RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Rain , blood and tears 3

Balke pov 

Closing my eyes , I felt Lappland hand tighten tighter and tighter on my wrists . Feeling the pain I was already ready for anything when suddenly I heard the muffled growl of Lappland who suddenly let go of me . 

Opening my eyes I seize the opportunity , with the help of my elbows I crawl back far enough to hit my back with a tree . Against which next I sat down to catch my breath .

Being in further shock a sudden touch on my shoulders makes me regain the ability to think clearly . Looking to the side I see that the person holding me is Trifa , who looks at Lappland who was now standing alone surrounded by ten people in white fang uniforms , who stood around her at a distance of about twenty meters .

Trifa " Blake is not injured , it's just shock ".

Says Trifa turning to Adam who is standing separately from the group surrounding Lappland .

Adam: " It's really disgusting that you did something like that to someone who is like a sister to you ".

Says Adam with clear disgust in his voice disgusted by Lappland's behavior . He then looks at me , through his mask I can't tell what he is thinking however his look makes me cover my mouth with my forearm realizing what happened .

' Everyone has seen it , but it looks like everyone thinks it is another quirk of Lappland and not something more .'

Thinking I look at how everyone in the group surrounding Lappland are holding long poles at the end of which are long wires made of steel wrapped in loops . Through the rain falling on the steel wire I can see arcs of electricity showing that they are under high voltage . On the belt of some of the people surrounding Lappland I also find whips and ropes .

This is not what Adam mentioned when telling his plan , but at that moment I was too shocked by all that was happening or just surprised by the developments od this situation to remember the plan accurately . 

Lappland : " Shut up . I don't want to hear it from someone like you."

Said Lappland in a cold tone as she stood in the rain , a single flash of lightning lit up the sky behind her . At this time, the wind with a loud noise shook the entire forest. Unconcerned with her surroundings , Lappland looked around at the people surrounding her , confirming familiar faces in them .

Lappland: "I see people from the action at the mine , no wonder I'm having " hallucinations " ."

Said sarcastically Lappland under her breath when her gaze fell on Trifa and two other people around .

Lappland: " So even the people on my team are after my skin ? ..... Traitors .... ."

Said Lappland with her teeth clenched with anger when suddenly the sound of thunder , from the last lightning spread through the forest stopping her in her words and making her ears twitched only to fall on her wet head . 

As cute as her ears might be her eyes filled with fury and madness directed straight at Adam caused instinctive terror in my body . Lappland did not even look at me but nevertheless her contracted pupils and exposed teeth frightened me and some other faunus around .

Suddenly Lappland's eyelids contracted gently as she furrowed her eyebrows as she slowly looked towards the forest from which a fhanus with bat wings flew out .

' I know him Adam often talked about him I think his name was .... Yura , Yuma'

I wonder as I see the tension in the group diminishing. The guy clearly did not care about Lappland's gaze as he simply without looking at her approached Adam whispering something in his ear .Listening to Yuma , Adam does not take his eyes off Lappland which stared at both of them.

Lappland: " So Sienna doesn't even know about what you are doing ? "

Asks an amused Lappland apparently hearing parts of their conversation . Even though I already know this, still knowing that Sienna the leader doesn't know what we are doing here makes me worry .

 However Adam as well as the rest of the people gathered they look like it didn't matter . Everyone just continued to stand there unconcerned about what they were doing .

Adam : " I know that many will call it treason but it is for the good of all " .

Said Adam with seriousness on his face all the while loosely holding his hand on his blade tucked in his scabbard. 

Lappland: " I think it's for your own good . But it doesn't matter , now I don't have the right to my own opinion ."

Said Lappland pulling her sling when perfectly at the same time another lightning bolt struck in the distance illuminating the entire clearing. However , the moment another thunder came , her ears trembled again .

' Lappland has always been sensitive to sound , so Adam decided to use the long-announced storm to confuse Lappland's sense of smell and hearing . And it worked Lappland did not sense or hear the ambush due to the fact that she probably had to focus on the storm in the distance or simply the storm must have overshadowed the ambient sounds . The discomfort of the sound alone will help disorient her .'

Thinking about this I get up with the help of Trifa who then because of my weak legs helped me lean against a tree .Seeing me unable to even get up Trifa sighed .

Trifa :" Blake you should leave . We understand your commitment but Lappland was like a sister to you , so it is understandable that you want to leave ."

Says Trifa with a calm smile , then letting go of me she walks closer to the group surrounding Lappland leaving me alone . Of course there is no way that I will leave them gathering I take a deep breath and pushing away from the tree I walk closer despite the fact that I feel in my bones the need to leave .

Adam : " Move away Blake , I understand that you want to help however this situation is too personal for you ."

Says Adam very strongly urging me to leave, however, despite his thick skin, I can sense his worry in his voice making me stop in my steps . In the end apparently Adam has everything under control . While before I thought I would be able to help them with this now I am not so sure . In the end no matter how much I would curse Lappland ... that kiss .

Makes me realize that somewhere deep down this monster is Lappy. No matter how she changed it's the same face . It's that stupid Lappdumb which now is dead and I have to bury her myself . As now there is only animal that consumed her . 

Lappland: " Stay Blake , for once have courage and stay until the end ."

Says Lappland with a maniacal smile when suddenly there is discomfort apear on her face . Looking at her previously stabbed leg , Lappland using a healthy hand pull out a broken piece of needle from her thigh which apparently broke during all this . Appling the tip of the broken needle under her nose Lappland is apparently sniff its scent .

