yang " : Yes I know "

Yang says sighing then she goes back to looking at her father in anticipation of what he has to say . And looking at Yang now with a face like that really gives me to think about her development.

' Yang is really growing up , it seems like just yesterday she were slurping milk out of a cup running after me , with a diaper on her butt .' 

I think back to when Yang and Ruby were still so small , which seems so recen.

' At that time we may have already been separated but we were still all alive .'

Thinking about the past I can not help that I thought of summer . Which again give me the urge to take a sip from my flask .However , Tai would probably kill me if I do it now, so I will refrain .

' Summer would really like to see Yang now . She may not listen to anyone and cause trouble . But she has always stood up for the weak , she always helps Ruby as much as she can , she is generally a good kid who always gets into trouble . '

Stopping to think about what used to be , I focus on the present .

' In a short while it will also be time for Ruby , to find herself a partner . '

I think while imagining Tai's reaction to that .

' Tai surprisingly took news from Yang well but that's probably just because he was prepared for this . Besides that ,Yang's absence has really given him a hard time . '

I think completely understanding Tai.

' For me it's good that Yang has found someone, it will take her mind off her mother. At least I hope so.'

I think remembering the person who should be here in the first place .

' However, I do recognise the name of the girl Yang is talking about. Lappland... it seems familiar to me, but I have no idea where it's familiarity is from .'

The thought of it doesn't give me peace as I know I have it somewhere in my memory . But before I can figure it out Tai's words draw my attention back to the conversation again 

Tai : "So the time has come . You have fallen in love . "

Says Tai sighing deeply .

Tai: " My daughter's first crush is a girl she has known for two days. That doesn't sound good at all ."

Says tired Tai as he sits down on his chair returning to his role as a serious parent but it's hard for him to do so especially after what just happened.

Tai : " Before we get to the topic of your feelings are you going to tell me the truth now Yang ?"

Asks Tai with calm voice apparently wanting to finish the previous topic already . Looking at Yang I can see that she is also tired and this is probably because of her hangover which is clearly reflected on her face . 

Yang: " Yesterday I , Lappland , Blake Lappland friend and a girl named Coco together with her team we went to a club for faunus " .

Yang says when she is interrupted in the middle by Tai.

Tai : " What club ? "

Asks Tai looking at Yang who doesn't look too eager to say it . At that time the words " for faunus " lit a red light in my head .

Yang : " True nature "

Yang says , unfortunately according to my hunch. The only thing that saves her now is that Tai had not been partying or even interested in it for a very long time . However, I as Ozpin's main trusted informant know that this club like Junior's is not the safest place rather , more dangerous for non-faunus.

' Did Yang realise, what this place is ? With racial conflicts between humans and faunus, it's dangerous for humans there. '

Many former members of the white fang go there, not to mention the many faunus who face racism on a daily basis and are therefore stressed. Recently there have even been rumors that even current members of the white fang are hanging around .

' This is the worst place for a young girl like Yang. Just one word or probably her presence there is enough to unnerve a crowd. I'll have to talk to her about it, but without Tai knowing.'

I think even though I would love to say it to her face. However, Tai is already angry enough and knowing him he wouldn't let Yang out anymore . However, I don't bother to look at Yang who noticing my serious look understood my signal.

Yang : " Thanks to Lappland's acquaintance we got inside. Then the party started and I drank . Nobody forced me to drink anything, at the beginning I drank normal beer, but then I felt I could drink something stronger".

Continues Yang , looking sincerely at Tai. But despite her words I know it's not the whole truth as I know what is going on at this club. The cage and the bets, I'm sure she was there and probably wanted to or took part herself. However, that's another thing I'll keep to myself.

 'However, in the worst case scenario for Yang , Tai will also find out about it after all he has access to Yang's bank account .'

Apart from that, the statement about Lappland's acquaintance in this club is disturbing me . Of course it doesn't mean that she is connected to white fang or its former members , maybe her family works there or she often goes there .

 But looking at the fact that thanks to her Yang no faunus, came in means that she is important . Because I was not even allowed in , and I know the owner . Which makes this whole situation some kind of nonsense.

Tai : "Why did you feel you could drink ? Did your friends even know that you were not eighteen ?"

Tai asks, getting to the heart of the problem.

Yang : " I don't know, at that moment I was thinking about something else, I was feeling different and I just wanted to drink a bit, but you know how it went, too much and too fast."

Yang : " As for the group none of us knew each other there , we didn't ask each other age or that kind of thing . I went there because I was getting tired of all these thoughts about Lappland. I dreamt about her at night , I thought about her during the day . I just went there I felt it and that was it. I screwed up . I'm sorry . "

Yang says with a mix of really complicated emotions. And I can see from Tai's facial expression that he accepts what Yang said . Apparently, his nerves have disappeared a bit being softened by Yang confession .

Tai : " The punishment of the grounding remains. For now until the start of Bicon, you stay in your room but if it's about a date or meeting this girl I'll let you go out on the condition that it's not a party but a normal outing on the town and that's only because you've already punished yourself  ."

Tai : " Also, you will answer every call coming to you from me and optionally take your sister with you . This will be punishment for leaving her alone  ."

Tai says and I agree with him , this punishment is harsh but not too much . However, I'm not sure about the Ruby-related part and that's for many obvious reasons .

Tai: "To be honest with you Yang, your behaviour is very disappointing but unfortunately expected. I don't want you to date anyone, much less someone with whom you behave like this. However, you only did it once and I'm not talking about what you did at Junior's club ."

