RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Death sentence

Pov Dr. Linzi

' Blood tests done, results will be in half an hour, perfectly in time to finish the rest of the tests.' 

I think while looking at Lappland who is behind the glass prepared to take the X-ray.

Linzi : " shoot"

I say to the operator who nods and takes the pictures.

Linzi : " Lappland, photo is ready now get dressed and wait outside".

I speak through the microphone when in the meantime the image is dumped on the computer.

Operator : "Doctor would you like to see this?"

Asks the operator with concern in his voice. Looking at what he wants to show me I see that this could be the end.

Linzi : "Tell the MRI room to have everything ready."

I say after which I leave the lab and lead Lappland towards the next examination however I can't get the x-Rey photo out of my head.

A photo of Lappland's skeleton  shows black spots on her bone structure.

Lappland :" Something is wrong doctor?"

Asks Lappland as we stand outside the treatment room.

Linzi : "I don't know yet."

I Don't lie I have no idea what is happening to her. I just don't know I've never seen anything like this.

Linzi : "Hand over all the metal things and lie on this special bed." 

I say to Lappland who follows the instructions. After preparing the procedure, I go to the control room where the MRI operator is waiting for me.

Linzi :" Begin "

I speak through the microphone so that Lappland can hear it too. After the procedure starts, I move next to the operator to see the image on the computer.

Operator :" holy grimm"

I hear the operator's words but  I don't have the strength to answer him.

' Kidneys, intestines, stomach, both lungs and even the heart'.

 All over her body there are small spots, after checking the side profile I see that they are adjacent to her organs and muscles.

Operator : "How can she not feel it".

Linzi : "Probably her nervous and immune systems are not reacting to the changes."

' Which means that for her body it's a natural process and not foreign objects.' 

' A process of natural crystallization?' 

' What is the concept, however, it is fitting in this case her nerve endings will also be subject to this process which will make them malfunction '

Operator : "Ma'am take a look at this." 

Hearing the operator I look again and see the image of Lappland's brain. 

' This is not good '.

In her head I can see small spots which in Lappland's case is not safe. If these crystals act like a tumor it will cause mood changes in the already explosive Lappland not to mention increase the intensity of her mental illness .

' These two visible spots were formed subcutaneously directly on the muscles however this does not hinder her movements? ' 

' What worries me is that it couldn't have formed for a year or two.' 

' The last time I had a chance to examine Lappland was when this accident happened at the protest.'

Lapplandnd was eleven years old at the time when there was an attempt to kidnap Blake at one of the peaceful protests. With Lappland who awakened her sembelance at the time, that attempt failed. Blake was traumatized but nothing serious, but Lappland was in critical condition when I examined her at the time, there was nothing in her body. 

' No, there was a small abnormality in the blood but it was so small that if it wasn't for the best equipment I wouldn't have detected it.' 

' At the time it was so small that it fit within the margin of errors. 

Linzi : " Escort Lappland to my office." 

I say as I leave the lab and move towards the blood lab . 

' I have to confirm my guess '.

I think while trying not to think about the current condition of Lappland's body which will only lead to one thing.... 

Being in front of the door of the laboratory, thoughtfully I accidentally bump into the opening door from which the assistant comes out with a hasty step. 

Assistant : "I'm sorry doctor I was in a hurry with the results of this wolf girl  ". 

Linzi : " It's okay give it to me". 

I say snatching the sheets of paper from her hands. 

Assistant : "I've never seen anything like this, there is an unknown substance in her blood, carried by the blood cells causes it to crystallize, the substance itself apparently is the reason for the energy of the crystallized blood." 

' This " crystallization " developed on the lungs or respiratory system can inhibit the ability to breathe' 

'Developed in the stomach or liver can disrupt the proces of proper intake and distribution of nutrients ultimately resulting in organ failure, which is fatal' 

Assistant : " We noted that blood with this substance should be self-inflammatory by the energy accumulated in it." 

' Self-inflammation this can cause internal burns ?! '

I think while listening to the excited assistant however there is nothing joyful here.

Linzi : " She is crystallizing alive". 

I say out loud and only now the assistant realized that we are talking about a living faunus. Looking at her I see that she is silent. So again already resigned I review the results. 

