RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Wolf without fangs ( I don’t have a better idea for a chapter title .)

Blake Pov

Blake : " What are you doing , she is no longer able to stand up !!!! You are suffocating her with this , can't you see she can't breathe !!!"

I shout at them making sure they all let go of her grip on the wires letting Lappland fall into my arms. Feeling the warm blood on my hands a sudden surge of panic makes me put Lappland down , face to the sky to check her pulse and breathing which to my relief she still has .

Blake : " What are you waiting for Adam give her antidote , you do not see what is happening to her . !!!! "

For the first time in a fit of emotion I shout at Adam who looked surprised by my behavior however after looking at Yuma and Trifa . He pulled out a vial of antidote from his jacket . 

I was completely unaware at the time that the feeling of Lappland's life escaping through my fingers , completely broke my confidence about my feelings for her . At that moment I was still angry at her nothing would change the fact of what she did and is doing . However, I have no intention of taking part in her death . I don't want to have Lapplad's blood on my hands .... even after what she did . 

Blake : " We were supposed to transport her to a psychiatric hospital not a cemetery !!"

I say even more angry when Adam at this time approaches me in silence . 

Adam : " I'm sorry Blake this really went too far , I just wanted to be sure of everyone's safety . Believe me of all people the death of Lappland would be the greatest loss to me ."

Adam said before I could say anything more . In his words I really sensed remorse and anger which calmed me down a bit . I saw that Adam really didn't want Lappland's death and indeed looking at the whole picture of the reaction between Lappland and Adam I know that he never wanted her death .

Without saying anything else Adam knelt on one knee next to Lappland's head and then he stretched his hand with the vial towards Lappland's mouth when at that time Trifa grabbed my arm with the intention of pulling me to the side .Taking a few breaths, I got up from Lappland and stepped aside with Trifa while Adam, along with two other faunus, took care of Lappland.

Trifa : " Sorry Blake but you know what Lappland is like. You've seen her condition she would kill everyone if we gave her even a sliver of an opportunity , the only way to catch her is to leave her in a half alive state. We all want happiness for her, Blake. We've known each other since we were kids so you should know that she's also my friend ."

Trifa : " Do you really think that Adam whom Lappland saved years ago from the hands of SDC would want her dead . If it wasn't for Lappland then Adam would have ended up even worse than just with a scar on his face . Adam owes Lappland his life ."

Trifa says completely soothing my nerves . 

' It's true Trifia has always been in our little group of friends . And Adam when he was captured by SDC was saved by Lappland herself . It is true that I had to ask her to do so , however , no matter what Adam owes Lappland his life , none of them would have the intention of killing her . '

'Lappland herself also would not be captured simply , Trifia is right this is the only way to catch her and transport her safely .'

I think looking at Adam's mask-covered face . I see him staring crouched on his knee at Lappland's face from which the rain is slowly washing away her blood and mud . 

In addition to the raging storm in the clearing , there was a calm silence between everyone which was suddenly broken again by Lappland who opened her eyes after which she grabbed one of the fanus by the neck with her right hand . 

Lappland : " Do not move , or I will tear out his windpipe " .

Said Lappland in a hoarse tone without letting go of the fanus in her grasp . From her movements I could see her fatigue but still no one dared to underestimate Lappland's ability to kill . 

Adam who had the good fortune to be on the left side of Lappland's body which saved him from her right hand together with the fanus who had previously been at Lappland's feet got up quickly from their positions retreating slowly backwards .

Without the help of her hands with pain and fatigue Lappland slowly lifted her torso then bending her knees under herself she struggled to get up from the ground when at that time the fanus she was holding with her hands raised slowly with her . 

With her left hand freely hanging inertly at her side and her right hand placed on the bleeding throat of the faunus Lappland fixed her gaze on Adam . Seeing this I was angry with myself . I realized then that it was my fault that this faunus could die at the hands of this psychopath who despite almost dying a moment ago continues to fight . At this time Lappland with her head gently down was breathing loudly . I knew that every inhale and exhale was painful and difficult for her .

Lappland : " I said that if you want to catch me you will do it when I am dead . And that will only happen when I take you two with me . "

Says Lappland referring to Adam and Trifa . Lappland with her gently downcast head with her dirty wet white hair stuck to her face only showed her wide grin which showed her white teeth dirty from blood . Looking at her shiver went through my back . Her posture and condition was more like a wild animal lured into a corner. However, the feeling she gave off made me feel like a small child in front of a grimm.  

However , even grimms are afraid of Lappland and this just shows what kind of monster she must be to scare something that has no feelings . Lappland this psychopath who loves fighting really prefers to die rather than surrender . Even now she does everything to shed the blood of people who want to help her .

Quickly lifting her head up, Lappland's white hair exposed her single eye through which her scar passed. The look in that eye reminded me of none of her looks . It was not bored , indifferent , cold , amused , mad , obsessive , angry only serious . She was completely focused on the one thing , that was to kill the two of them. There were no other thoughts in her eyes , only those two contracted pupils looking at Adam . 

There was a bit of coldness in her eyes but not at the level that she generally showed . I only saw that look in her eyes once years ago in the Atlas kingdom , in the bathroom when SDC workers wanted to take us away . I remember every second of that event until the moment I almost died . I remember the moment Lappland's sembelance awoke and the moment when her eyes gained that silver glow . 

