Remnants anomaly


"There is going to be a lot of blood and backlash if we do this boss , are you sure we can't just sit down with khan and get her to call it off?" eric asked hopefully. leon shook his head "she isn't actually in control of the white fang. most of the members of the white fang are loyal to adam taurus and the twin advisors in truth. even if we went to her there was nothing she could do and in fact she may even get herself killed trying. unfortunately this is the only result we have since killing the ringleaders would only make them martyrs." leon said while staring at the ceiling.

"I see , what are the rules for engagement then boss?" eric asked seriously. "spider webs and scalpels , for the majority but i will personally deal with torchwick and his accomplishes." leon said with a cold look. "may the gods have mercy upon them." eric said and leon finished "because we shall have none." he said before eric started sending out orders on his scroll to the devil's den members. the whole organization could tell that the white fang must have sinned on a huge scale for the orders they got involving them.

Spider webs referred to gathering the targets together in a trap and scalpels to using precise explosions to take them out before using bullets to finish all those that survive the initial explosions. leon designed both actions around the premise that they may need to quietly kill off a large amount of targets. the term quietly in this case isn't in reference to sound but in the amount of destruction the actions caused. each explosion was specifically made to only barely fill the area of the trap without affecting the surrounding buildings making the structural damage to the city almost non existent.

It took a week for the organization to pin down the members of the white fang as well as lure them into the traps. the massacre went off quietly with all of the attending white fang members dying off in a single evening. ozpin pulled some strings to have all of the small scale explosions written off as mass gas leaks gone wrong. torchwick was far harder to pin down as his intuition caused him to go into hiding. this didn't stop leon from tracking the man down on the wednesday following the massacre.

Torchwick thought he was clever using his much lesser known accomplish neopolitan to collect intel and supplies. leon tracked the girl with a cold gaze as she blended into the crowds in an attempt to throw off any stalkers but leon was a pro at following his prey. she disappeared into a few shops only to exit out of the backs cautiously but leon knew that trick. finally the girl relaxed her guard and returned to torchwick's hiding place , a small apartment that was completely average in all regards. leon admitted that it was a useful trick of subverting expectations on torchwick's part but he called it in with ozpin to let him know what he was about to do.

Leon walked towards the apartment casually like he wasn't here to kill people while having a neutral expression. just as casually leon covered to back walls and roof of the complex in razor mesh ,a thin fabric like material that sliced through material that touched it like razors. this left torchwick only two possible routes of escape , the floor and the front. if he went through the floor in a preprepared tunnel leon would flood it with hell fire.

If he went through any of the front parts of the complex leon could tag him with all sorts of attacks. roman didn't know why but his intuition was screaming at him about danger and it made him nervous since he should be completely safe. "neo dearest are you certain no one could have followed here?" he asked the girl impatiently. she nodded and held up a book to show she used "all the tricks in the book" as it were. roman could tell she was being honest so if anyone had found them it likely wasn't her fault.


I got my p@treOn set up in case you guys want to support me.

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