RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Blood , rain and tears 4

Blake pov 

Blocking the wire with her blades Lappland quickly tilted her head down just in time for the loop to tighten to the maximum locking her blades inside . However, Lappland didn't even pay attention to this when she stood up from the ground and then twisting her hips she performed a half-turn kick .

At the same time, Lappland took advantage of her blades being entangled in the electrified wire and pulling them ahead , in the form of a sweep . Caused the fanus holding the stick to be pulled along with it thus losing the ability to dodge . 

This, of course, ended with a strong encounter between the metal-reinforced sole of the Lappland shoe and his underbelly . The kicked fanus immediately let go of the stick when in the meantime due to the slippery from the rain grass his legs from the force of the impact slid backwards when the upper body flew directly face down to the ground .

Of course Lappland did not stop her sweep with her still trapped blades   which without the person holding the stick on the other side was easier . The sweep with blades was directed in front of her straight at the approaching man with two fangs visible in his gums . Testifying that he must have apparently been a boar fanus .

The sweep was far from hitting due to the range of the blades which apparently the boar's fanus knew therefore he was approaching closer to Lappland with his stick with electrified wire ready to push . Unfortunately for him he did not think about the metal stick hooked by the wire to her blades which due to lack of further clamping and lack of friction slipped off the blades flying straight into his face .

Seeing this the Boar Fanus leaned down allowing the stick to hit his companion who was right behind him in the face . Without paying much attention to this the boar fanus continued to push the steel stick which thanks to its length was already dangerously close to the chest of Lappland who was apparently slightly out of breath was slowing down .

Despite her condition, Lappland at the last moment put the foot of the leg she kicked on the ground behind the leg that had not moved after which she straightened her waist parallel to the position of her legs which automatically made her body stand sideways to the boar fanus allowing the steel wire on the metal stick to miss her chest from the right .

While making this move Lappland simultaneously struck with visible flustration and pain with the clenched fist of her injured left hand holding the blade straight at the stick just behind the wire pushing the whole " device "  even further away from her two breasts which with a very small margin were missed by the electrified wire .

Then Lappland's face gently contorted in pain made me realize that this type of move with the injury to her ribs must have been quite painful all the more so with the poison weakening her in her veins.

However, without stopping Lappland immediately noticed out im the corner of her eye another attacker who was standing over the knocked down fanus from earlier , aiming his stick with wire straight at her ribs which, unluckily for Lappland, was the side of her ribs that was now the most painful for her.

Using back off her right hand Lappland strikes the other steel stick pushing it away from her side , making the attack pass her behind behind her back . But suddenly the previously pushed away stick of the boar faunus instead of being retracted , hit her under the breast when the same thing happened to the just pushed away stick which now hit her back . 

Feeling a grip similar to a vice Lappland looked to the side where she saw a faunus whose one thick arm was holding the shaft of his metal stick while in the other just under the metal wire , he was holding the shaft of the stick belonging to the boar faunus  .

Seeing what was happening Lappland was immediately about to break free , but the two sticks held in a vice with her body in the middle suddenly tightened when at the same time on either side of her ribs appeared another two sticks held in a similar position to the first two closing her in a square in the middle .

With another clench the faunus holding the poles twisted It with Lappland further hold in the middle , turning square into a chop . Feeling the painful sensation of being clamped and then rubbed with the metal poles along the injured rib bones , Lappland let out a weak cry of pain as dark blood flowed from her mouth and nose . This already made it clear that Lappland aura could not help her much anymore .

I think this is what threw me out of shock . Not even a moment had passed when Lappland now was in a formation made up of the four strongest looking man. I even saw two other people come up to take the surprisingly unconscious faunus away from the group which was now tugging with the captured Lappland .

' Apparently all the people brought to capture Lappland do not have Aura . The shock of a second loss of connection to the Aura only works on people with Aura .'

' This is not a property of Lappland sembelance , it is rather a natural reaction caused by lack of control over the aura . It may only be a second however that is already enough to send wrong information from the body to the brain thus causing a second of hesitation . '

'Because this feeling is similar to the sudden loss of a protective layer on the skin , it's like taking away your veil during a shooting , along with your weapon .The shock itself may be due to unpreparedness for such a situation or just that strange feeling of losing yourself in yourself .'

'This is simply an unforgettable and unique feeling . No matter how you look at it , even a veteran who knows the skills of Lappland with full preparation for this will feel some discomfort . Like my father or Sienna '

' Lappland knows this because her own sambelance takes away her own aura so often when she is alone or feels safe she deactivates her protective aura to get used to it . And Adam did not want to risk a second of hesitation , he really has everything under control '

I think looking at Lappland and more specifically at her bloodshot silver glowing eyes which were filled with pain when with the last of her strength she began to brandish her right blade while stabbing the Left blade towards the faunus in front of her .

Suddenly Lappland's left arm was caught by a thick white thread which was then pulled hard and violently enough to cause Lappland's already injured arm to fall out of joint again. Although Lappland did not show any pain, it was nevertheless evident on her face when her frantic glowing eyes lost their silver luster for a moment .

With a groan of pain Lappland dropped her left blade while at the time I followed with my eyes the white thread seeing that at the end it connects to Trifa's gray hand . However, I did not look at her for long because  another shout from Lappland makes me look at her again .

Apparently someone managed to catch Lappland's right arm in the electrified metal loop which was now paralyses Lappland's arm with electricity causing her to drop the other blade .

