Ruin World's

Chapter 3: Heir Of The Chaos God

Huo continued but why I am the heir. we humans don’t have that much lifespans to cultivate. To cultivate that high we need atleast millions of years lifespans. On the other hand we humans only have around 80-100 years of lifespans.

That figure replied you don’t have to worry about that. When anyone in this universe breakthrough to a major levels like student to planet level they get ten times of their previous lifespans. Mean's if you breakthrough to the planet level you will get 1000 years of lifespans to cultivate. If normal human beings had normal 1000 years of lifespans then they will evolve and will become 10000 years of lifespans. What I am trying to say is after every major levels like named levels you will get 10 times of your previous lifespans.

Huo was shocked after hearing and also the think that his Grandfather in his 80 years of lifespan still remain 30 years look is this mean he have accedes the human being limit.

Then he asked is my grandfather accedes the humans lifespans limit.

That figure replied yes, your grandfather is now planet 7 level warrior.

Huo asked then why didn’t they disclosed this information to the world.

That figure replied because they didn’t know the details themselves.

Huo asked what do you mean by they didn’t know themselves.

That figure replied they are warriors but they do not know every details just because of they become one of the warriors. They are very lucky because the get their hands on the training manuals. But the manual are not that good like the ones you have now.

Huo replied then i should just give them some.

That figure replied angrily no, you can't. You got this because you are the heir. They are not my creator's heir but you are. So you cannot disclose the details about the inheritance. Its secret from even the universe. In universe being like you got themselves tricked by strong warriors and become slaves so stop you naivety and train harder. This manual will help you greatly in the path of becoming great being and can’t disclose this secrets to others. My creator also have many enemies so it’s better to hide the fact that you are his heir.

Huo understand to some extent. Then asked that figure about his master's details and also told her to introduce herself.

my creator's name was Chaos god and he also your master. He was a Craftsman. Not normal and weak but very strong one strong one. He was a warrior with Law 9 peaks level. He was asked by his one of the friends to help him in a war. After they win the war with 167 years of long fight. My creator’s friend betrayed him and stab him. creator’s friends thought that he might also try to get the resources that they fight for. That's why his friend try to kill creator. But thanks to creator's high craftsmanship skills he made a armor and wore that in the battle time. So when his friend betrayed him he managed to avoided the fatal attack but his life force was shattered and cultivation couldn’t go any higher. Because of that he become weak. So in his last years he made me and the inheritance stone. He used his reaming full power to find a heir and then it come to earth 1 million years ago. The inheritance stone was struck at that ruins and founded by some student level warriors.

After hearing this story Huo asked so what should i call you then.

That figure replied my creator said to me find a heir for my legacy. After finding my legacy's inheritor you can ask him to name you. Then you should also recognise him as your master.

Huo asked so you want me to name you.

That figure replied respectfully yes, please.

Huo think for few minutes and than said i will call you FENG JADE from now on.

Huo asked so Jade what do you mean when you said students find it.

what i know senior ultimate War god level warriors founded the ruins then explored and find you in the corner of the broken side of some wall.

Jade replied respectfully what you call senior ultimate War god level in the earth in universe they are called student 8 level warrior. About the broken wall you say that was shattered by inheritance stone when I come to earth by clashed with the ruin around 1 millions years ago.

Huo was shocked enough to hear that the memory stone was 1 million years old but to think that ruin is even older than the inheritance stone.

Huo asked so who made this ruin do you know Jade.

Jade replied respectfully no, even i don't know. But i can tell you that this ruin are created by other entity that used to live in this earth.

Huo then become even more curious and shocked after hearing.

Huo was about to ask another question but Jade notified that someone is coming so Jade said remember not to disclose the details about the inheritance. Also remember only you can see me hear me and you can talk to me by just thinking. Because i directly connect to your communication and mind.

Then Huo's mother entered his room.

After seeing Huo waked up and seating in the bed his mother couldn’t control her emotion and hugged him.

