Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 141: Standardized Management of the Umbrella

"Very good, you're a person of insight. You'll be happy with your wise choice in the future!" Xu Luo was delighted, having made another profit.

"Now, let's talk about the second matter."

"There's more?" Asiba's divine body couldn't help but coalesce.

"Strictly speaking, this is a transaction!" Xu Luo's consciousness descended onto the Leviathan, transforming into a flying dragon and approaching the two Demi-God avatars.

"In fact, this Divine Domain is my captive now, and everything is my spoils of war. But since you've joined us, I won't plunder you or take away your resources. So I want to ask, do you want units?"

"Units?" Asiba was puzzled.

"I have enough units now. I don't need to buy extra ones!"

"No, you're wrong. You don't have any units now. All these you see now are mine. So I'm asking if you need them. If you do, you can buy them from me at market price. Since we're in the same camp, I'll give you a 10% discount. If you don't need them, I'll take them all away!"

"These are my units!" Asiba became anxious. Without units, he would have no power to resist and would be at others' mercy.

"Now they're mine. If you need them, I can sell them to you!"

"You're worse than a robber!" Asiba was on the verge of collapse. How could there be such a person, actually selling his own units back to him?

"No, this is more promising than being a robber, and without the risks of robbery." Xu Luo looked towards Miami on the other side.

"The same goes for you. These barbarians are now my spoils of war. If you need them, I can also give you a discount."

Miami was dumbfounded like Asiba.

"But I don't have that much faith power," Asiba started to act poor and pitiful.

"It's alright. Valuable resources, weapons, equipment, and so on can all be converted. I won't let you suffer a loss. The valuation will be based on the highest market price."

Xu Luo appeared very fair.

"Of course, if you really don't have that much, it's fine too. You can write an IOU. We're all on the same side, I trust you. You just need to pay a little interest."

"You can't do this. This price is too high. I'm about to ascend to godhood. Without enough faith power, I won't be able to ignite my divine flame."

Asiba became anxious.

If he paid a large amount of faith power and lost his reserves, igniting the divine flame and guarding against external threats would be fatal for him.

"You don't need to worry about that. With my protection, no one can harm you. You can just focus on igniting your divine flame and ascending when the time comes!"

Xu Luo spoke unhurriedly.

Whatever concerns you have, I can help you solve them, but trying to default on the debt? Not a chance!

Asiba wanted to be tough, but seeing his dwindling forces, he really couldn't muster the courage.

They were negotiating here, but the battle below continued without stopping, as if by tacit agreement.

With no choice, Asiba could only grudgingly agree.

However, although he had faith crystal reserves on hand, he chose to sign a huge external debt.

His thinking was simple: he was about to ascend to godhood anyway. Let's see if they have the ability to come to the Divine Continent to collect the debt from him then.

After dealing with Asiba, Miami was even simpler, directly and honestly paying the ransom.

Only after taking a strand of their Divine Domain core essence did Xu Luo gather his troops and drive the starship towards the next target.

At this point, there were more than just the original three Gold-tier units on his starship. Due to the evolution crystals, many xenomorphs had advanced to the Gold tier, along with Earth Dragon Zerg and the commander Butterfly General, all of which had been upgraded to Gold tier.

Xenomorphs were, after all, consumables, so when combat power wasn't so urgently needed, Xu Luo still chose to prioritize upgrading other Zerg.

When combat power was needed, upgrading xenomorphs was a good choice, but when it wasn't so urgent, other Zerg had strong combat power and could provide a large amount of faith power, which was the correct development method.

Especially the Butterfly General, as a commander, its strength becoming stronger meant it wasn't afraid of the enemy's decapitation tactics, which was beneficial for the entire team.

Xu Luo could say he made a huge profit from Asiba.

At this point, his strength had already increased to the point where even beings like Asiba, who had developed for many years and were about to ascend to godhood, were no match for him.

Of course, those like Asiba were not the top-tier in any civilization, just middle-tier at best, not counting as the most powerful.