Lappland: " AaaAa RrrRraAa !!!! "

Further screams of anger and pain from Lappland's already panting with fatigue were interrupted by Yuma who flew through the air and kicked Lappland again this time in the face . Lappland's entire head tilted back as drops of dark blood from her mouth and nose joined the falling rain .

Lappland's aura burst together with her nose and this sight made something burst inside me . Looking at her head tilted back something hit me , a terrible sense of guilt as at this point it was just cruel . 

No matter how I think about it whether right or wrong it was crule . I had the feeling that Lappland's screams no matter if they were out of anger or frustration were sticking in my head as the look on her face the expression she had burned into my memory .

Of course the justification for this was very simple for me . She could just not start this fight . She could have settled this peacefully without violence however she chose to threaten everyone with death . She attacked first , everyone here is trying to pacify her without killing her , it is her own struggle that makes it difficult . 

Even though she is feral and crazy nothing even me or Adama can take away from how well she fights , her instincts , skills , sembelance , her knowledge , experience and even her body proportions and body itself are perfect for this . The distribution and amount of muscle , thickness of nails and teeth . The shape of the nose and her eyes so perfect that it is frighteningly beautiful in my eyes .

It's as if someone created her to be so deadly that it's idealistically beautiful itself .But her hard to figure out easily changing character and fragile mental stability destroys all of this turning Lappland into nothing but a crazed killing machine . If it wasn't for the fact that she trusts me she wouldn't be weakened which would probably kill everyone here . 

' A fair fight with her makes no sense as well as sympathy to her . She herself does not have it . In the end she dumped it all on herself . '

Fortunately before my emotions affected me more it was over . I was already relieved when suddenly a thunderclap woke Lappland who burst out laughing, now fighting even harder . She was much more wild in her movements trying to free her right hand which most likely already suffered burns .

Lappland:" HahaHAhaaAaa HaHahA aaAaAa !!!! "

I saw the fanus holding Lappland's right hand with a steel stick lost his grip causeimg the device to stop emitting electricity , allowing the raging Lappland to continue her fight .

I saw how the fanus holding Lappland in place despite their impressive build and strength had trouble keeping her in place causing them to clamp her even tighter between the poles causing her visible pain which squeezed out from her more laughter combining with screaming and crying .

I could just see that something was wrong when Lappland's eyes had long since lost their silver luster . Along with her efforts, I had the impression that she was now fighting for her life. Although I was farther away from all the action I saw her looking at me , how she cried as more and more dark blood was pouring from her mouth and nose but the worst was yet to come . 

Adam standing not far in front of me nodded his finger giving a signal , I saw this movement ..... I saw as on his lips built smile . I saw the other electrified wires approaching Lappland. At that moment this resilience and ignorance of the current situation began to fall apart . I was not so blunt as not to sense that something was beginning to go wrong in the situation around me .

Lappland: " AaaAaaaaAA !!!! "

And then ...... This scream . The storm around me quieted down and the only think I could see and hear at that moment was Lappland . Her twisted feral face looking at me and Adam as all the electrified wires wrapped around her body shrinking her muscles . Her body became so tight from electryci that every vein in her body became visible.

I could see from Lappland's condition that even if they let her go now she would no longer be able to fight, but nevertheless they continued , as if it didn't matter . I had the impression that they were taking it out on her which hurt me terribly looking at the fact that she could no longer defend herself . 

Blake : " Adam make them stop !!! Her heart can't take it !! "

Pulling myself out of shock I immediately shouted at full throat . But everyone as if they were deaf did not hear me because of the storm or they just deliberately did not listen to me . 

Looking at Adam with a quick step I want to approach him but the sudden howling of wolves during which an emission of blue aura for a second caused a disturbance in my aura. This second of bewilderment, however, was not reflected only on me but felt it all aura holders .

Knowing who was the perpetrator of this I turn back to Lappland just in time to see the wire whose electrical mechanism was damaged due to a short circuit caused by Lappland's sembelance get wrapped around her neck and left arm .

Immediately afterwards the barely conscious Lappland was freed from the vice only to fall to her knees . Lappland did not fall face down in the mud only because the help of sticks whose wires at the end were around Lappland hands, were pulled backwards by two people standing behind her. Which alone caused Lappland great pain on the left arm again which woke her up .

However, she was no longer fighting when a third person with another wire tied around her neck put his foot on her shoulder blades and by straightening his leg he pushed the Lappland's upper body towards the ground which with a contradictory force pulling on her arms caused her even more pain when at that time the wire on her neck began to choke her .

I watched as the fanus added more force to his leg causing the wires to tighten harder on Lappland's larynx when meanwhile the two holding the poles with the wire on her shoulders pulled even harder .

Seeing Lappland suffocating , slowly dying . I wasted no more time on Adam , I just run directly towards them and push the first fanus holding the foot on Lappland's back away from her giving the already barely breathing Lappland catch her breath .


This is not the last chapter of the back story . I didn't fit everything in so meaybe half next chapter will be devoted to it. And then there will be a return to Blake's conversation with her mom .

As for the chapter itself , I apologize if Blake's emotions seem shallow or strange in the last chapters as well as some future ones . I had a sincere problem to somehow fit her emotionally to such a situation. I am not talented in this field so I can only apologize if her emotions somehow do not fit .


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