Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 24 (8)


Dear Diary,

We got to talk to the yetis! We gave them calzones and ice cream cake, which they liked. They’re kinda weird, very formal. They even have an actual year calendar, which I think is super weird, since we and the kobolds only go by cycles. They have a strict democracy system going, which, whatever works for them. I would hate it if we’d decided at the beginning that one of us had to be the “leader”, and that we always had to vote on things. I mean, we just do our jobs, do what we want, and get along fine. And the kobolds, they don’t really have jobs, but Lewis the dragon is leader by default, and any problems they have are taken to him. They live their lives, same as us, and everything’s fine.

But these guys, holy crap. There are fifteen of them, and I guess they vote on everything. They’d voted to keep attacking us, but when we…

Ok so, Kimi told Y that we weren’t sure what to do about the yetis, and he suggested we get a big group of kobolds, and try going down there. The yetis would see they couldn’t win a straight fight, and would talk. Or, if they did fight, we’d just kill all but one of them and tie that one up to talk to. So he got a couple of his friends to join, and Mika got her band to join, and I got Nat to join, and Nat knew who of the kobolds wanted to see more floors and got them to join, and by the end we had like a hundred kobolds with us. And the flying ants.

So we went down in a big group, and the yetis kinda freaked out and tried to run away, but we chased them down saying we only wanted to be friends. They didn’t believe us until Nat and I brought out the calzones.

So we talked, they’re weird, and they told us that the ice canyon appeared this cycle. They said that the door moved, and is now at the bottom of the canyon, so Aya was right. Apparently the yetis sent an expedition down to get to the door, but they got killed by the frost bats and gave up. They said they were going to think about it and vote on whether or not they’ll help us get through their floor.

So we parted on good terms, climbed down into the canyon with the kobolds, and were swarmed by bats.

The bats have two main attacks, biting and pulling. The bite leaves frostbite around the fang marks, but it doesn’t poison or anything. Just hurts. But the pulling is pulling us off the cliff and dropping us so we fall to our deaths.

I died pretty early. Mika was the last of us to die, since she isn’t affected by cold. Being the blue one has its perks. She said that like thirty kobolds made it to the ground, and it’s super hard to see down there. So we’ll have to figure out a way of clearing the fog. She said that she was killed by a big white tiger lion leopard thing without eyes. And she bets that none of the kobolds survived, but we’ll find out tomorrow.

We aren’t sure what happened to the ants. They’re so small, and become basically invisible in the fog. I guess they were eaten by bats? We’ll find that out tomorrow, too, when Aya goes to talk to them. She likes the ants. Which, it’s good that at least one of us really likes the ants, so they stay our friends.

Anyways, I have to make meatballs for the dire wolves for tomorrow.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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