But Xu Luo had only developed for a short time. In the novice Divine Domain, he still had over 90 years left. Now, in such a short time, he had already reached this scale. What about in the future?

Defeating Asiba wasn't something to be happy about. What was truly worth being happy about was that Xu Luo had stored several evolution crystals.

Through the Overlord system's deduction of the Leviathan's next stage, Xu Luo already knew that it was impossible to deduce beyond Gold-tier 9 in the novice Divine Domain.

This was because the rules of the novice Divine Domain didn't allow it. This was also why Legendary powerhouses were so rare in the novice Divine Domain.

If Xu Luo wanted to cultivate Legendary-tier Zerg directly in the novice Divine Domain, he could only find ways from elsewhere.

Previously, his idea was to continuously collect evolution points and then try to forcibly stack up the Zerg's strength.

But now he didn't need to do this.

With evolution crystals, as long as there were enough, it wasn't impossible to easily upgrade.

Legendary and Epic were two thresholds.

One was the limit of living beings, and the other was the beginning of gods.

Xu Luo also learned what the specific conditions were for becoming a True God.

After Ying Yinglo directly became a True God, many people were curious and wanted to do the same. The Federation specially held a press conference to address this matter.

However, the Federation government's attitude was not supportive of doing this.

It was best to follow the path of Low God to True God steadily. Reaching the top in one step wasn't suitable for everyone.

To become a True God, first, one needed sufficient divine power.

What was sufficient divine power?

Igniting the divine flame and possessing one unit of divine power counted as a pseudo-god with weak divine power. At least ten units of divine power belonged to a Low God with weak divine power, and over a hundred units was an Intermediate God with medium divine power.

But the divine power requirement for High Gods was different from Intermediate Gods.

What was called strong divine power? At least ten thousand units of divine power were needed to be called strong!

This was why there were many Intermediate Gods, but few High Gods.

One hundred million faith power condensed into one unit of divine power. Ten thousand units of divine power were only ten billion, which didn't seem like much, and many people could achieve it.

But in fact, the boundary of divine power wasn't just this. The higher the level of one's divine power, the greater the consumption of the Divine Kingdom. It was easy to increase, but maintaining the Divine Kingdom's consumption became difficult.

A person with an annual salary of one million might drive a car worth one or two hundred thousand, but a person with an annual income of one hundred million wouldn't drive a car worth ten million.

The car was only part of the expenses. There were also houses and various miscellaneous costs.

It was the same for gods. The Divine Kingdom needed maintenance, believers needed to be supported, weapons and equipment needed to be provided, blessings needed to be given to believers, and sometimes battles would occur, which would consume divine power.

Increasing one unit of divine power, the consumption increased linearly.

If the output of one's Divine Kingdom couldn't keep up, gods wouldn't easily increase their divine power level.

This was just the requirement for High Gods.

For True Gods, the minimum requirement was one million units of divine power, then possessing one's own godhood, comprehending certain laws. After becoming a True God, one would form their own exclusive divine spell, then have their own divine domain, deriving divine authority.

Divine power, godhood, then the number of believers needed to reach a certain level, and there were also requirements for the number of fanatics and true spirits.

More importantly, to become a True God, one needed to have at least five subordinate gods.

How could it be so easy to become a True God directly from the novice Divine Domain!

Even if one could directly become a True God, the consumption after becoming a True God was something many people couldn't afford.

Those veteran gods were very cautious about advancing from Intermediate God to High God, let alone True God.

Having just become a True God, with everything needing to be built up and many places requiring money, plus having to support five subordinate gods, such expenses naturally weren't something ordinary people could bear.

Even Ying Yinglo couldn't do it, but she had the Ying family behind her, with two God Kings supporting her. The vulnerable period right after ascending to godhood could easily pass. Others couldn't do this!

This was why the Federation officially didn't recommend ordinary people to directly pursue becoming a True God in one step.

If it were really that easy, it would have been promoted long ago.