The rain became more intense becoming a veritable curtain of water , the ground because of the amount of water practically collapsed under my weight . One lightning strike after another however no one moved . Lappland not breaking eye contact with Adam who all the time stood still in a position with one leg placed back, one hand on the handle of the katana and the other on the scabbard .

Lappland looking at him slowly moved her tongue across her lips , then she let out a long harsh exhale . Letting go of the fanus in her hand Lappland dashed forward at Adam who was not far from her . Looking at the situation I immediately moved towards Lappland who was already in front of Adam who was drawing his katana from the scabbard. 

Before I had time to react Lappland had already put her foot on the tip of the hilt of the half-extended katana stopping Adam from using his weapon . By this time Lappland's also grabbed Adam's horn with her right hand .

However, before anything more happened I hit Lappland in the back of the head with enough force that she let go of Adam's horn and then lost her balance in the leg standing on the tip of the katana handle , causing her to slip . Seeing an opportunity Adam immediately kicked her in the ribs sending her further away from him and then instead of completing the drawing of the katana he backed away making it clear that he did not want to kill her .

For that Lappland slowly turned to me while I in the meantime had already run into her falling to the ground with her . As if in slow motion I saw her face, her glassy eyes full of sadness, anger and envy, her lips on which she had a grimace, which finally after looking at me turned into a smile of relief ?

I knocking her to the muddy ground . As I held her on the ground, I noticed what a lack of resistance on her part, which made me look in surprise into her eyes which had lost their look . I was sure of it that Lappland could have killed me then in many ways from using her teeth on my exposed throat or breaking out with the sheer force that I still sense in her body . However, Lappland did not do this . She simply looked at me as consciousness faded from her eyes .

" Tag now you're chasing ."

With these words Lappland lost consciousness and I lost any self-control . This stupid game . Our first unfortunate encounter at which Lappland thought we were playing with each other . Feeling tears dripping down my eyes I wanted to hit her for how stubborn she was but her already blood-stained face stopped me .

Sitting down on Lappland's belly I could only watch in stupefaction as several people quickly ran past me to tie Lappland up when Adam at that time helped me up and took me further away from it . However, I did not pay my attention to anything but my own thoughts . 

My entire childhood was spent with Lappland. I remember everything about our first meal together her first night in the garden of our house , our first bath together which was very awkward , our first time playing together which my mother forced me to do . 

The first time I introduced Lappland to the world of books, the first time I read them to her, her silly comments about it that annoyed me so much at the time, the first doctor's appointment I had to go to with everyone else because Lappland didn't want to go without me.

The day Lappland beat up the boy who threw my book in the water , the first time I introduced Lappland to the ideals of white fang , our first work together on signs and funny chasers for protests , the first protest together , the first friends I made because of her . 

The first years spent together with her until our first hit of puberty . Lappland onset of puberty was the most difficult crisis my parents experienced . Our house needed repairs and my father needed stitches on his chest . My first period through which Lappland did not leave me alone for a second . But even though it was hard and painful we were in it together , as alweys.

Our first cigarette , first bottle of alcohol .... First accidental drunken kiss . Meeting Adam , my first love . The first time I ran away from home to go on a mission with Adam and Lappland . The first time I took somebody life and Lappland who was by my side at the time . The first argument between Lappland and Adam . So many memories , good or bad .

I lived with her for so long but still I know nothing about Lappland for this reason all the time I had a seed of fear of her in my heart , even more so after her many outbursts of anger . However, even in a rage she never hurt me or my mom it was my dad who always had problems but she never try to kill him . All the time I had this sense of duty to help her in life but now do I still ?

Since I understood more about the world I read books about psychology , I walked with Lappland to psychiatrists to listen to conversations . I never knew why Lappland is the way she is I never knew how to help her and I still honestly do not know .

But despite the many times when Lappland was a headache I could never get angry with her because most of the happy moments of my life were with Lappland . Lappland is my whole childhood, it is because of Lappland that I am who I am now .

' So what the fuck happened ? Why did it end like this ? Why didn't she defend herself from me ? Why didn't she kill me when she held me on the ground ? And why did I like that moment so much ? '

'Why can't I just hate her As much as I'm telling myself ? Why even though I shouldn't care , it hurts me ? Why does it hurt me so much to look at it ? '

Kali : " Because you love her Blake and Lappland hasn't done anything you could really hate her for . You were angry at her addictions , at her tantrums and aggression you were angry that Lappland kills . You didn't hate Lappland herself for being " different " because she's been that way since you've known her . It is in this " different " from others personality that you fell in love . "

Kali : " You were angry at the fact that Lappland had fallen as a person , and your love for her did not allow you to accept that . And all this even when this downfall was caused by you , your pride and belief in fighting for the good did not allow you to accept how wrong your choices were and how the very cause you were fighting for became the aggression that Lappland reflected to you at the time . "

My mother's answer to my inner question pulled me out of my thoughts . For a while I just looked at the screen when slowly the awareness of my surroundings came back to me then I also understood what my mother said . Realizing the conversation I was having, I turned my attention to the scroll screen where I could see my mother's face.

Blake : "You knew ? "

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