RWBY – The madness of Lappland

End of the party 2 ( Modifications)

Pov 3rd person 

Lappland : "I didn't clean myself properly and now I have the consequences." 

Lappland says while slowly wiping her crotch with toilet paper. After which she puts on the panties and skirt she "borrowed" .

Lappland : " Yang are you still alive ?"

Asks Lappland without hearing anything from Yang 's cabin anymore . Yang didn't give her any answer so Lappland authorized by herself climbed on the toilet bowl then she pulls herself up on the wall to look into Yang's toilet cabin.

Lappland :" Has she seriously fallen asleep?" 

Says Lappland looking at Yang as she sleeps with her hands resting on the toilet bowl . 

After checking Yang's condition, Lappland gets down on the ground, takes her shorts and panties and then she exits the cabin where she is met by the sight of the girl when only bra is on her upper body. She is sitting and presses the wounds as her torn t-shirt was used to stop the bleeding of her friends. 

Not caring about the girl's horror at the sight of her, Lappland walks over to Yang's cabin then directly pulls the handle and opens it. Looking behind her Lappland looks at all three of girls as if they are some kind of fools. Entering the cubicle Lappland snatches the toilet paper then wipes Yang 's face making sure she hasn't puked on her owne hair. 

With Yang tidied up Lappland lifts her off the ground like a sack of potatoes, flushes the water down the toilet and then as if nothing ever happened walks towards the bathroom exit where she stops perfectly to have the door wipe the tip of her nose when it was swiftly and wide open by the snake faunus who is the bodyguard standing at the entrance and the bodyguard who let Lappland in . 

Behind him stood several faunus led by Lappland's aunt. 

" Damn girl " 

Said the bodyguard pulling his hat off his head at the carnage that had happened inside. As he spoke, some of the faunus behind him went inside and they began to attend to the injured girls. 

Girl white fang 2 " Finally, help this..." 

Says the girl but falls silent when Lappland looks at her. 

Aqua : " Lappland what happened here? " 

Asks Aqua without judging as she know that Lappland is sick and cannot be held responsible for what she does. Also, seeing the same human girl next to her, she has an assumption as to what is going on but she needs Lappland to confirm it.  

Lappland : " These three are from the white fang most likely spying on someone here."

Lappland says simply as she walks past her aunt by whose side stands another woman with square glasses on her nose . 

Lappland : " Hello doctor we haven't seen each other for a long time ".

Lappland says sarcastically. 

Mrs. Doctor : " This is nothing to be happy about in your condition you should be doing psychological therapy and not flying around town and aggravating your addictions." 

Says the woman putting her hands under her non-existent breasts. 

Aqua :" Today at sixteen o'clock you will meet Dr. Linzi." 

Aunty Lappland says without even letting her speak. 

Lappland : " I told you that Blake is getting me a doctor". 

Despite this, Lappland denies it. 

Blake : " I have already spoken to aunt and I agree with her that you should visit the doctor today it will be cheaper and quicker." 

Blake : "Besides, you and the doctor already know each other ." 

Says a sleepy Blake causing Lappland to be surprised by her presence. Looking down the corridor Lappland sees Hazel leading Blake towards them. 

Lappland :" When did you two have a conversation about this? " 

Asks a confused Lappland looking at her aunt. 

Blake : "When you left, aunt Aqua then wrote me a message on the scroll ". 

Says Blake approaching a puzzled Lappland. 

Lappland : " You were awake ?" 

Blake : " I fell asleep for a while but after you left I was woken up by the ringing of my scroll." 

Blake says after which she looks at Yang who has been put over Lappland's shoulder and because the height difference Yang's face touches Lappland's moving tail. 

Blake :" Then the situation happened and Hazel brought me here "

Blake says as she looks at the situation on the other side of the door. 

Lappland : "Blake I..." 

Says Lappland when her face looks like a puppy waiting to be punished by its owner.

Blake : "I'm not angry I'd say I'm glad you didn't kill them, you saved Yang when she couldn't defend herself I understand ." 

Blake says with a small smile on her sleepy face. Seeing this, Lappland's tail starts wagging gleefully hitting Yang in the face. With each slap, Ynag's face squirms in discomfort until she catches the tail of a surprised Lappland then starts rubbing it with a smile on her face. 

Seeing the interaction between the girls, Aqua smiles seeing that Lappland has some happy moments in her tragedy-filled life. On the other hand, Dr. Linzi looks at the two stains on Lappland's skin then looks at the black crystal that was pulled out of Lappland's nose and because of this she couldn't shake the bad feeling. 

Hazel : " I will drive you home". 

The moment is interrupted by Hazel who, with a smile, leads the three girls away so that they can go home and rest.