Except for those wealthy families with God Kings, others, even with True Gods, would find it difficult to support another True God.

After knowing the conditions, many people gave up the idea, but some persisted.

Xu Luo was one of those who persisted.

Although he didn't have a powerful family supporting him, he was also different from other gods.

First, the Zerg didn't need wages and had no extra expenses. During battle, consuming evolution points was enough, and only when evolving would they need a certain amount of faith power.

After truly ascending to godhood, he wouldn't need to support a large number of believers, saving a lot of expenses. At most, there would be some expenses for maintaining his level and tending to his Divine Kingdom, but with the faith power provided by the Zerg, it was enough to maintain his consumption.

It was because of this that he had confidence in directly becoming a True God.

Godhood was easy; it was just refining his Divine Domain core.

Five subordinate gods were also simple now. He just needed to raise five believers to Legendary, and when igniting the divine flame, let them follow along and ignite their divine flames, becoming pseudo-gods with weak divine power.

What was actually giving Xu Luo a headache now was the laws.

He had no clue about what this was.

But anyway, there was still a long time. He still needed to accumulate now. Igniting the divine flame was too far away for him.

Now he only needed to continuously expand the scale of the Umbrella and constantly increase the number of his starships.

This time, he had heavily extorted a large sum from Asiba and Miami, which could directly increase one starship.

The gains of the other nine teams were also not small. Although he was also consuming, there was still some surplus overall.

In addition to the gains of the ten teams, the Zerg themselves were also providing faith power, and new Zerg were constantly increasing. So when Xu Luo had more faith power on hand, he directly placed orders, giving a deposit first to start building starships.

Although he didn't have that much faith power, he only needed to give a deposit at first. By the time the starship was built, his faith power would have accumulated enough.

If he had to wait until faith power had accumulated enough before building starships, by the time the starships were built, it would be too late.

Xu Luo wanted to build as many starships as possible in the shortest time, then use the fastest speed to conquer as many as possible.

Before everyone reacted, he wanted to complete all this with military speed. Otherwise, once others implemented this model, it would be difficult to do later.

He wasn't just doing this himself now, but also mobilizing capable subordinates to do it together. Conquering cities and territories was all about racing against time.

He also provided reward measures. For example, there were rewards for recruiting 100 subordinates, and rewards for 1000 subordinates.

Not only were there actual faith power rewards, but also measures like rebates or reducing commissions to motivate them.

For powerful beings like Asiba and Miami, who had just been extorted by him and were in need of money, having such a good method to make up for their losses, they would naturally want to pass on the pain they experienced to others, while also transferring their own losses.

Anyway, with Xu Luo backing them up, even if they encountered powerful enemies, they could ask Xu Luo to intervene. This was equivalent to having a guarantee, so they could act without worry.

Because it wasn't just Xu Luo himself, but other Umbrella members were also taking action. To avoid Umbrella members attacking each other, Xu Luo specially designed a mark. Every Umbrella member needed to imprint this mark in their Divine Domain. The mark could be seen upon seeing the Divine Domain. Otherwise, if they were protected twice, there would be no place to reason.

Attacking each other within the Umbrella was prohibited, and everyone's own subordinates were to be marked well.

Anyway, everything was moving towards standardization.

As the members of the Umbrella grew more numerous, without reasonable management, it would only become more chaotic.

Everyone had a number. For example, Xu Luo was "0", and then his subordinates were "1", "2", "3", and so on, with no prefix. This was the first generation.

The subordinates of these people started with numbers like "01", "02", belonging to the second generation.

If they recruited subordinates, it would be "001", "002", and so on. And so forth.

These subordinates' numbers were common between them. It wasn't just one, two, three for their own, but arranged according to the order of recruitment. It was possible that your first subordinate was number two, and your second subordinate might be in the tens, hundreds, or even thousands.

In the World of Gods, setting up such a ranking system wasn't difficult. You only needed to pay a small fee, and the World of Gods would help you keep records.

[03/21 - Chapters Released this week]

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Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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