Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 142: Star Region Grand Melee

In the G-21 star region, people had been feeling uneasy recently due to a newly emerged plunderer organization.

With one starship plundering a target, countless starships spread out, attacking any target they encountered.

People from all civilizations were crying out on the regional channel, hoping someone would come out to uphold justice.

Especially since the other party was so shameless.

After beating them, they still demanded compensation for losses, appearance fees, and then sold their captured creatures back to them.

If they didn't pay to buy them back, all the creatures would be taken away.

Such outrageous operations were truly eye-opening.

More and more people were being bullied this way, and since they could speak anonymously on the regional channel, they weren't afraid of the other party knowing it was them speaking.

However, they didn't dare to actually mention the name of the Umbrella.

Because previously, someone had mentioned the Umbrella's name, and then everyone suffered misfortune.

Xu Luo didn't care who had mentioned the Umbrella's name, and didn't bother to investigate. He directly fined all members.

For mentioning the Umbrella once, everyone was fined 100,000 faith power.

The amount wasn't large, but it was a warning.

He didn't need to know who it was; everyone was punished collectively.

Moreover, this was the first time. Next time it would be ten times as much, and the time after that, a hundred times.

By then, no one would be able to bear it.

After this incident, no one dared to mention it again.

They even started supervising each other.

Because if they caught someone reporting it, they would receive a reward from Xu Luo.

Apart from some people who were attacked by Xu Luo and others, there were actually some who joined the Umbrella collective through mutual introductions or simply came of their own accord, directly requesting to join.

Xu Luo welcomed such people.

Although there was no initial income, as long as they paid the protection fees, eating a little less was fine. With steady income, there would be more revenue later.

In just a short time, the Umbrella spread like a plague, directly occupying about one-thousandth of the entire star region.

Many times, when Xu Luo's starships flew over, they would finally find a target, only to discover it bore the Umbrella's mark, making it a wasted trip.

His fleet was no longer just the initial ten ships. With continuous plundering, the benefits kept increasing, and at the same time, the Zerg army grew stronger, providing more and more faith power.

Therefore, Xu Luo could purchase more starships, and simultaneously, the number of hatched Leviathans also increased.

In the continuous development process, he didn't greatly increase the number of Gold-tier xenomorphs. Most of the time, he just upgraded the original Gold-tier ones to Gold-tier 9, then distributed them to other starships, basically maintaining a configuration of one Leviathan and two Gold-tier 9 xenomorphs per starship.

Along with other Silver-tier Zerg and Bronze-tier Fire Locusts, they could handle most enemies. If the opponent was too strong, he would also provide support.

Often, xenomorphs weren't as good as other Zerg, having only combat power, and they were especially voracious, getting hungry faster during battles.

Evolution crystals that weren't used were all stored, waiting for enough to be accumulated in the future to directly upgrade the Queen's tier.

At this time, Xu Luo's avatar stood in the starship, looking at the star map before him, lost in thought.

He never imagined things would turn out this way.

This was the G-21 star region, where he was currently located.

The stars in the star map were actually individual Divine Domains.

No one knew exactly how many Divine Domains were in a star region, and now, the golden glowing dots Xu Luo saw occupied a small corner of the entire star map.

These golden light spots were the Umbrella members. For each new one, he would receive feedback, directly knowing their position.

This was because he had taken their Divine Domain core essence. When these lower-level subordinates recruited new subordinates, he would also get a response.

The entire Umbrella had already formed its own unique numbering system. Joining them naturally meant receiving a corresponding number and appearing on the star map.

However, looking at the star map, most of the light spots were clustered together. Even if they didn't form a cluster, a straight line also bordered other light spots.

But on the star map, some light spots were different from the main cluster, with no other light spots around them.

Xu Luo watched as they lit up their surroundings one by one, with neighboring light spots surrounding them.

These were people who had gone alone to develop in other areas, not competing with others.

At this point, Xu Luo was considering whether to go to the central area to develop. Now, with more and more Umbrella members around, he often easily encountered them.

After finally finding a Divine Domain, it would turn out to be an Umbrella member, greatly reducing efficiency.

Although he now had a greatly increased number of starships, the efficiency was actually lower than before.

Proportionally, many times the starships encountered targets already taken by other Umbrella members.

Xu Luo thought about sending starships directly to other star regions but decided against it after consideration.

He still frequently supplied the current starships, which was easy to do in the same star region, but the distance across a star region was too far.

At that time, one or two starships could easily be destroyed, and resupply would be very inconvenient. If relying on remote transmission from the Divine Domain, the cost across a star region would be something even True Gods wouldn't want to bear.

Other things were fine; the Zerg could be self-sufficient, but eggs had to be replenished, which was unavoidable.

So to open new battlefields in other star regions, he would have to wait until the number of starships increased further and could form a fleet.

Now, dispersing them one by one was just scattering forces.

Xu Luo was very clear about his positioning.

Increase the number of Umbrella members so that when collecting protection fees, he could receive more each time.

Then use the received protection fees to increase the number of starships and Leviathans.

When the time came, the starships would become a fleet, and the Leviathans would become a large army, directly challenging anyone.

Now, with his main force campaigning outside, his Divine Domain was just logistics, continuously increasing new Zerg and providing eggs.

Besides this, he also mediated various conflicts among Umbrella members, solving their problems, plundering competitors, keeping him busy every day.

He handled simple matters himself, casually sending some facehuggers over. For more troublesome issues, he assigned other members to resolve them.

Only for extremely difficult matters would he intervene personally.

If he had to handle everything himself, what were those subordinates for?

The reason Xu Luo had been operating on the fringes was that the central area was where powerful individuals gathered.

