Ruin World's

Chapter 4: Breakthrough To Planet Level Warrior

Jade with regret full eyes said will I lose my master just like this.

At that moment Jade was regretting for not stopping him from doing something so reckless. But even so Jade didn’t lose his hope for Huo's success.

In the sideline Jade was cheering and praying for Huo's success. Also at the same time regretting for not guiding him with even more proper way.

With that 1 hour pass by Jade thought it's might be the end of the process.

But it continues one and half hour………. two hour's…………….. three hour's……………… and so five hours pass by.

Now even Jade become very restless and start swearing by saying creator you damn old man. Who told you to create this damn technique. If anything happens to my new and first master I am going to kill you again.

With that seven hours pass by. Huo's situation was like a boy hanging with a small and thin hair piece.

From "absorption technic" performance it become a death technique performance.

Huo in his sea of consciousness with his remaining will to live was thinking only about his family members and hoping to end this "absorption technic" quickly as soon as possible. But unfortunately it didn't end there and continued to process.

At some point his soul power started to evolve. But because of this is his first time in this situation he didn't know about the situation and thought it might be also one of the things that happenes in the "absorption technic" performance process.

After that soul evolving process Huo felt less pain compare to previous.

With that after 9 hours of this pain full process he gained king level monsters 93% physical strength and evolved soul power. Huo also jump from Senior General level warrior to Senior ultimate war god level warrior physical constitution and reached peak pinnacle war god level warrior spirit power.

Jade said with satisfied looks and with infinite happiness in his eyes said my new and first master you have reach student level 9 peak in spirit power cultivation and entered student 8 warrior level.

Jade continued you may have been gained more than just student level 9 peak spirit cultivation level. Even so you should now stabilize your cultivation core then try to breakthrough and enter the planet level. You can may be enter planet level any time you want.

Huo thought and said before entering AMAS research center I must breakthrough to planet level if not my grandfather will notice my cultivation level.

Jade replied respectfully yes, you have guessed correct with your sudden improvement and physical constitution evolved your grandfather can easily find out. But if you enter the planet level then it will be very hard for him to check you level he have to wait untill he breakthrough to starry level.

So Huo without delay start his cultivation and because of monster gene he have now in his blood his cultivation speed get 30 times faster compare to previous process of his cultivation. All his accumulated impurities in this past years after birth until now. All get cleansed in this process and his body become very light.

After 4 days of continue training nonstop his cultivation level become stabilize.

Jade then said in the storage ring there are some high grade stone with life force in it. So you can use them to breakthrough to planet level and with this stones help you can surely level up in the moment you breakthrough after all you can forcefully absorb them at the moment and level up multiple times.

After listening to Jade Huo check and saw there were almost 1000 of crystals inside the storage ring. He takes out 10 and start his breakthrough process. After that a sudden phenomena surrounding him and he enter his sea of consciousness and see a sun forming with in his core and sea of consciousness.

After seeing the surrounding phenomena Jade tells him to try and absorb the crystals life force now with all the power you have.

He started to absorb the crystals and then with sudden out burst boom in his sea of consciousness Huo Breakthrough to the planet level warrior one......two...........three.................almost reached four

It took him almost 3 hours to do that and his physical constitute also breakthrough to planet level 1.

Jade notified him that is there anything in your sea of consciousness world that resemble any objects picture.

Huo replied yes, in front the core I can see a diamond shape picture.

Jade loudly express her enjoyment and start congratulations master.

Huo asked what happen.

Jade reply there are called physical constitution. There are 10 types of constitution in the whole universe may be. Those physical constitution are 1st Black Rock, 2nd Green Gem, 3rd Silver gem, 4th Lithium gem, 5th Purple gem, 6th Pitch Black, 7th Gold, 8th Tritium, 9th Diamond, and finally 10th Dark Deep Red. In this 10 physical constitution almost 65 percent universe warriors get Black Rock, Green Gem, Silver gem, Lithium gem and Purple gem physical constitution. 23 percent warrior get gold and Pitch Black physical constitution. Only 7 percent get tritium and diamond physical constitution. Only 5 percent get Dark Deep Red physical constitution. Even your master didn’t have the diamond physical constitution. He got the gold physical constitution when he reached planet level. Diamond physic means you can learn and study all the laws easily and in the future. You will also have the absolute power on your level if you can understand and utilize your power perfectly.

