Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 143: Universal Genius Battle Platform


T/L Note: Sorry for the repeat and sporadic releases we will be resuming normal release times starting tomorrow 10/15/24. Release times 7am - 1pm Est; 3/chaps a day. - Work Related Issues and Increased Fatigue.

P.S - Today's 15 bonus chapters will be released after I get home from work tonight.

After completing the special training at No. 1 High School, Xu Luo became free.

Although he had been extremely agitated for a few days after Zhang Jian took him to see the living conditions of those at the bottom, he gradually recovered as he continuously invaded alien races.

After all, while he sympathized with those people, he couldn't truly empathize with them. At most, he would help them when he had the ability to do so.

Currently, the overall external environment was such that people across countless planets in the entire human civilization were tightening their belts to alleviate financial difficulties.

The wealthy families seemed carefree, but that was because they were financially robust and less affected, living off their previous accumulations.

However, their reserves were thick, while ordinary people's were thin. So ordinary people quickly exhausted their reserves and tragically fell into the lower class.

This was a very abnormal world. Logically, a world that could develop interstellar civilization shouldn't be like this.

But now, the interstellar environment was unfriendly to humans.

Humans, who had just entered the interstellar era for a few hundred years, were like toddlers learning to walk, ignorant of many things and constrained in various aspects.

For example, humans couldn't build the star gate technology for rapid travel between star regions and galaxies themselves. They had to pay hundreds of billions of star coins in patent fees to the Mercury Civilization every year. If problems arose, the maintenance costs were also a painfully large number.

The exchange rate between star coins and credit points was now 1:1003.02, frighteningly high.

This was just the expenditure for one technology. The entire human civilization had to pay for more than just this.

Originally, there were three pillars to alleviate the pressure, but now with only two left, they had to compensate from other aspects.

Especially the aftermath of the Galaxy Group's bankruptcy was the most troublesome.

After the Galaxy Group's bankruptcy, the penalty for breaching contracts signed with alien civilizations was directly borne by the Federation, because it was previously backed by the Federation's credit. This further strained the Federation's finances.

This was the fundamental reason why the Federation made the decision to sell original food.

If they didn't do this, the Federation would directly collapse.

Although the root cause was the polarization between humans, the internal strife between the President and the wealthy families.

However, even knowing these things, Xu Luo had no way to change anything.

Although he was a transmigrator, in this interstellar era where countless civilizations coexisted, he was as insignificant as a speck of dust.

If he really wanted to change all this, perhaps only when he became a Main God could he use the Main God's ability to influence reality through virtual means, forcibly pressuring the two opposing classes to reconcile.

Eliminating either class would be a heavy blow to the entire human civilization.

Now, Xu Luo was just a 15-year-old, not yet 16, high school student.

He had some say in the novice Divine Domain of the World of Gods, but couldn't influence much yet.

He wasn't a saint who thought that because he was a transmigrator, and the people of this world were suffering so much, he must be a chosen one who needed to save this world since he had transmigrated here and obtained a system.

Such childish thoughts wouldn't even appear in his mind.

For him, taking care of himself came first. Perhaps only after he had surplus strength would he help those he found agreeable.

As the old saying goes, when prosperous, one helps the world; when poor, one cultivates oneself.

Now, he was the latter, just needing to take care of himself.

The expedition in the Divine Domain was on track and didn't need his constant attention. Xu Luo directly set certain conditions. When triggered, his personal assistant would remind him. Then he immersed himself in the arena.

Although he no longer needed to go to No. 1 High School for special training, to be fair, that training method not only increased his real-world combat ability but more importantly increased his control over his Demi-God power.

Being able to increase his own strength was enough.

Xu Luo quickly learned all the swordsmanship and other skills taught by various professors at No. 1 High School in a short time, relying on the xenomorphs' powerful learning ability.

Now, Zhang Jian had nothing left to teach him, so he immersed himself in the arena, fighting others and stealing their techniques.

