Remnants anomaly


Roman thought about bailing from the apartment building to a secondary hiding spot he always had set up. he didn't get the chance however as the door to the room shattered as leon spartan kicked it off the hinges. roman wasted no time pointing the bottom of his cane at leon and pulling the trigger sending a blast of flame into him. the blast shattered leons aura shield and badly burned his chest and arms that he protected his face with. roman thought leon was as good a s dead after taking a blast like that but when the smoke cleared he froze.

Roman watched in horror as the terrible burns visibly healed and vanished right in front of his eyes like an act of god. "i don't suppose we could discuss this like civilized people?" roman asked not holding out hope. leon locked eyes with the man "no" he said before the room flooded with hell fire killing roman and neopolitan instantly. neither of them had even gotten a chance to go for the tunnel before the flame devoured them. leon didn't believe in giving his enemies the chance to come back later to bite him in the backside.

This seemed cruel but leon knew that some people simply didn't want to turn over a new leaf and torchwick was one such person. as for neo , she was simply loyal to the wrong person and wasn't going to stop trying to avenge torchwick if he spared her. leon callously nipped that potential problem in the bud. leon reported to ozpin about what happened before heading back to the devil's den to finish this matter once and for all. the vale police force got an anonymous tip to the warehouses that stored the stolen dust and made headlines.

For the next three days leon was off the grid relaxing to relieve the stress of his decisions at least a little. no one could contact leon during this time as he sent all calls to voicemail and left the messages unanswered. leon was sitting next to a lake in a place humanity rarely if ever visited on a lawn chair while holding a fishing rod. there were no concerns while he was here and the few grim that tried to attack him burnt away in an instant. in this location nothing mattered to leon and he was at peace , fully focused on the rod in his hand.

Leon stayed here for three whole days and even held his rod as he slept in the chair simply letting the world move on around him. on the evening of the final day leon packed up his stuff and flew back towards vale much more relaxed. even dealing with the backlash from the operation didn't bother leon since he was prepared for it. the other underworld groups wanted reassurances that they wouldn't be the targets of such a brutal culling , but leon explained the circumstances behind the operation and the other groups tacitly agreed on it's necessity.

The most troublesome meeting however was with the "leader" of the white fang sienna khan. "I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION!" the tiger faunus yelled at leon in the meeting room. he calmly showed her the file on the subject and waited patiently. "this is impossible i never gave the go ahead for such an activity!" she said angrily slamming the file onto the table. "and yet such a foolish thing was in the works , it's all there in the file , along with the reason the operation was necessary." leon said calmly entirely unaffected by her temper.

"I can't believe you think adam and the fennecs are snatching power from me , they are the most loyal members i know!" she said glaring at leon who was not even slightly intimidated by her. "the fact this was going on under your nose speaks volumes about the subject but if you were to look through your own records the pattern becomes quite clear. those three have been slowly drawing the white fang as a whole out of your control and into theirs. feel free to come back after you see it for yourself." leon said calmly dismissing her.


I realized i needed to add the membership tier to my P@treon to have you guy support me if you wanted to so i fixed it.

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