Ruin World's

Chapter 2: Huo's New Path

Huo replied respectfully its nothing grandpa its just i don't have anything to talk about.

Unlike the other big families Feng family members loved each others and help each others so they have a strong bonds with each others. After hearing what Huo said all the members try to comfort him.

So for look like happy he start smiling.

But situ understand his inner feeling and told him wanna join me in a walk in the garden.

Huo was happy by just hearing that and replied happily of course who could refuse offer like this.

Huo was very happy just by walking along with his grandfather because just talk to him people have to make prior arrangement. After all he is one of the strongest being in the earth.

So they left the the dinner table and start walking in the garden.

Situ said little Huo never give up on your dream and try to found your own path towards the future. People are changing day by day and monsters are growing in numbers. The humanity not only need warriors but also need talented individuals like you who can helps them with researching things and try finding the truth of the universe and earth. So warrior path is not the only path that humanity has. Little Huo you are talented in study even my friend are saying that i have great talent under my hands. If i use the talent then i can gain many things. But you know to me my family comes first and other thing comes later. Little Huo you have great talent in intelligence and your family have strength so help them with your power. So do what you wanted i am with you and your full family.

Then they return to the hall room and talk to his whole family members with joy. After that day Huo gives up on being warrior but didn’t stop cultivating and go to school regularly.

Soon after start Huo school final exam. So Huo fully concentrated to his study and complete his final exam properly. Huo after the exam got 3 weeks off so he visited some library and learned things from here and there. In the blink of an eye time pass by and results comes out.

Because of this chaos era world study system also changed. After passing the 10th class exam you can go for warrior training school for study or you can go to the military troops. 5 country formed military troops by joining hands and helpings each other and named them WMF&RC. WMF&RC means World Military Force & Research Center.

With Huo's results he can easily join them so without hesitation Huo joined military research center and start study there. That research center was build near the Asia's border because of researching dangerous things.

After few months after getting into research center suddenly one day monster attack increased by many folds. They start to attack the military research center. Because of sudden attack and having low guards in the research facility many soldier's get kill in an instant.

Huo didn’t understand what's happening there. So in fear he got to deeper side of the area to check and see if anything can be help to him.

Huo with his talent joined in the research team. But he didn’t get to the top most important parts of that research center that's because he only a 18 years kid with huge book knowledge but not field knowledge.

So seniors from the research center didn’t give him the permission to enter too deep in the research area.

There are 4 parts of research area 1st outer side 2nd only officials side 3rd inner side 4th core of the research area.

Huo get the level 3rd permission because of his high study talent and learning talent in a fast speed. When Huo joined he only get level 2 permission but after seeing his talent senior researcher's thought it would be waste and gave him level 3rd permission.

So when he reach the core area's gate he saw the gate is open and some monsters are tearing apart the roof of the core research area. Because of him in General level warrior he attacked the monster but the monster is too powerful for him to injure or kill him because of that the attack he first did get reflected toward him. Because of that his body smashed to the wall.

In earth people also divided monster in 5 stage there are like Normal monster, General, Commander, King and, Emperor. All the monster level also have three minor level like human warriors. They are Early, Mid, Peak/Late.

The monster who attacked the research facility was in the king level. That's even war god level warriors have a hard time with.

Huo was lucky enough to not die in his reflected attack. Because Huo's attack the monster get his attention towardHuo and run towards Huo and attacked him.

Just to avoid the attack Huo used his all left strength. Even so he cannot ignore the attack and some of his bones get broke by the attack. But fortunately he avoided serious injuries. Even so monster not stopped and continue his attack using his horn and legs.

Huo for the first time in his life feared so much that he thought he will die and start to remembers his family members faces. He thought i may die here today i hope my family are safe and live a happy life.

When he was in brinks of dead he thought again i cannot die here. I have live and see the future. I..i...i...i must live so i can also see the future with my family members and enjoy every moments with them. With that thinking in the verge of dead he awaken his spiritual power and unknowingly use the power to attack the monster.

When someone get the spiritual power they got leap of 3-5 minor levels cultivation based on their desperate desire and in the verge of dead Huo leap 5 minor levels cultivation.

Warriors when get spiritual power they have to cultivate their body and soul power separately. That's why they get low body cultivation level and high soul cultivation level. That's different from their body.

So Huo when attack he was almost has senior war god early-stage Mind control cultivation level and mid senior general level body cultivation warrior. With that he caused minor injuries to the monster and block his path so the monster cannot attack him anymore.

For first time using so much spiritual power his soul power and mind got exhausted. He felt extremely tried to just lift even his fingers.

But at that moment in the battle Huo unknowingly got to the core research areas deepest part where military researching a red and deep green stone.

Huo Accidentally touched the stone and from his injured body some blood also poured to the stone and the stone start to shine bright and merge with his body. When the merging process was continued Huo fell some pain in his mind and lose his consciousness.

The rescue team arrived and see almost all the research area got destroyed and countless scientists get killed. At that night with the monster attack only few scientists remain alive.

Because of Huo also there and he is a member of Feng family his sibling also get there as soon as possible. The moment they reach there they start searching through the area and find him in very critical conditions. So transfer him to a hospital and then used some excuses to arrange all the necessary arrangement for him at home.

Because of Feng Situ's fame not only people want to friends with him but also he made countless enemies. That's why Specially Huo with the least body cultivation level had to use another identity and lived separately from his family most of the time. He only appear in the 4 months family dinners gatherings.

This is all arranged after he get to 15 years old for his own safety. Huo's real identity only some of Situ's trusted high officials and friends know. Aside from his family in everyone else's eye he had been a orphan.

Huo after the incident get treated in home but not gained consciousness for many months. Because in his consciousness he was seeing many things and getting knowledges.

The stone Huo accidently touched was a inheritance stone from on of the ruins that was founded deep in the Ocean.

After 3 and half months later Huo wake ups but he thought it was all just a dream and ignores the inheritance.

But suddenly he heard a voice saying its not dream.

Huo asked who is it that's just talk to me.

Then he noticed that in his right hand he was wearing a ring and a digital communication device type mechanism. That mechanism looked like exactly same as the Earth's high level warriors uses to communicate with each other. In that mechanism there were also stores countless secret manuals.

Suddenly in front of Huo eye a human like small body with cute and beautiful figure appears with a tail in his back.

She said what you get for past months is inheritance. From your prospective that weird looking stone is what we call inheritance stone. It was made with universe knowledge and now it has merge with you. In this inheritance my creator added me and gave a storages ring with some treasure in it. In your memory you have countless secret manuals to train now. Also now you have become his heir.

Huo asked what do you mean by saying heir.

That figure then started to explain when my creator couldn’t break through a certain level and about to die. So in his final moments he created me and this inheritance stone. He made it like this and set a restriction on to it. If unworthy warriors had touched it then they might had been died. On the other hand worthy warrior will become my master and it's my task to help him reach where he couldn't reach.

Huo asked what do you mean by certain level.

That figure replied to Huo you must have seen many levels in the inheritance stone memory's right.

Huo reply yes, i have seen 8 Major levels and every level have 9 minor levels. They are 1st Students level warrior (LEVEL 1-9), 2nd planets level warrior (LEVEL 1-9), 3rd starry level warrior (LEVEL 1-9), 4th universe level warrior (LEVEL 1-9), 5th Domain lord level warrior (LEVEL 1-9), 6th State lord level warrior (LEVEL 1-9), 7th Law level warrior(LEVEL 1-9), and finally 8th Demi god level warrior.

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