It wasn't that he couldn't win, but clashing head-on with such people could easily result in mutual destruction.

He wanted not just powerful experts but to maximize his gains while minimizing his losses.

If it was someone especially formidable, it would result in a situation where after one battle, the opponent would be defeated, but Xu Luo's forces would also suffer heavy losses, losing the ability to continue attacking.

The central area had more resources and opportunities, so powerful experts gathered there. His current strength couldn't do as he pleased there yet.

In the star region, besides Divine Domains, there were many other things.

Void turbulence, divine aberrations, void beasts, various god tombs, and most importantly, plane worlds.

The central area was where various resources were abundant, with resource-rich plane worlds all there, occupied by powerful Demi-Gods.

Others couldn't rely on believers' faith power to maintain a balance of income and expenditure; they needed other ways to make money.

Apart from their own Divine Domain's output, most people didn't take the path of invasion. Their armies were generally used to explore various plane worlds.

If they discovered a resource-rich plane world, they could make a huge profit.

In fact, most people still followed the steady development path, focusing on cultivation.

Those who gained without labor, relying on plunder, were after all a minority.

In the central area, fighting fiercely over a newly discovered plane world was a common occurrence.

There were many experts there, so the competition was very intense.

What Xu Luo hadn't expected was that some Umbrella members had gone there to develop new members.

He wasn't optimistic about the future of those few.

Now they were developing new subordinates, but what would happen when the subordinates were bullied and the boss couldn't handle it?

If they couldn't handle it, they would lose face.

Obviously, at that time, it would basically be certain that he would be called upon to intervene, but he didn't want to appear before those people so early.

It wasn't that he was afraid of them.

But those geniuses were already the focus of others' attention. If he engaged in large-scale battles with them, it could easily attract others' attention.

After attracting others' attention, many things would become difficult to do.

Wasn't it good to make money quietly without much attention like now?

He had money and people.

Continuously accumulating his strength and making a fortune quietly was the most important thing.

However, letting those people go to explore wasn't bad either. This way, he could also know the situation there, so he wouldn't be completely in the dark when he went there.

He would inevitably go there and confront those people in the future. Knowing some information in advance wasn't a bad thing.

Dismissing the star map and sensing the positions of other starships, Xu Luo's main consciousness returned to his Divine Domain.

His avatar on the starship was just a precaution.

In fact, he didn't need to concern himself with the actual battles.

Now the Zerg were becoming more and more comprehensive.

Worker bees for reconnaissance, Leviathans and Gold xenomorphs as high-end combat power to suppress everything.

Silver-tier was taken over by facehuggers, Bronze-tier Fire Locusts devoured everything.

The Butterfly General served as the supreme commander coordinating everything, with Creeps for logistics, Butterfly Fairies for healing, and also responsible for rear support.

When encountering large-scale enemy encirclements, Soul Butterflies were deployed. Below Gold-tier, basically facing Soul Butterflies, no matter how many came, they were just sending themselves to death.

It was precisely because everyone had their roles that Xu Luo didn't need to worry at all. He only needed to occasionally check on his battle results.

Now dozens of starships were conquering territories in various places, charging into battle for him. He only needed to stabilize the rear, ensuring his base wouldn't have any problems.

All Divine Domain core essences would be gathered to him. Not everyone was willing after being defeated.

Some people would be unwilling and directly use their connections to gather a group for revenge.

For these, Xu Luo naturally wouldn't be polite. He would beat them all down and then make them compensate.

So his Divine Domain itself also needed combat power.

In fact, the power needed in the Divine Domain was even stronger; otherwise, he couldn't maintain control.

Mainly because now there were more and more Divine Domain core essences, and the people he faced were getting stronger. If his strength wasn't enough, he couldn't control them at all!

As the saying goes, conquering the world isn't easy, but defending it is even harder.

He was constantly charging forward now, but the defense of the rear was also very important.

Every time he collected protection fees, there would be some troubles.

That was when the number of Umbrella members was small. Now with more members, it was even easier for various issues to arise.

Now with dozens of starships outside, the number could increase considerably in one Divine Domain day. One can imagine how many subordinates Xu Luo had on hand now.

It was only because others didn't know of his existence. Otherwise, they would definitely spare no effort to come and attack him.

So many Divine Domain essences represented numerous Divine Domains. Whether directly destroying them or using them for oneself, it was a huge power that anyone would covet.

So now Xu Luo was very low-key, not contacting others, and rarely directly destroying others' Divine Domain cores.

Because after destroying more than a thousand, a hint of blood color would appear in the transmission pillar.

When others saw someone like this, they would always be somewhat wary.

The difference between having it and not having it was still very huge.

Now Xu Luo was consciously controlling this destruction number.

There were actually many ways to destroy others' Divine Domains. Directly destroying the Divine Domain core was just the simplest and most brutal method.

Now when Xu Luo encountered those who completely didn't cooperate, he wouldn't directly destroy the Divine Domain core. He would first plunder everything of value in the Divine Domain, then let Mayflies and Fire Locusts gnaw away the entire Divine Domain ground, and afterward, seal the Divine Domain and sell it to others.

How others dealt with it was their business, having nothing to do with him.

The Divine Domain core was the foundation of a Divine Domain's existence. Many people lost their qualification to log into the World of Gods after their core was destroyed, but if someone gave them a core, they could start anew.

The human side had always had fewer Divine Domains. After encountering this situation, Xu Luo also had a way of handling it.

He completed his goal, could enhance the strength of the human side, and also gained benefits himself. It seemed much more profitable than direct destruction in any case.

If too many were destroyed, like Ying Yinglo, directly turning the transmission pillar blood red might look impressive, but who knows how many people's target he would become.

That wasn't what Xu Luo wanted.

[03/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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