' I see malnutrition however it is hard to say if it is caused by that.' 

'Substance density in blood 0.27 in one L.'

' 'From the photos, it appears that 13 % of the interior of her body is covered in these crystals ' 

' And all this over a period of seven years from the last time I check her?' 

I stand there not knowing what to do. I don't even have a clue what's wrong with her. Lappland is dying I don't know how long it will take but she will die faster from this unknown disease than from old age. That nosebleed was caused by the crystal in her nose breaking but what if it's the crystal on her heart that breaks. 

' Will she bleed to death? 

With this thought, I turn around and walk away I don't have the strength to talk to anyone about it. I slowly walk towards the office thinking about how I should tell her. 

' First I will find out what caused it I have to be sure that there is no cure or working therapy for it, I am a doctor and it is my duty to cure her or relieve her from her pain' 

Standing in front of the door, I take a deep breath and go inside. 

Lappland : " Am I healthy doctor?" 

Asks Lappland sitting in a chair looking at her scroll as she keeps her feet on my desk. I don't have the strength to admonish her so I sit down in my seat. 

Linzi :" Lappland haven't you ever felt something strange with your body?" 

Lappland :" Something strange? "

Linzi : " Aches, burning, I'm not talking about now I mean the last few years." 

I'm talking specifically this time. 

Lappland : " I don't remember so specifically, but I always had something aching but I spent most of my time on missions so I didn't have time to rest so my body sometimes hurt ".

Lappland says while my brain is working at full speed. 

' Toxin, Poison she received during the mission? No that doesn't make sense, I need a thorough study of her blood and this crystal.'' 

Sighing I look at Lappland. 

Linzi :" Lappland I'll be honest with you you are dying and I have no idea what is happening to you." 

I say looking at Lappland who seems to be sitting calmly however as a person who knows her well I can see that she is in a momentary stupor caused by the shock. 

Aren't I afraid that Lappland will go into a rage. No I'm not afraid of that and that's because Lappland is able to recognize what's going on around her even in a frenzy. It's just that other people who don't know about psychology are afraid of Lappland or don't trust her, which unfortunately Blake shows many times by making a nervous situation between Lappland worse. 

Lappland :" Hahahahahahah



The moment when Lappland understood the meaning of my words is the moment when she got a mental breakdown, and I don't blame her.

 Knowing Lappland I don't leave her I sit silently and reach for her clenched fist to gently touch her so Lappland doesn't feel alone. 

After a few minutes, I see tears begin to fall from her eyes and her face turns red as she begins to clench her teeth in flustration. I finally notice that her hands are bleeding because her nails are digging into her palm but I skip it and wait for her to finally calm down. And after my momentary delay she finally calms down. 

Linzi : " Are you okay now?" 

I ask Lappland who is wiping tears from her face. 

Lappland : "Yes in the end we're all going to die anyway so it's no big deal the question is just how much time I have left Doc? ". 

Asks Lappland and her voice lacks her typical goofy joy.

Linzi " It depends, however, before I tell you this, I have to explain to you what is happening to you so that you understand what I'm saying to you"

The I start telling her about the condition of her body about crystallization and the study of her blood. 

I then go on to the danger of the crystal rupture, I tell her that she could bleed to death or lose an organ or an entire limb due to the crystal's inability to naturally self-regenerate. 

I tell her that the crystal in her nose most likely cracked and fell out and by the fact that it was not deeply crystallized it allowed the wound in which it was located to heal . 

I then move on to the likelihood of spontaneous combustion of cristals. 

Lappland :" So I have to stop smoking cigarettes? "

Asks Lappland surficially amused and relaxed. However, throughout our conversation she has not been distracted  but she has been focusing on what I am saying to her. And. Because of that I know that she realizes the seriousness of her situation .

Linzi :" Self-ignition refers to the energy stored in your blood. It is energetic enough to cause self-ignition of cristal. So the fire won't make you explode . " 

Linzi : " However, you should nevertheless stop smoking." 

I say to Lappland knowing her unhealthy habits. 

Lappland : "I understand Doc, I'm screwed so just tell me how much I have left".

Hearing her I sigh knowing that despite her calmness she is at her limit, whoever upsets her on her way home. May the holy grimn welcome his soul into dead kingdom. 

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