Although most people learned the same things as him, with only a small portion learning different things, and what he learned was fragmented.

But those who could fight to his level and be matched with him were extraordinary in themselves, having things worth learning.

He recorded what was useful to him. After fighting several opponents, he might even get a complete set.

In this way, his strength grew stronger and stronger, defeating more and more opponents.

Often, a single match would take a long time.

Xu Luo's rule for himself was that after waiting for half an hour, he would expand the matching range.

Starting from the whole city, the whole district, and so on.

But now, even matching across all of humanity, it was difficult to find opponents at his level.

Firstly, there were few opponents; secondly, when others weren't online or hadn't opened matching, he simply couldn't find any.

Without engaging in full star region battles, star region battles would pit him against other civilizations in nearby star regions. Those alien races were eyeing humans covetously, constantly watching human geniuses, and many had already fallen victim.

Xu Luo directly started the highest level of all-civilization battles, namely universal battles.

At this point, he would be matched with beings of the same level from all civilizations. No one knew who anyone was, and it didn't matter if you won or lost. This was safe enough.

After starting the matching, Xu Luo thought he would wait for a while like before. Unexpectedly, as soon as he activated the matching, he entered the arena's battle room the next second.

This speed was so fast that it caught him off guard.

However, this also showed that among all the civilizations in the universe, his current strength was nothing special. There were many people at his current level, which was why he could enter instantly.

At this time, his opponent appeared to be a six-armed Naga, impossible to tell which civilization they were from.

Similar to him, Xu Luo looked like a mantis, holding a watermelon knife, and his name was "Wild Slash Street".

This was the image he chose for himself, with a somewhat trollish name.

However, judging from his previous combat power, he really had the capability to wildly slash a street.

"Bro, you're quite fierce!" The six-armed Naga opposite him spoke.

"You have the highest win rate I've seen among opponents in the arena for so long. Two thousand plus battles and actually an 89% win rate!"

The arena couldn't fake records.

Here, opponents were randomly assigned. You couldn't choose your opponent, and those matched were always of similar strength. No one could say who would definitely win or lose against such opponents.

Maintaining an 80% plus win rate was simply terrifying.

And it wasn't just ten or twenty matches, but maintaining this win rate after over two thousand matches was like a fairy tale.

"By rights, someone like you shouldn't still be in our tier. You should have been promoted long ago!"

The six-armed Naga was very puzzled. If a person performed too dominantly, they would be directly promoted, skipping to the next level. How could he still be with them?

Unfortunately, he didn't know that a certain someone didn't know about these things at all and had climbed up step by step from each region, only moving to a higher stage when he couldn't find opponents.

Zhang Jian hadn't told Xu Luo about this because he himself didn't know about such things.

Universal-level matching wasn't something ordinary people could achieve, let alone dominate.

Xu Luo didn't speak.

In battle, his personality was to act rather than talk unnecessarily.

Seeing that Xu Luo didn't speak, the six-armed Naga realized this opponent didn't like to communicate and stopped talking further.

As an elite of the sea realm, Nagas were absolutely among the best, especially adult Nagas, whose combat power was off the charts. Six-armed Nagas were even rarer opponents.

Wielding six weapons simultaneously, they were like three-headed, six-armed Nezhas, extremely powerful in both one-on-one and group battles.

Xu Luo didn't know how strong this opponent was, but putting himself in their shoes, he figured that to fight to this level, their strength must not be weak.

As his first opponent in the universal arena, he didn't dare to be careless and directly put in 120% effort.

But he didn't know that at this moment, his opponent was even more panicked than him.

Somehow, such a demon-level expert had suddenly appeared.

How could such a monster with such a high win rate appear in the novice area?

Shouldn't someone with such a record be directly transferred to the normal area?

But no one could answer these questions for him.

The countdown quickly ended, and their duel began.