Tai : " I'll say it once, if you do something stupid like that one more time and that girl is around then, I won't let you two meet again. "

Tai says when Yang apparently understands the message . This girl can't be the source of Yang's bad behaviour and if she is it's the end of their relationship. Or at least that's how I understand it.

Tai : " The only reason why I haven't done it yet is because I don't want you to hate me for forbidding you meeting this girl . I will give you a chance. But don't do such things anymore , don't make me think about the possibility of losing you ."

Tai says getting lost in his thought. And I completely understand him , if something happened to Yang, I don't know if I would be able to come back here.

Tai : " I told you this yesterday Yang , I respect your freedom and I will always support you but nothing by force , slowly and calmly . And don't make decisions you will regret ."

Tai says while instructing Yang.

Tai : "And before... you know ... I want to get to know her personally "

Tai says destroying the whole previous atmosphere .

Yang : " Dad !!! No I'm not like that ! Lappland too !  We don't even know each other that well ."

Says Yang when she realizes what her father wanted to convey in the last message .However in the end she smiled looking at Tai .

Yang : " Thank you Dad , I needed this chance ."

Says a happy Yang when despite the already harsh punishment she looks at me and Tai with gratitude , which honestly surprises us . Normally, she would have fought like a lioness to reduce the punishment even further, but now she agrees to it without any problems.

' And that's only because Tai let her meet that girl .'

I think curious how this new discovery in her life will change Yang.

Tai : " Is good that you understand . However, while we are on the subject , will you tell me about a certain Lappland who has influenced you so much . In the end, I know nothing about her except that she is a faunus" 

Tai says, finally ending his anger and worry, turning it into curiosity. However, for me the words about her being a faunus connect to the fact that she had connections at the club . Which makes me increasingly puzzled as to where I associate this name with .

Besides, I am curious too ,about the girl to whom Yang felt something .I know Yang and I know she would never say she loves someone . She is always joking or teasing people , but this is the first time she has admitted that she likes someone like that .

Qrow: "So who is this girl named Lappland? What does she look like, how did you meet?."

I ask too looking at a tired Yang .

' She's holding up well with that hangover , but apparently it's getting to her .'

I think looking at her . At the same time Yang looks at us as if asking if we can put it off until tomorrow . However, Tai and I continued to look at her knowing that she could not refuse us.

Yang : " Lappland is a wolf faunus. She has white hair with black tips and has a haracteristic scar on her eye . She has pretty silver eyes with blue mixed in them . She also has a pair of cute wolf ears ."

Says Yang when to me the very first words of her description regarding the wolf-like features of the girl's body, make a premonition hits my body . That premonition when something is about to go to hell . 

And I know that this premonition is about this girl, my niece's first love, but really, despite my growing flustration, I can't remember .

Yang: " But her figure is also awesome , she's skinny but that's because she's well sculpted with nice boobs and ass . Her tail makes you want to pick it up and see what's underneath ..."

Yang says as she slowly moves on and the subject makes both Tai and I feel uncomfortable, causing us to stop her before she continues. However, one thing Tai left out and I caught was the mention of the tail .

'Two animal features ?

I think trying to put it together

Tai: " Yang , we get it . She's pretty but we were more concerned with why you like her, how did you meet her, what's her character like? Well you know important information ."

Tai says making Yang blush and honestly her reaction is not strange rather understandable for a young barely grown up girl who has fallen in love for the first time .

Yang : " I met her outside the shop when I was going to Junior's club . I couldn't find it on GPS at the time so I asked the only person on the street who turned out to be her ."

Yang : " And honestly when I first saw her face , I felt that she was the best looking girl I had ever seen . After talking for a while , without much question she got on the motorcycle with me and we both rode to the club ."

Yang says as me and Tai listen to her story to which Tai added something from himself .

Tai : " Then you destroyed the whole club".

Says Tai looking at Yang whose excitement disappeared after hearing this .

Yang : " I had no way out, this whole Junior ..."

Says Yang trying to explain herself however she saw that it was best to keep silent on the subject .

Yang : " Well a fight ensued and when I saw her fighting on the other side, I think that's when this feeling caught me . In general we are both similar in some things, the feeling of spending time with her is different ."

Says Yang finishing her story which , is not very original . However , somehow it makes sense . As the fact that she fell in love with someone in her eyes similar to herself is possible. 

Tai : " So you are similar in character ?"

Asks concerned Tai and I fully understand his concerns . One Yang is hard to control and now there is to be another .

Yang : "Well It is hard to describe Lappland character ... Dad you see here is the whole problem with Lappland she does not fully control her emotions ."

Yang says with sadness .

Tai : " What you mean by that ? "

Asks Tai as more and more things reinforce my anxiety.

Yang : "Lappland has mental problems . I didn't get much information from Blake however I know that Lappland is a good person , she just needs someone to help her ."

Says Yang , when the thought popped into my head .

' Wolf faunus with double animal feature, white hair ,  Lapp.... No , it's impossible , however Yang mentioned her eyes and the scar on her eye , it fits  '

At that moment a silly thought popped into my head.

'There is no chance of that'

 I  think as the image of one masked person appears in my mind  . However, it is impossible To be the girl Yang is talking about. Because the person I'm thinking of is dead so it could all just be a coincidence .

 But, over the years I have seen many impossible things , magic , immortal witches. I know that coincidence does not exist , but I have too little information to confirm anything and all I have is a hunch and suspicion .

However, one thought about it might be true . The thought of my Yang being in contact with such a dangerous person is enough to make me dig in more . Therefore going further with the topic I ask a question that will hopefully dissuade me from these thoughts .

Qrow : "Is Lappy a diminutive of Lappland ?"

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