Dr. Linzi :" Is she out of control?"

Aqua : "No, she is fine maybe she is a little stressed and irritable but that's all." 

Dr. Linzi : " Are you sure? over the year, her condition may have deteriorated." 

Asks Dr. Linzi looking at her friend's gently swollen neck.

Aqua : " she unloaded a little in the cage, after all, that's what I created this club for".

Says Agua with a smile.

Dr. Linzi : "A place where she can discharge her anger and relax mentally, a place where she can be herself in a controlled way."

Aqua : " Yes " True nature " her inner true nature".

Says Aqua looking at Lappland back, as sadness rises in her eyes.

Aqua : "Then let's see what white fang wants from this place? " 

Says Aqua when her gaze falls on the three girls in the restroom 

Yang pov 

I feel the sunshine on me and the soft linen underneath me but I know from the smell that it is not my linen it smells different, it smells the same as Lappland. 

' Wait Lappland ?!' 

Opening my eyes abruptly I feel the light blinding me however this is not important now as I am now not even in my own clothes. The T-shirt I am wearing is a bit tight on my chest and shoulders not to mention that it is too short . 

The underwear is also uncomfortable that why I know that's not my favourite boxers. 

' Did I and Lappland' 

' I knew it! ' 

'I shouldn't have been drinking, now I don't remember anything'. 

Ideas come into my head about me and Lappland during a rough night together however what worries me is that I can't remember anything. 

'Did I lose my virginity while being unconscious? '

Of all the possibilities this is what I fear most. However, not feeling the pain which, for all I know, should be associated with the perforation of the hymen, makes me a little uneasy. Then another dark thought comes into my head. 

' What if I am not together with Lappland '.

With this thought I quickly look around the room until I notice Blake sitting by the window reading a book. 

'Blake, oh fuck I must not have slept with her?! ' 

'Calm down Yang because you are starting to panic besides Blake is also a hot girl .' 

I think when I'm about to get up but I'm stopped by a sudden headache and nausea. 

Blake : "Don't get off the bed like that you had a bit of a party last night" . 

Hearing this I look over at Blake and I get the feeling she was smiling a moment ago but it doesn't matter because I see her come over to me and sit down on the bed next to me. 

Yang : " What happened because I don't really remember ".

I ask to know how much I fucked up. 

' Who knows what I did or said when I was drunk.' 

'I wasn't supposed to get drunk in the first place, at least not to the point where I don't remember anything.' 

Blake : "Here, have a drink of this first "

Blake says handing me a glass of liquid I trust her so I drink from the glass and it's much better. 

Yang : "Thank you, I know it's stupid but will you tell me what happened?" 

I ask and even though I feel embarrassed I don't show it. 

Blake : "Long story short we got drunk, then you came back here with us, however on the way here you had an accident with... your gastric " 

Blake : "That's why we had to clean you up and change you. "

Says Blake. But I heve feeling that she has not said everything to me. However this is not important right now becouse what she said at the end made my heart speed up. Seeing my reaction Blake started talking again. 

Blake : "It was Lappland who simply rinsed your face and after we gave you Lappland clothes you were able to change on your own." 

'So these clothes belong to the  beauty therefore they smell like her' 

 I think while looking at Blake when I notice that she is flushing when she is looking at my clothes. This is makes me realise that I have uncovered myself from under the blanket while getting out of bed, which has left me with a too-small T-shirt that almost bursts on me, exposing my nipples and too-small underwear cutting into my... bun 

At this point I want to bury myself under the ground yes we are both girls but still, her blushing face tells me that she feels awkward too. Besides the way I found myself in these clothes is certainly embarrassing. 

Yang: " did I puke much?" 

I ask simply covering myself with the blanket while looking at Blake's face which is getting awkward again. 

Blake : " Do you want to know the truth?" 

Blake says looking at me. 

' It can't be that bad, right?' 

Yang : ' Tell me what happened '.

Blake :" Towards the end we didn't know where to take you so Lappland carried you to our friend's car so we could go together to the chotel where we are staying however you caught Lappland's tail." 

Blake says and when she talks about the tail her face looks weirdly . 

' It's not some special place for faunus, right? .' 

' It is true that yesterday I was close with a beauty however I tried not to touch her'. 

Blake :" You didn't want to let go of her tail even in the car so Lappland had to sit with you unfortunately on the way you had an accident again but this time you soiled Lappland." 

Blake says and at her words I can't catch my breath. 

' What have I done' 

' No it's not possible  '. 

With every thought I feel like I'm about to cry,

'Don't cry Yang hold on. '

'Did I just mess it up like that after all' 

' After this action I have no chance of somehow making her fall in love with me or being close enough to her to be partner '

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