Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 24 (9)

Dear Diary,

Item one: the yetis are weird.

Item two: the ants were eaten by bats.

Item three: I don’t like bats.

Item four: marble jumps are cool.

Item five: I think that’s about it.

Kimi said I should make a list of things I want to talk about in my diary before I write, to organize my thoughts and so I don’t forget anything. So yep, let’s see if this works.

The yetis are weird. Like seriously. Super weird. Only one of them is allowed to talk at a time, and they indicate that they’ll be talking by raising their hand. If we did that, Kimi and I would have killed each other like twenty cycles ago. And any decisions they make, have to be voted on. Like, I asked if anyone wanted the last slice of pizza, and they discussed it as a group.

But, they decided to stand at the edge of the canyon and shoot at bats while we climbed down, so I shouldn’t complain.

Oh! That brings me to item two! The flying ants! They keep getting eaten by bats. Apparently when one gets killed, the hive mind thing they have going on notices, but they don’t feel it. They don’t know if the individual bugs feel anything, but they doubt it. They respawn back with the queen at midnight, or when the last one dies. So as long as one flying ant survives, they’re with us.

So we decided to have one ant on each of us while we climb down. Because the ants are cool and help us without asking for anything. Mine stays hidden in the floof at the end of my tail. Aya and Kimi’s stay in their hoodie hoods, Mika and Lilly’s stay up by their ears (I tried that, but couldn’t stand a bug in my hair). Staab and Y’s stay in their pockets.

Oh yeah! So, this isn’t on the list of things to talk about because I forgot, but Y is coming with us now. I think he mostly just wants to spend more time with Kimi, but he finds everything fascinating. When he’s really interested in something he touches the bridge of his nose, and Kimi says it’s because he used to wear glasses. Which, that’s cute. I like Y, he’s a good guy.

But next item, I don’t like bats. They’re not as bad as slimes, but they’re more… aggressive? The slimes aren’t smart about how they attack, because they don’t have to be. The bats, tho, they think about how to attack, and attack in pairs. We’re going to try teleporting next time, and see if that helps.

Lastly, marble jumps are super cool! The marbles go down, picking up speed, then go up, nyoom, and fly through the air to the next part of the track. Which, we’ve been using tiny portal things to get the marbles back to the top of the tracks, but jumps work just as good and are three times as cool. We have to find some way of dismantling the tracks that Mika has so we can add jumps to them, because it’s too cool not to.

Plus, it’s cool because it’s made out of snow.

Hah, cold pun.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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