Xu Luo stood there loosely holding a watermelon knife, seemingly completely unguarded, but when one really wanted to attack, it gave a feeling of having no opening.

At this time, the six-armed Naga's six sturdy arms each held a weapon.

Knife, sword, a pair of short hammers, axe, halberd - six weapons that looked very intimidating, not to mention the over three-meter-tall body.

In comparison, Xu Luo, only about 1.6 meters tall, was too small.

There was no comparison in size between the six-armed Naga and the mantis.

Without any communication between them, they directly engaged in the most brutal battle.

Xu Luo's techniques, apart from Zhang Jian's training and learning various racial swordsmanship and martial arts compiled by humans, were all stolen from others during battles and then integrated to form his own unique fighting style.

The six-armed Naga, on the other hand, seemed to have undergone orthodox training, systematically learning various fighting styles.

When the two fought, it was the difference between a wild style and orthodox training.

At this time, their battle was actually being watched by others.

The six-armed Naga was not a nobody. Being able to fight at the universal level meant he wasn't weak.

The same was true for Xu Luo, though he didn't know it himself.

In fact, through successive battles, he had already accumulated a group of loyal fans who would come to watch whenever he started fighting in the arena.

As he repeatedly rose to higher stages, now even contending with universal-level geniuses, these spectators were more excited than he was.

At first, they just thought he was someone with some talent and potential, but unexpectedly, he had soared to great heights.

It gave them a feeling of watching someone grow up and become successful.

Regardless of how others viewed it, the two combatants were not affected by others at all.

The two figures quickly crossed paths, and in just a brief moment, Xu Luo had slashed four times, all of which the six-armed Naga had defended against.

Although he had blocked all of the opponent's attacks, as they crossed and it was now his turn to attack, feeling the weapons in his hands that had just contacted the opponent's chopping knife continuously trembling, this alien was extremely shocked.

This was something he had never experienced before.

Just one slash had nearly made him unable to hold onto his weapons. What kind of power was this from the opponent!

They were both from the novice area, and at this level, their power should be similar. The opponent gave him the feeling that their power was much stronger than his own, not actually much stronger, but able to exert more effect with the same power.

Xu Luo didn't feel anything, and after turning back, he launched another fierce attack.

His body was much smaller than the six-armed Naga's, correspondingly making him appear much more agile.

In his view, this six-armed Naga was still a bit too clumsy.

He wasn't very nimble when dodging and maneuvering.

Just after engaging and making contact briefly, Xu Luo had roughly figured out the opponent's capabilities.

In the subsequent battle, he became even more unrestrained. With equal power, his control was stronger, able to exert more with the same power, directly defeating the opponent with an overwhelming advantage.

Victory was already commonplace for him.

Now he was on a winning streak, long past feeling anything special.

Now facing geniuses from across the universe, he felt his heart full of passion.

Even the first-round opponent was not weak.

Moreover, such opponents allowed him to learn some things. Fighting with such people was even more beneficial for him.

After defeating one, Xu Luo eagerly started the next match, wondering if he would encounter someone truly formidable.

He felt the current opponents were still a bit weak. Not that they weren't strong, but facing him, they seemed just so-so.

At his level, to improve himself, apart from his own diligent training, what was more important was having evenly matched opponents. Only then would there be very great progress.

However, with the previous experience, Xu Luo wasn't in a hurry.

At the beginning when changing maps, those who had just entered were always a bit weaker, but as it progressed to later stages, they would become stronger and stronger.

That would be the time for him to really take action.

At first, he thought that coming to the universal stage, he might be directly swept away, so he wanted to bring out some real skills.

Unexpectedly, he directly took down the six-armed Naga.

It could only be said that plans can't keep up with changes. At the same time, this six-armed Naga looked intimidating but was still a bit weak in actual strength.

[06/21 - Chapters Released this week]

( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ Thanks for Reading. \(゚ー゚\)

Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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