RWBY – The madness of Lappland


Pov Dr. Linzi

( 15 : 59)

Looking at the clock, I wait to see if my next "special " patient will show up. And I no longer have to wait when someone without knocking enters the office and then sits down in front of me without saying hello. The last representative of Lupo faunus with a mutation by which it has more than one animal trait.

' Sensitive ears and nose allowing for a not normal level of sensation , a tail allowing for a better sense of balance, nails and teeth sharper than normal, narrow and dense muscle fibers allowing for abnormal muscle strength '

I think despite the fact that I can continue to list why the creature in front of me is the best killer that nature has created . 

' Lappland "monster "adopted by Ghira and Kali Belladonna, a nightmare of mental hospitals and my most severe case mentally and physically'

I was the one who was called when she was found at the docks her leg was hooked to the ship's rope and she was floating behind it on the water.

 If there had been storms at the time or the ship had been attacked by a grimm she would have been dead already. Her other luck was that she was not lying face down in the water because she would have drowned . 

My diagnosis at the time was hypothermia, bruising and abrasions, and a gunshot wound in her left hand. In the course of her examination I then discovered that her body bore traces of very old signs of physical abuse. She was then about nine years old and her injuries suggested that she had must been beaten as a newborn. 

In addition, a lack of vitamins and nutrients caused her developmental problems, which is why she is so short now despite her age. Her growth is also related to her hormonal problems, which affect her emotional state which is the worst I've ever seen. 

It is easier for me to say what emotional disorders she did not have. I can open the list on neurotic disorders, through personality disorders, let's include psychosis and psychoactive disorders, mood disorders and finally behavioral syndromes. I'll divide it this way because she has a whole folder full of this crap. 

While she has cured most of it through her time with the family Belladonna, she is nevertheless left with a split ego that keeps her from going on a killing rampage, schizophrenia which she can't treat because she is addicted to drugs to prevent it, and other minor or major disorders . 

To give an example of her past problems, at that time she had trouble using the bathtub because she had bad associations with it, and she couldn't sleep in an enclosed room, so at first she had to set up a hammock between the palm trees in the courtyard of Belladonna's house .

What surprised me is that Lappland so far associates the word love with something bad. 

 On top of that the fact of her unpredictable aggression towards men, Ghira herself bears scars from just standing next to her I remember how we had to get her used to standing next to Ghira not to mention talking to him or touching him. 

Then the same with other men. Lack of trust in adults if not for sienna and kali who looked young enough to fool Lappland's perceptions we would probably have had to give her to some child to look after. 

But despite her problems Ghira demanded together with Kali that they take care of her, then I felt that something was wrong. But only my good friend Aqua told me who this girl is. Lappland real full name is Lappland Saluzzo . 

The daughter of the missing huntress from the GKLA team. Luna Saluzzo went missing on one of her Atlas missions. She wos a childhood friend of Willow Schnee which shows that the Schnee once had a good relationship with the faunus. 

Despite the efforts of both the Becon academy and the Schnee family, her body was never found. Nor was it ever found out what happened to her . This is why Lappland is so mysterious in my eyes, because she is the key to this mystery.

What happened that make her like she is, how she was born, who is her father?. So many questions yet no answers and It because it is so bad with her that she has repressed her early memories. And it is on these early memories that her second violent and bloodthirsty personality was created. 

Therefore, Lappland never confessed her true origin and full name. She just doesn't want to remember so she created a second personality from those memories. 

At the time, I didn't understand why the daughter of the missing then already pronounced dead Luna appeared in such a state. However, the real shock was when Aqua which was Luna's friend and a teammate asked me to quietly kill little Lupo.

 She never told me why she wanted the young girl dead, but with the time she gave up the idea. With time spent with the Belladonna family  Lappland becom obsessed with Blake. Despite the fact that I warned them that they shouldn't introduced her to the still unstable Lappland. 

For Lappland herself, this was not healthy especially since her obsession combined with her emotional problems turned into an obsessive love  .

But I don't understand how Lappland's brain works it's too complicated a lot of traumas a lot of forgotten memories, voice of the other bloodthirsty personality always talking back to her , so honestly I not sure, maybe this is true love. 

Linzi : " How do you feel?"


I ask straight, when I stopping thinking about the past, . 

Lappland : " overall I'm in good shape lately, I've had these nosebleeds but besides that I'm a little more sensitive to some things and that's it." 

Linzi : " So it wasn't just one nosebleed?" 

Lappland : " Yes I had one earlier that day". 

' So why did you go to fight in such a state? ' 

I think when I look at this reckless girl. 

Linzi : " Did something suspicious happen then too". 

I say while watching Lappland ponder. 

Lappland : " Yes in the blood I saw black dust?" 

' Black dust, crystal in nose, nosebleed '

' I will do a blood test just in case '. 

When Lappland speaks and I finish the thought I look at her then I pull out a black crystal cleaned of blood and I put it on my desk. 

Linzi : " Do you know what this is?" 

I ask Lappland showing her the black crystal which after analysis turned out to be a non-elemental crystal. A crystal that has pure energy in it that is not bound to any element. 

Lappland : " Crystal from my nose." 

Lappland says taking the crystal from my hand.

Linzi : "Lappland, Blake wanted the doctor to take a look at you because she noticed dark spots on your body can you undress and show them to me?" 

I ask looking at Lappland who stops observing the crystal under the light and looks at me with a smile. 

Lappland : " And do I have another option? "

Asks Lappland sarcastically then she puts the crystal down on my desk. She gets up from her chair after which she pulls off a dark blue coat with wide cuffs and a ragged lower part of the coat. 

Under the coat she is wearing a navy blue tight dress with a short skirt and over this she has put on a white shirt with thin black stripes. The shirt is fastened with gold buttons at the waist and neck. 

Watching Lappland pull her clothes off, I see her finally reaching for her panties. 

Linzi : " Lappland enough, come here". 

I say when Lappland walks up and when I see her body up close I can tell that she is a little malnourished. However, this doesn't pose an immediate threat to her so I slowly touch her hands then watch and touch her breasts I move on to touch her belly until I end up on her thighs. Then I touch two black spots on her skin. At the end of this process I check her body once more to be sure of my diagnosis. 

' It's not just these two spots,all over her body I can feel hardened lumps under the skin.' 

' I need to do x-rays and MRI.' 

I think as I walk over to the cabinet in the office and pull out a needle from it. Turning back to Lappland, I kneel by her leg and insert the needle into one of the black spots. I don't need to warn Lappland because it won't hurt her. 

' Not even cntimeters, and the wound doesn't even bleed '.

Now I have confirmation these two black spots are black crystals same that were pulled from her nose. Remembering the hardened nits under the skin all over Lappland's body I have a bad feeling about this. 

Linzi : "Lappland get dressed I need to give you a thorough examination." 

' So far I have no idea what's wrong with her'. 

' I doubt it's drugs from what Aqua said, Lappland said she didn't take anything' 

' Lappland is not the type of person who lies'. 

'It is also not a tumor or genetic disiseas because it is a crystal then poison or toxin?' 

Thinking about the possibilities, I reach for my scroll then write to the treatment room and Laboratory to prepare a blood test. Then I write to the x- Rey and MRI lab.

' There is almost no one here today so we will get the tests right away.' 

I think keeping in mind that this small clinic belongs to me so I can request the results right away anyway . 

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