Jade notified in Huo's mind your parent's always visited you and took cares of you when you are taking the inheritance in you consciousness.

Edie than call all the family members and they gathered one after another to meet him. After all they all love Huo to much with that Huo's day pass by.

Huo all family members warmly greeted him. Doctor's also visited and said he needs minimum 2 months of rest to fully recover.

After that day Huo was put to full bed rest and didn't disclosed that he got inheritance. Then he studied most important and secret manuals from his memories to cultivate in the future.

Jade also suggested him few technics like "Absorption Technic, Heaven breaker Blade technic, Craftsmanship training manuals, Soul binding technic , and Strengthening technic".

Jade also said only "Absorption Technic and, and Strengthening technic" was created by huo's master. Other techniques origin is unknown to even his master.

Jade suggested first to learn "Absorption Technic and Craftsmanship training manuals" and when breakthrough to planet level then start "Heaven breaker Blade technic, and Strengthening technic" and after completing all the technics 1 level then he should learn "Soul binding technic".

So Huo started his practice with "Absorption Technic" and a weak later he succeed in achieving 1st level.

After few more days later his grandfather also visited him. Because when Huo got in the monster attack incident his grandfather was in the ruins. At that time his grandfather had lost contact with the outside world.

So after getting out he rushed to come see Huo and said you should come to AMAS and start your researcher career as a senior scientist there. I will make the necessary arrangement for you so you don’t have to worry about anything else. So now focus on your recovery and enjoy some free time. Then Huo's grandfather gave him a test tube filled with potion type something.

Jade notified its very low grade but for you its better to absorb it with your absorption technic. Because its 56% refined monster blood and it can help you improve your physic. If you can success fully absorb this with secret technic then you can gain that monster 10% physical constitution. But if you just drink this potion then it can only help you with recovery and 1% chance accuruing some help in you cultivation progress. But if you give it to me I can improve it's gene level and help you refine 100% with the craftsmanship training manuals help and you can gain almost that monster 50-60% physical strength and constitution permanently. It's depends on you how much you can absorb this potion with my help. It's now your time to choose.

Huo then hand over the potion to her and after 1 hour later she give him 7 tubes of improved potion.

Jade said I over did it a little because there are many raw materials in the previous potion. That’s why I multiplies the potion with best effect but you can just benefit from it once. So other 6 are useless to you. Even if the other warriors drink this potion directly then they can gain 15% of the monsters physical strength permanently. But you will get 50-60% because of the absorption technic and then jade smirk.

After hearing all the talk Huo said Okey, then I will learn 2nd level of the absorption technic and then absorb it.

Jade satisfied after hearing Huo's ambition. Because absorption technic can be fully study & mastered it in low cultivation warrior level. Because it's only useful for low warriors who are under demi god level.

After a month of training Huo somehow managed to learn the 2nd level of absorption technic.

Absorption has total 4 levels. They are

1.Bodys strength Absorption- could Absorption any living things died body parts strength and gives user 10 percent of the actual strength of the dead body.

2.Bodys Soul power Absorption- could Absorption any living things died body parts reaming soul power and gives user 10 percent of the actual strength of the died body

3.Bodys Spiritual power Absorption- could Absorption any living things died body parts reaming Spiritual power and gives user 10 percent of the actual strength of the dead body

4.All power Absorption- could Absorption any living things died body parts reaming All the power together and gives user 20 percent of the actual strength of the dead body.

After 1 months training Huo used 1-2 level to absorb its body and soul power in this process Huo felt that his body's every bones and cell are shattering and at the same time re-creating his bones and cell's strength. Huo at that time was felt that his full body want to die but he hold the string of consciousness somehow. Even after this continues pain and killing intend that Huo was felt from the potion didn’t lose hope and cried very louder in pain. Because of sound proof room nobody heard him but Huo constantly under going the pain in hope of becoming a warrior with very high potential. Every single second was like a year to him in that pain enduring state. Even Jade also thought that it might be Huo's last day of life before death.

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