Ruin World's

Chapter 1: Humanity Is Dying

2013 The azure sky seemed like a gigantic blue emerald, the midsummer sun seemed like a huge fireball, hung on the top of this huge emerald. Using the sun’s position, one could estimate it was around 3 PM.

Suddenly a sinning star fragment surrounding by fire fall from the sky to our vast Ocean.

Earth's people went to uproar about the star fragment. So world's most big organizations start discuss about this matter.

When they were discussing about the star fragment's situation. Their satellite notice something is wrong within the ocean where the star fragment landed.

Than few days later something happen to the sea creatures and everything changed by normal to chaotic.

Because of this chaotic environment world's most popular and powerful country sent their military high rank soldiers and scientists to the ocean to investigate the situation.

But they couldn't reach where the star fragment landed.

The reason was simple. The sea creatures became very dangerous and went rampage then start attacking the humans on the ships.

To avoid major problems the soldiers retreat from that place. But who had known it was just the beginning of the disaster.

After few day's later some scientists who previously went to the ocean  start research the fishes who attacked them in the ships. The fishes they are researching are the parts of the fishes that they killed in that expedition.

After deep research on the sea creatures part's. Scientists come to an conclusion and said to the organization they belong to that star fragment effecting the sea creature and evolving them into monster. It seems they are evolving into a high speed. If this goes on then humanity will face something that no one had ever encountered.

Not long after that conclusion and discovery some of the sea port and near by areas started to get attack by the sea creatures.

Humanity sent many soldiers but the loses were huge and victory in the battle were very few.

Monster didn't stop there and continue on the attack. then many small city's and villages near by port's get fully destroyed.

Not long after the small scale battle changed into a bigger scale battle.

Within few months of the long battle the human city’s get destroyed one after another and almost 60% of the earth's populations died and all nations security system get destroyed to just live another day humans started to kill one another for food and other supplies.

After seeing this world strongest country and their top military officials launch large-scale Atomic bombs and help all the human to take shelter in under grounds basement's.

After a very tough time they killed almost 70% of the sea creatures and beast that evolved into a monster.

Then humans also find out that their body constitution also evolve to some extent from the air flow system that changed a few months ago after the fragment fall and monster attack.

Then 90% people remain normal and 10% people  got special power to kill the monster and train in very specific details to get stronger.

After researching about this subject scientists get to conclusion that humans evolve into a super being who have the power to fight and also improve their strength to a greater height.

Some military and previous normal human being started to experiment on their power and find out that they can hone their skills and every time they realize something about their power they gain more power.

With that humanity started to gain new power and environment. After gaining power it took them 3 years yo stabilize the remaining population and human territory.

Monster attack also started to clam down a bit. But after some time to time they attack some nearby port side areas.

That’s why humanity research about the power they have with the help of world's best scientists and develop some method to become strong.

Then with that invented method they started to train and at some point  they felt that their body also hitting the human limit and becoming more like real super beings.

They thought with training they might be able to fly in the sky and can destroy mountains with only one punch.

Not long after their thought's. They get to see the results they thought might be possible become reality in just 7 years.

Their are 2 types of warriors with Super power 1st spiritual power users. Who  can lift anything with Mind power. 2nd fighter warriors Who can fight with their body by strengthening and wielding weapons.

Even with special powers humanity was in great risk. Because of every days  monster attack and rapid birth of the monster numbers.

That's why every time in battle warriors have to fight them by risking their life.

Because of monster attack humanity lost more 50% people from previous remaining population and become 1.6 billion people.

That's why with the remaining population in the earth all big figures decided to create new country's.

Like Asia, American, Africa, Europe, Antarctica.

Even so for continued attacks from monster the people and warriors continues to die. But still this long fight remain unchanged.

But good news is with the power humans gained they started to explore very deep inside the earth where they couldn't reach before because of their human limits. But now they can go beyond human limits. because of that they  find many ruins hidden very deep inside the earth.

Those hidden ruins in the earth was very dangerous. Even so warriors without fear jump into the ruins and started to exploring them .

After some time and many sacrifices they gain many knowledges and  formula's. Those formulas and knowledges can help them with honing their skills and becoming even more powerful.

They started to call those formulas as cultivation manuals or technics.

Later with the cultivation manual's they gain from the ruins started to study and lock themselves for their trainings to become more powerful.

So time pass by and 2013 become 2023 .

People started to call 2013 to 2023's timeline the Nirvana Period/Disaster Period.

After sometimes world's most powerful 3 warrior's build 3 strong organization's. The reason for this organization's are provide normal people safety and train the next generation's.

The founders of the organizations are also the top 3 strongest people's.

They are Lao Hao who was 1st place and the founder of world cultivation and training school-WCTS.

2nd place was Feng  Situ. The founder of Asia Martial Arts  School-AMAS.

and 3rd place was Robert. The founder of  International Training School and Company-ITSC.

They are the pillars of humanity. They're not only fight the monsters but also help every country to make system so the people can feel safe at home.

They also help the government to control the people from doing crime and make a peaceful society. With the help of top 3 people and cultivation techniques they started a organization jointly and name that organization Mercenary Alliance-MA.

Then published license to all the people who can cultivate. The reason is identify and suppressing them from doing crimes also to help their families if something happen to them during the monster subjugation mission they took from MA.

That's why humanity can see some hopes for their future in the earth and try to live a smooth life in this chaotic world.

So like that time pass by and now 2043 the people in the earth not living a fully peaceful life but enjoying their daily lifestyle.

Now almost everywhere we can see the warriors wandering around and training in the school.

In the Asia there are 5 cities Dalti city , Chot city, Syl city,  Maj city,  Huq city. The capital is Syl city where is the head quarters of A.M.A.S.

This city is in the center of the Asia country. In there live a boy with his family  name Feng Huo.

Feng Huo is 13 years old. With the name many have guessed it that Feng Situ is his family's patriarch.

Feng Situ has 2 sons and 2 daughter eldest son Feng San, younger son Feng Hio, eldest daughter Feng Xio and youngest daughter  Feng Shun.

Feng Huo is Fang Hiu's youngest son. Feng Huo has another two siblings older brothers name Feng Cao and first born sisters name is Feng Sihu.

His siblings are very talented at cultivation and reach war god level in the age of 18.

Humanity divided the cultivation level inti 10 levels. They are Student level, Senior student level, General level, Senior general level, War god level, Senior war god level, Ultimate war god level, senior ultimate war god level, Pinnacle war god level, and finally planet level.

Normally in the earth if you reach war god level at  the age of 30 then people  will treat you like an genius.

But Feng Huo's siblings reached war god level only at the age of 18.

On the other hand Huo only manage to breakthrough to the senior student level at the age of 15.

His mother Feng Edie Comfort him by saying you are good at study and making things so don’t mind the other's and walk your own path. You don't have to fight like others just be yourself.

But Huo never gives up and try his best to become warrior. His family members are very concern for him and loves him the most.

His father always praise him for his study talent And sibling always try to do thinks that can make him happy.

To summarize they are very loving family.

Like that Time pass by and now Huo 18 years old. He didn’t got to the martial training school but one of the normal school by hiding his identity from others.

Huo's family head Feng Situ always host a dinner in every 4 months. Where  his all the children's and grandchildren's gather to talk and maintain their bond between family members.

In the whole family Huo is the only one with the Lowest cultivation in senior general level early stage.

There are three levels in every level like early, mid, late. Huo was at early stage of senior general level warrior.

All the family members talked about how they fight the monsters and other things but Huo stays in his seat silently. After seeing this Feng Situ asked him what's the matter little Huo.

In the Whole family Huo is the youngest.

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