Lappland: " Poison ."

Lappland says with complete seriousness . Hearing about poison, I feel momentarily confused. Casting the needle aside Lappland look at me . In her eyes surprisingly I see neither anger nor betrayal .

 Lappland simply looked at me and, noticing my reaction to her words, sighed and simpli pulled out her blades . Returning to the thought I already wanted to deny it that this is another of her nonsense but surprisingly Adam spoke up first .

Adam : " Unfortunately we both know very well that the medical ways of incapacitating you will not be very effective . I know it may be overkill but it is the only solution that will prevent a fight , don't worry I have an antidote to help you . Ultimately, no one wants your death . "

Says Adam in a strangely mysterious tone completely as if there was something else underneath this shocking confession of his . The fact that I poisoned Lappland even if not intentionally hit me strangely harder than I expected and even though Adam's next words calmed me down a little bit I still felt a little cheated by his lack of sincerity . 

Lappland: " Don't act like anyone is buying this crap except Blake . Poison will take a while to knock me down and then I will be dying . You just want to inflict as much pain on me as possible . You're just a snake Adam . I don't care about this antidote , we both know that I'd rather die than live again by someone's mercy much less yours . "

Says Lappland spitting out saliva tinged with dark blood on the ground after that Lappland licks her lips dyeing them a similar scarlet and at that moment everyone was already sure how it would end . Someone is going to die here .

Lappland: "Of the two of us you are the one who needs others to survive. You are the twit who cries when he is denied . You've always been like this you're angry because I don't hold the same values as you , it hurts you that no matter what you do you can't get me to work with you."

Lappland: "I am already dead inside , I am messed up. I'm just waiting for my death the question is whether you are ready for it . Because no matter what you are coming with me today along with the rest of your helpers . And you Tryfia , you bitch I will drag you with me to the grave by your hair ."

Says Lappland completely indifferent to Adam's words aiming her two blades at him as if confirming her point . 

Lappland: " I hated you from the first time I saw you . However, I could never kill you because of Blake but today it doesn't matter anymore ...... To be honest I should have just killed you at the very beginning . Then perhaps everything would have been different ."

Lappland: " I don't need treatment , I want someone who will finally put me to sleep . In the end even you don't want me anymore Balke so I no longer have a purpose . I just wanted your dream world to become true . I wanted to defend you from the truth however ..... I knew it would end like this ! You are all ungrateful liars. " 

Says Lappland with a calm smile on her lips whose charm completely destroys the look of her bloodshot eyes whose pupils were dilated as if after some drugs.

Blake : " Stop !!!! Everyone just wants to help you ..... Can you for once think and calm down !!! Act like a normal thinking being !!!"

I shouted like an idiot completely ignoring the fact that Adam with the help of my hands poisoned Lappland . But Lappland at that moment did not answer me she just closed her eyes for a moment as if she listening or thinking after which she began to laugh . That awful hoarse laughter that sinks into your ears , spreads on the wind throughout the forest.

Everyone was silent listening to the laughter which apparently was Lappland's last remnant of healthy consciousness escaping . The laughter eventually turned into crying and when Lappland opened her eyes her pupils shrunk to the size of a pin when the now familiar to me silver glow came out of her eyes along with her tears . 

Lappland: " Isn't that something that is normal for you , that is normal for everyone ? Big bad Lappland , monster , murderer . Scapegoat , the only one to bear the blame . A person so bad that she alone tarnishes the reputation of the entire organization . "

Lappland : " This is me Balke , this is the norm for me . This is me !!! So go ahead and fuck yourself already !!!!! You want to see the monster then I'll show it to you !!!! "

Shouted Lappland in total anguish tensing her whole body . Knowing what it meant I only saw Lappland throw herself towards Adam leaving behind two silver lines coming from her eyes .

The distance of twenty meters was closed immediately . A single fanus with gray scaly skin standing in the way of Lappland reacted immediately by pushing with electrified sticks like a spear towards her .

However, Lappland with her eyes all the time directed at Adam jumped up .Placing one leg on the spar Lappland used her other leg to stand on the head of the faunus from which she then leaped into the air while simultaneously rotating the blades in such a way as to catch them in a reverse grip .

When the huge soundless pillar of light hit the ground it illuminated the figure of Lappland who , holding the blades in a reverse grip , glided at Adam who , holding the strong hilt of his katana , leaned forward , while putting one foot back . Despite how fast it happened I had the impression at the time that Adam was smiling .

I saw him looking directly at Lappland as anxiety grew in my heart but suddenly after the last huge thunderclap came it sound wave , so loud that despite the fact that I do not have some special super hearing I felt discomfort .

Since it had such an effect on me, it was no different from Lappland who, despite not showing a reaction, completely failed to notice or deliberately overlooked the Yuma who came from the side and, spinning around his own axis in the air, delivered a powerful spinning kick, into the ribs of Lappland who flew out of the air . 

Hitting the muddy ground with a bang , Lappland rolled through the mud. Finally regaining her balance Lappland stopped crouched on one knee with her head still pointed at Adam . Such a blow would never have been enough to injure Lappland's one and only her untreated injuries meant that even the aura did not help her .

With blood leaking from her nose and mouth, Lappland smiled when a suddenly electrified steel noose was put through her head. Before the noose was tightened around her neck Lappland changed her grip on the blades and then she raised both blades making them come between her neck and the wire stopping them at a safe distance .

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