After hearing full story Huo was also showed his joy and celebrate with Jade and talk what he will do in the future. After that he went to sleep and that night went by peacefully.

Next day Huo start his craftsmanship training and other technics. With that his 2 months rest at home pass by. Then Huo got his identity as the AMAS research center senior scientist from his father and so with that Huo left home.

After leaving the home Huo first visited research center. There he introduced him as a scholar and orphan. Who got great results with his hard work in study and military research centers reference.

After joining the research center at the age of 18 as the youngest senior scientist. Huo become one of the greatest person in the Asia history with very high intelligence.

He get a apartment with best security possible because of his grandfather's interference and his position's as the youngest senior scientist become well known.

The research subjects he took is to craftsmanship with monster remaining parts and refining techniques for purifying the potion into even more advanced quality and large quantity.

He diligently works there and make improvement in the refining method and made a 77% pure advance quality potion. Huo also almost reach in 1st level of craftsmanship after training.

It take him 7 months and 21 days to make just the pure advance quality potion and train the craftsmanship manual. After that he reported his senior about the potion and also with joy he called his grandfather and told him about that and send him the research papers.

But few days later when Huo's senior reported Huo's research paper he changed the author name in the research papers and Summited them.

When Feng Situ got the research paper after reading some line's he find out those are Huo's research paper. Even so to confirm it he read both of the papers again to confirm it but that wasn’t his only thought when he was reading those papers. Feng Situ just want to enjoy his grandsons work but his expression changed after seeing the author name.

So he first called Huo to confirm this matter.

Huo picked the call and said respectfully greetings grandfather, you called at my working time is something wrong grandfather.

Situ asked in normal tone the research paper you gave to yesterday was your right.

Huo said yes, I send them to you first by our personal emails then to avoid my identity revealing issue I gave them to my direct superiors. Because I can't gave you the documents directly in office officially. Is there something wrong about my research paper grandfather you can tell me if you don't understand any part's I can tell you in the phone.

After hearing Huo's side of the story Situ reached a conclusion. That Huo's superiors is not suited to his position.

Then Situ order the scientists who gave him those research paper as it's author to come his office.

The scientists name was Kenny and he was an American researcher. He thought that situ maybe called him to praise and give him some rewards but when Kenny entered Situ's office room he saw that situ was seating in the sofa with expression less face. Then Kenny asked Situ sir, you called for me.

Situ replied yes, I read your research paper and I am very satisfied with research. So can you explain it to me in more details then what you had wrote in the papers.

Kenny was flustered with no words.

Situ ask him what happened? Why are you not telling me in details. Don’t you want to tell me about your research in person when gave me the paper with every details.

Kenny felt something is wrong and thought why is sir Situ is looking angry now. When I entered the room he was expression less but now his looks are very scary.

After few minutes Situ called some war god level warrior and order them to take Kenny to detention center then lock him up for atleast some month's.

Then he left his office and went toward Huo's research room.

Every senior scientist get their own research room and core members get a small 50 miter long research hall and team members under them like junior scientists. When Situ arrived in front of the Huo room he saw Huo was trying to made even batter pure advance quality potion. That potion have almost reached 82% purity.

So he didn’t disturb Huo and stand there Jade notified Huo about this and he also sensed him but ignored him to avoid suspiciousness.

Then 3 hours later he refined potion with 87% purity and then look behind him and see his grandfather's face. After seeing his grandfather he acted like surprised and greet him by calling good evening sir.

Situ laughed loudly and say are you calling me sir even through it was just the two of us.

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